


在React Router中,想要做基于路由的左右滑动,我们首先得搞清楚当发生路由跳转的时候到底发生了什么,和路由动画的原理。


了解完history后,我们再来复习一下react router跳转的流程。


用户发出跳转指令 -> 浏览器历史接到指令,发生改变 -> 旧页面销毁,新页面应用到文档,跳转完成


用户发出跳转指令 -> 浏览器历史接到指令,发生改变 -> 新页面插入到旧页面的同级位置之前 -> 等待时间达到在React-Transition-Group中设置的timeout后,旧页面销毁,跳转完成。

当触发跳转后,页面的url发生改变,如果之前有在history的listen方法上注册过自己的监听函数,那么这个函数也将被调用。但是hisory要在组件的props里才能获取到,为了能在组件外部也能获取到history对象,我们就要安装一个包:https://github.com/ReactTraining/history。用这个包为我们创建的history替换掉react router自带的history对象,我们就能够在任何地方访问到history对象了。

import { Router } from 'react-router-dom';

import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';

const history = createBrowserHistory()

<Router history={history}>






由于无论用户点击浏览器的前进按钮或是后退按钮,在history.listen中获得的action都将为pop,而react router也没有提供相应的api,所以只能由开发者借助location的key自行判断。如果用户先点击浏览器返回按钮,再点击前进按钮,我们就会获得一个和之前相同的key。

知道了这些后,我们就可以开始编写代码了。首先我们先按照react router官方提供的路由动画案例,将react transition group添加进路由组件:

<Router history={history}>
<Route render={(params) => {
const { location } = params
return (
<TransitionGroup id={'routeWrap'}>
<CSSTransition classNames={'router'} timeout={350} key={location.pathname}>
<Switch location={location} key={location.pathname}>
<Route path='/' component={Index}/>












position: fixed;
opacity: 0;
transition : left 1s;
position: relative;
opacity: 0; /*js执行到到timeout函数后再出现,防止页面闪烁*/
position: relative;
z-index: 1000;

这里有个问题:为什么enter的时候新页面position要设成fixed呢?是因为qq浏览器下如果执行history.pop会导致新页面先撑开文档再执行listen函数从而导致获取不到旧页面的滚动位置。为了在transition group提供的钩子函数onEnter中获得旧页面的滚动位置只能先将enter设为fixed。


