APPLE-SA-2019-3-27-1 watchOS 5.2

watchOS 5.2 is now available and addresses the following:

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted string may lead to a denial
of service
Description: A validation issue was addressed with improved logic.
CVE-2019-8516: SWIPS Team of Frifee Inc.

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to elevate privileges
Description: A memory initialization issue was addressed with
improved memory handling.
CVE-2019-8552: Mohamed Ghannam (@_simo36)

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to elevate privileges
Description: A buffer overflow issue was addressed with improved
memory handling.
CVE-2019-8511: an anonymous researcher

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to elevate privileges
Description: A buffer overflow was addressed with improved bounds
CVE-2019-8542: an anonymous researcher

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted file might disclose user
Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved bounds
CVE-2019-6237: an anonymous researcher

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: An application may be able to gain elevated privileges
Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved
input validation.
CVE-2019-7286: an anonymous researcher, Clement Lecigne of Google
Threat Analysis Group, Ian Beer of Google Project Zero, and Samuel
Groß of Google Project Zero

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Clicking a malicious SMS link may lead to arbitrary code
Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved
CVE-2019-8553: an anonymous researcher

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to elevate privileges
Description: A buffer overflow was addressed with improved bounds
CVE-2019-8542: an anonymous researcher

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A local user may be able to cause unexpected system
termination or read kernel memory
Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved
state management.
CVE-2019-8545: Adam Donenfeld (@doadam) of the Zimperium zLabs Team

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A remote attacker may be able to cause unexpected system
termination or corrupt kernel memory
Description: A buffer overflow was addressed with improved size
CVE-2019-8527: Ned Williamson of Google and derrek (@derrekr6)

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to determine kernel
memory layout
Description: A memory initialization issue was addressed with
improved memory handling.
CVE-2019-8540: Weibo Wang (@ma1fan) of Qihoo 360  Nirvan Team

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: An application may be able to gain elevated privileges
Description: A logic issue was addressed with improved state
CVE-2019-8514: Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A local user may be able to read kernel memory
Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved
memory handling.
CVE-2019-7293: Ned Williamson of Google

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to determine kernel
memory layout
Description: An out-of-bounds read issue existed that led to the
disclosure of kernel memory. This was addressed with improved input
CVE-2019-6207: Weibo Wang of Qihoo 360 Nirvan Team (@ma1fan)
CVE-2019-8510: Stefan Esser of Antid0te UG

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A local user may be able to view sensitive user information
Description: An access issue was addressed with additional sandbox
CVE-2019-8546: ChiYuan Chang

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A partially entered passcode may not clear when the device
goes to sleep
Description: An issue existed where partially entered passcodes may
not clear when the device went to sleep.  This issue was addressed by
clearing the passcode when a locked device sleeps.
CVE-2019-8548: Tobias Sachs

Power Management
Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to execute arbitrary code
with system privileges
Description: Multiple input validation issues existed in MIG
generated code. These issues were addressed with improved validation.
CVE-2019-8549: Mohamed Ghannam (@_simo36) of SSD Secure Disclosure

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious app may be able to track users between installs
Description: A privacy issue existed in motion sensor calibration.
This issue was addressed with improved motion sensor processing.
CVE-2019-8541: Stan (Jiexin) Zhang and Alastair R. Beresford of the
University of Cambridge, Ian Sheret of Polymath Insight Limited

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: A malicious application may be able to initiate a Dictation
request without user authorization
Description: An API issue existed in the handling of dictation
requests. This issue was addressed with improved validation.
CVE-2019-8502: Luke Deshotels of North Carolina State University,
Jordan Beichler of North Carolina State University, William Enck of
North Carolina State University, Costin Carabaș of University
POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, and Răzvan Deaconescu of University
POLITEHNICA of Bucharest

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted font may result in the
disclosure of process memory
Description: An out-of-bounds read was addressed with improved bounds
CVE-2019-8517: riusksk of VulWar Corp working with Trend Micro Zero
Day Initiative

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
arbitrary code execution
Description: Multiple memory corruption issues were addressed with
improved memory handling.
CVE-2019-8518: Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero
CVE-2019-8558: Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero
CVE-2019-8559: Apple
CVE-2019-8563: Apple

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
arbitrary code execution
Description: A memory corruption issue was addressed with improved
memory handling.
CVE-2019-8536: Apple
CVE-2019-8544: an anonymous researcher

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to
arbitrary code execution
Description: A type confusion issue was addressed with improved
memory handling.
CVE-2019-8506: Samuel Groß of Google Project Zero

Available for: Apple Watch Series 1 and later
Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may result in the
disclosure of process memory
Description: A validation issue was addressed with improved logic.
CVE-2019-7292: Zhunki and Zhiyi Zhang of 360 ESG Codesafe Team

Additional recognition

We would like to acknowledge Brandon Azad of Google Project Zero for
their assistance.

Installation note:

Instructions on how to update your Apple Watch software are
available at

To check the version on your Apple Watch, open the Apple Watch app
on your iPhone and select "My Watch > General > About".

Alternatively, on your watch, select "My Watch > General > About".

Information will also be posted to the Apple Security Updates
web site:

This message is signed with Apple's Product Security PGP key,
and details are available at:

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