
DATE/TIME:    2018/7/30 12:10:52

DESCRIPTION: BackupDiskFile::CreateMedia: Backup device 'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\xxxx_[2018-07-30_06h03m10_Mon]_logs.TRN' failed to create. Operating system error 32(failed to retrieve text for this error. Reason: 15105).

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JOB RUN:  (None)

关于Operating system error 32,这个错误代码对应的错误信息为:

The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

其实以前刚好遇到过这样的案例,使用AplexSQL Log去分析事务日志的备份文件,YourSQLDba的事务日志备份的时候,就会遇到上面错误(YourSQLDba_LogBackups事务日志备份会追加到同一个备份文件),但是这个怎么定位这个错误呢?其实出现这个错误,一定有相关进程在访问事务日志备份文件,那么只要排查这些应用或程序即可。刚好最近配置了AWS的DMS的(DMS简单介绍如下,具体参考官方文档https://docs.aws.amazon.com/zh_cn/dms/latest/userguide/Welcome.html)

在最基本级别上,AWS DMS 是 AWS 云中运行复制软件的服务器。您创建源和目标连接以告知 AWS DMS 要进行提取和加载的位置。然后,计划在此服务器上运行以迁移数据的任务。AWS DMS 会创建表和关联的主键 (如果它们在目标上不存在)。如果您愿意,则可以预先手动创建目标表。或者,也可以使用 AWS SCT 创建部分或全部目标表、索引、视图、触发器等。

因为DMS有时候会读取事务日志备份文件中的内容,通过DPA监控,刚好找的了这个DMS的账号,在事务日志备份的时间点在执行下面SQL语句(如下所示)。那么就是因为这个进程在读取事务日志备份中内容(跟普通的Replication有点不同),导致事务日志备份出现Operating system error 32错误(The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)


  1.  SELECT /* top 50000 */

  1.         [Current LSN] ,

  1.         [Operation] ,

  1.         [Context] ,

  1.         [Transaction ID] ,

  1.         [Transaction Name] ,

  1.         [Begin Time] ,

  1.         [End Time] ,

  1.         [Flag Bits] ,

  1.         [PartitionId] ,

  1.         [Page ID] ,

  1.         [Slot ID] ,

  1.         [RowLog Contents 0] ,

  1.         [Log Record] ,

  1.         [RowLog Contents 1]

  1.  FROM   sys.fn_dump_dblog(@P1, NULL, NULL, 11,

  1.                           'M:\DB_BACKUP\LOG_BACKUP\xxxx_[2018-08-01_06h06m19_Wed]_logs.TRN',

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

  1.                           NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)

  1.  WHERE  [Current LSN] COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS >= @P2 COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

  1.         AND ( ( [Operation] IN ( 'LOP_COMMIT_XACT', 'LOP_ABORT_XACT' )

  1.                 OR ( [Operation] = 'LOP_BEGIN_XACT' /* and [Transaction SID]=SUSER_SID('') */ )

  1.               )

  1.               OR ( ( ( [Operation] IN ( 'LOP_INSERT_ROWS', 'LOP_DELETE_ROWS' )

  1.                        AND [Context] IN ( 'LCX_HEAP', 'LCX_CLUSTERED',

  1.                                           'LCX_MARK_AS_GHOST' )

  1.                      )

  1.                      OR ( [Operation] IN ( 'LOP_INSERT_ROWS', 'LOP_MODIFY_ROW' )

  1.                           AND [Context] = 'LCX_TEXT_MIX'

  1.                           AND DATALENGTH([RowLog Contents 0]) IN ( 0, 14, 28 )

  1.                         )

  1.                    )

  1.                    AND [PartitionId] IN ( 72057596166537216, 72057596166471680,

  1.                                           72057596166406144, 72057596327559168,

  1.                                           72057596160180224, 72057596361506816,

  1.                                           72057596119613440, 72057596119744512,

  1.                                           72057596119678976, 72057596120006656,

  1.                                           72057596119941120, 72057596120137728,

  1.                                           72057596545859584, 72057596119810048,

  1.                                           72057596231417856, 72057596418523136,

  1.                                           72057596441067520, 72057596381364224,

  1.                                           72057594562543616, 72057596104671232,

  1.                                           72057594585808896, 72057594585874432,

  1.                                           72057596242952192, 72057596168962048,

  1.                                           72057596054994944, 72057596055453696,

  1.                                           72057596035072000, 72057596055126016,

  1.                                           72057596091039744, 72057596381495296,

  1.                                           72057596381560832, 72057596524298240,

  1.                                           72057595958067200, 72057596469116928,

  1.                                           72057596462628864, 72057596454699008,

  1.                                           72057596241641472, 72057595958853632,

  1.                                           72057594563526656, 72057594563657728,