const config = {
routeAnimationDuration: 350,
}; let historyKeys: string[] = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('historyKeys')); // 记录history.location.key的列表。存储进sessionStorage以防刷新丢失 if (!historyKeys) {
historyKeys = history.location.key ? [history.location.key] : [''];
} let lastPathname = history.location.pathname;
const positionRecord = {};
let isAnimating = false;
let bodyOverflowX = ''; let currentHistoryPosition = historyKeys.indexOf(history.location.key); // 记录当前页面的location.key在historyKeys中的位置
currentHistoryPosition = currentHistoryPosition === -1 ? 0 : currentHistoryPosition;
history.listen((() => {
if (lastPathname === history.location.pathname) { return; } if (!history.location.key) { // 目标页为初始页
historyKeys[0] = '';
const delay = 50; // 适当的延时以保证动画生效
if (!isAnimating) { // 如果正在进行路由动画则不改变之前记录的bodyOverflowX
bodyOverflowX = document.body.style.overflowX;
const routerWrap = document.getElementById(wrapId);
const originPage = routerWrap.children[routerWrap.children.length - 1] as HTMLElement;
const oPosition = originPage.style.position;
setTimeout(() => { // 动画结束后还原相关属性
document.body.style.overflowX = bodyOverflowX;
originPage.style.position = oPosition;
isAnimating = false;
}, routeAnimationDuration + delay + 50); // 多50毫秒确保动画执行完毕
document.body.style.overflowX = 'hidden'; // 防止动画导致横向滚动条出现 if (history.location.state && history.location.state.noAnimate) { // 如果指定不要发生路由动画则让新页面直接出现
setTimeout(() => {
const wrap = document.getElementById(wrapId);
const newPage = wrap.children[0] as HTMLElement;
const oldPage = wrap.children[1] as HTMLElement;
newPage.style.opacity = '1';
oldPage.style.display = 'none';
const { action } = history; const currentRouterKey = history.location.key ? history.location.key : '';
const oldScrollTop = window.scrollY;
originPage.style.top = -oldScrollTop + 'px'; // 防止页面滚回顶部
originPage.style.position = 'fixed';
setTimeout(() => { // 新页面已插入到旧页面之前
isAnimating = true;
const wrap = document.getElementById(wrapId);
const newPage = wrap.children[0] as HTMLElement;
const oldPage = wrap.children[1] as HTMLElement;
if (!newPage || !oldPage) {
const currentPath = history.location.pathname; const isForward = historyKeys[currentHistoryPosition + 1] === currentRouterKey; // 判断是否是用户点击前进按钮 if (action === 'PUSH' || isForward) {
positionRecord[lastPathname] = oldScrollTop; // 根据之前记录的pathname来记录旧页面滚动位置
window.scrollTo(0, 0); // 如果是点击前进按钮或者是history.push则滚动位置归零
if (action === 'PUSH') {
historyKeys = historyKeys.slice(0, currentHistoryPosition + 1);
historyKeys.push(currentRouterKey); // 如果是history.push则清除无用的key
} else {
if (isRememberPosition) {
setTimeout(() => {
window.scrollTo(0, positionRecord[currentPath]); // 滚动到之前记录的位置
console.log('scrollto' + positionRecord[currentPath]);
}, 50);
} // 删除滚动记录列表中所有子路由滚动记录
for (const key in positionRecord) {
if (key === currentPath) {
if (key.startsWith(currentPath)) {
delete positionRecord[key];
} if (action === 'REPLACE') { // 如果为replace则替换当前路由key为新路由key
historyKeys[currentHistoryPosition] = currentRouterKey;
window.sessionStorage.setItem('historyKeys', JSON.stringify(historyKeys)); // 对路径key列表historyKeys的修改完毕,存储到sessionStorage中以防刷新导致丢失。 // 开始进行滑动动画
newPage.style.width = '100%';
oldPage.style.width = '100%';
newPage.style.top = '0px';
if (action === 'PUSH' || isForward) {
newPage.style.left = '100%';
oldPage.style.left = '0'; newPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
oldPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
oldPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`; setTimeout(() => { newPage.style.opacity = '1'; // 防止页面闪烁
newPage.style.left = '0';
oldPage.style.left = '-100%';
}, delay);
} else {
newPage.style.left = '-100%';
oldPage.style.left = '0';
setTimeout(() => {
oldPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
oldPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.left = '0';
oldPage.style.left = '100%';
newPage.style.opacity = '1';
}, delay);
currentHistoryPosition = historyKeys.indexOf(currentRouterKey); // 记录当前history.location.key在historyKeys中的位置
lastPathname = history.location.pathname;// 记录当前pathname作为滚动位置的键
}, 50);
  dPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
oldPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`; setTimeout(() => { newPage.style.opacity = '1'; // 防止页面闪烁
newPage.style.left = '0';
oldPage.style.left = '-100%'; console.log(newPage.style.left);
}, delay);
} else {
newPage.style.left = '-100%';
oldPage.style.left = '0';
setTimeout(() => {
oldPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
oldPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.transition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.webkitTransition = `left ${(routeAnimationDuration - delay) / 1000}s`;
newPage.style.left = '0';
oldPage.style.left = '100%';
newPage.style.opacity = '1';
}, delay);
currentHistoryPosition = historyKeys.indexOf(currentRouterKey); // 记录当前history.location.key在historyKeys中的位置
lastPathname = history.location.pathname;// 记录当前pathname作为滚动位置的键

完成后我们再将路由中的延时配置为当前定义的config.routeAnimationDuration :

let currentScrollPosition = 0
const syncScrollPosition = () => { // 由于x5内核会先撑开文档再执行listen函数,所以要在onEnter的时候就去获得滚动条位置。
currentScrollPosition = window.scrollY
} export const routes = () => {
return (
<Router history={history}>
<Route render={(params) => {
const { location } = params;
return (
<TransitionGroup id={'routeWrap'}>
<CSSTransition classNames={'router'} timeout={config.routeAnimationDuration} key={location.pathname}
<Switch location={location} key={location.pathname}>
<Route path='/' exact={true} component={Page1} />
<Route path='/2' exact={true} component={Page2} />
<Route path='/3' exact={true} component={Page3} />




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