# sql 对大小写不敏感

# 查询表中的所有信息
select * from `Customers`;
# 查询指定字段 CustomerName,Country
select CustomerName,Country from `Customers`
# distinct 去重复
select * distinct Country from `Customers`
# 客户的国家数量
select COUNT(DISTINCT Country) from `Customers`
#where 语句
select * from `Customers` where Country = 'Mexico'
#= 等于 <> 不等于 > 大于 < 小于 >= 大于等于 <= 小于等于 between 在某个范围内 like 搜索某种模式 IN 为列指定多个可能的值
select * from `Customers` where `CustomerID`=1
#<> 不等于1
select * from `Customers` where CustomerID <> 1
select * from `Customers` where CustomerID > 3
select * from `Customers` where CustomerID < 3
select * from `Customers` where CustomerID >= 3
select * from `Customers` where CustomerID <= 3
#between and 3~5
select * from `Customers` where CustomerID between 3 and 5
select * from `Customers` where `City` like '%n%'
select * from `Customers` where `City` like '%n'
select * from `Customers` where `Country`='Germany' and City = 'Berlin'
select * from `Customers` where `Country`='Germany' or City = 'London'
select * from `Customers` where not Country = 'Germany'
#结合 and or
select * from `Customers` where Country = 'Germany' and (City='Berlin' OR City='München')
#order by
select * from `Customers` order by Country;
#order by desc 降序排列
select * from `Customers` order by Country desc;
#order by 多列
select * from `Customers` order by Country,CustomerName;
#order by 多列实例2
select * from `Customers` ORDER BY Country ASC,CustomerName DESC;
#insert into 实例 插入数据
insert into `Customers`(CustomerName,ContactName,Address,City,PostalCode,Country)
values ('Cardinal','Tom B. Erichsen','Skagen 21','Stavanger','4006','Norway')
insert into `Customers`(CustomerName,City,Country) values ('Cardinal','Stavanger','Norway')
#NULL 空值 如何测试NULL值
select CustomerName,ContactName,Address from `Customers` where Address is null
#is not null
select * from `Customers` where Address is not null
#更新表中的记录 update
# update table_name set column1 = value1,column2 = value2,.... where condition
update `Customers` set ContactName = 'Alfred Schmidt',City='Frankfurt999999' where CustomerID =1
update Customers set ContactName = 'Juan' where Country='Mexico'
#删除数据 delete
# delete from table_name where condition
delete from Customers where CustomerName='Alfreds Futterkiste'
#delete from table_name
# delete * from table_name ###############################################SQL 高级##########################
select * from `Customers` limit 4
#like 搜索 关键字
# % 百分号标识零个,一个或多个字符
# _ 下划线标识单个字符
select * from `Customers` where CustomerName like 'a%'
select * from Customers where CustomerName like '%or%'
# _ 单个字符
select * from Customers where CustomerName like '_r%'
#以a开头 至少有三个字符
select * from Customers where CustomerName like 'a_%_%'
select * from Customers where CustomerName like 'a%o'
# 不以a开头的所有客户
select * from Customers where CustomerName not like 'a%'
# 不以bsp 开头
select * from Customers where CustomerName like '[!bsp]%'
#IN 运算符允许您在where子句中指定多个值 IN运算符是多个or条件的缩写
select * from Customers where Country in ('Germany', 'France', 'UK')
# not in
select * from Customers where Country not in ('Germany', 'France', 'UK')
select * from `Customers` where Country in (select Country from Suppliers)
#between and
select * from Products where Price between 10 and 20
#not betwee and
select * from Products where price not between 10 and 20
select * from Products where (Price Between 10 and 20) and not CategoryID in (1,2,3)
select * from Orders WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN '#07/04/1996#' AND '#07/09/1996#' #inner join on 交集
select Orders.`OrderID`,`Customers`.`CustomerName`,`Orders`.`OrderDate` from `Orders`
inner join `Customers` on Orders.`CustomerID`=Customers.`CustomerID`
#inner join 关键字(内部连接) 内部链接inner join 关键字选择两个表中具有匹配值的记录
select Customers.`CustomerName`,Orders.`OrderID` from Customers
inner join `Orders`
on Customers.`CustomerID` = Orders.`CustomerID`
order by Customers.`CustomerName` #查询出医院下面的科室
select `biz_hospital`.`name`,`biz_hospital`.`hospital_id`,`biz_hospital`.`city`,`biz_hospital`.`level`,
`biz_room`.`room_id`,`biz_room`.`name` room_name from `biz_hospital`
inner join `biz_room` on `biz_hospital`.`hospital_id` = `biz_room`.`hospital_id` and `biz_hospital`.`status` =1 and `biz_room`.`status` =1 #查询出来医院下面所有科室下面的所有医生
select `biz_hospital`.`name` hospital_name,`biz_hospital`.`city`,`biz_hospital`.`level`,`biz_room`.`room_id`,`biz_room`.`name` room_name,
`biz_doctor`.`name` doctor_name
from ((`biz_hospital` inner join `biz_room` on `biz_hospital`.`hospital_id` = `biz_room`.`hospital_id` and `biz_hospital`.`status` =1 and `biz_room`.`status`=1 )
inner join `biz_doctor` on `biz_room`.`room_id` = `biz_doctor`.`room_id` and `biz_doctor`.`status`=1) #有开放科室的医院
select `biz_hospital`.`hospital_id`,`biz_hospital`.`name` hospital_name,`biz_hospital`.`city`,`biz_hospital`.`level`


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