  1.                                           72057594563723264, 72057596502802432,

  1.                                           72057596484845568, 72057596484911104,

  1.                                           72057596575285248, 72057596554575872,

  1.                                           72057596485107712, 72057596485238784,

  1.                                           72057596485304320, 72057596485369856,

  1.                                           72057596551430144, 72057596485500928,

  1.                                           72057594601275392, 72057594621394944,

  1.                                           72057596548677632, 72057596561719296,

  1.                                           72057596218638336, 72057596376842240,

  1.                                           72057596357443584, 72057596357509120,

  1.                                           72057596358164480, 72057596112207872,

  1.                                           72057596023865344, 72057595959902208,

  1.                                           72057595961081856, 72057594588889088,

  1.                                           72057596112142336, 72057596410003456,

  1.                                           72057595938275328, 72057596192096256,

  1.                                           72057596192161792, 72057596367208448,

  1.                                           72057595961868288, 72057596245508096,

  1.                                           72057596250554368, 72057594565689344,

  1.                                           72057596192227328, 72057596192292864,

  1.                                           72057596248326144, 72057596248391680,

  1.                                           72057594565754880, 2465937948672,

  1.                                           72057596374810624, 72057594565885952,

  1.                                           72057596133113856, 72057596563357696,

  1.                                           48281791823872, 116258596192256,

  1.                                           72057596132851712, 72057595963179008,

  1.                                           72057596541861888, 72057594599047168,

  1.                                           53296886710272, 72057595944894464,

  1.                                           72057594566934528, 72057594567000064,

  1.                                           72057596526395392, 72057596526592000,

  1.                                           72057595964030976, 72057595965079552,

  1.                                           72057594582859776, 72057594567917568,

  1.                                           72057596525936640, 72057595908128768,

  1.                                           72057594568048640, 119223456956416,

  1.                                           72057594896711680, 72057594588758016,

  1.                                           72057596133179392, 72057596132786176,

  1.                                           72057595965931520, 72057595966455808,

  1.                                           72057596450177024, 72057595966849024,

  1.                                           112563398705152, 72057596184363008,

  1.                                           72057596184428544, 72057594681425920,

  1.                                           72057596309733376, 72057596205334528,

  1.                                           72057596184231936, 72057595458355200,

  1.                                           107370836852736, 72057595852423168,

  1.                                           72057595708702720, 72057596357312512,

  1.                                           72057596357378048, 72057596550119424,

  1.                                           72057596301279232, 72057596357050368,

  1.                                           72057596356984832, 72057596362293248,

  1.                                           72057596357574656, 72057596357246976,

  1.                                           72057596357181440, 72057596301344768,

  1.                                           72057595809890304, 72057595873591296,

  1.                                           72057595969011712, 72057595969536000,

  1.                                           72057596348858368, 72057595970191360,

  1.                                           72057596217917440, 72057596217982976,

  1.                                           72057596526329856, 72057596332212224,

  1.                                           114660558176256, 72057596526460928,

  1.                                           72057596331687936, 72057596331622400,

  1.                                           72057595970781184, 72057596574826496,

  1.                                           72057596317859840, 72057594572242944,

  1.                                           72057594592952320, 72057595971502080,

  1.                                           72057595991228416, 72057596324282368,

  1.                                           72057596220538880, 72057595972943872,

  1.                                           72057596512370688, 72057594640334848,

  1.                                           72057595973730304, 72057596132655104,

  1.                                           72057594573684736, 72057594574012416,

  1.                                           72057594776649728, 72057595974320128,

  1.                                           72057594574798848, 45591660199936,

  1.                                           72057594590920704, 72057595974778880,

  1.                                           72057594593738752, 72057595975106560,

  1.                                           72057595975696384, 72057595937882112,

  1.                                           140014173224960, 72057594576240640,

  1.                                           72057594576502784, 72057596501819392,

  1.                                           72057596188360704, 72057596526264320,

  1.                                           61775963815936, 56442625916928,

  1.                                           72057596350365696, 14271632703488,

  1.                                           72057596268838912, 72057596575744000,

  1.                                           72057596442836992, 72057596459089920,

  1.                                           72057596440281088, 72057596469444608,

  1.                                           72057596413935616, 72057596414001152,

  1.                                           72057596532293632, 72057596413739008,

  1.                                           72057596414066688, 72057596548743168,

  1.                                           72057596548612096, 72057596195110912,

  1.                                           72057596448014336, 72057594576961536,

  1.                                           72057594581614592, 72057594577354752,

  1.                                           72057596310061056, 72057596488384512,

  1.                                           72057594577813504, 72057596309995520,

  1.                                           72057596181151744, 72057594577551360 )

  1.                  )

  1.               OR ( [Operation] = 'LOP_HOBT_DDL' )

  1.             );

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