1,各种原因,需要安装 seafile,好,开始安装。

2,参考 https://github.com/haiwen/seafile-server-installer-cn

  1,Ubuntu 16.04/18.04 (64bit):

  2,wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/haiwen/seafile-server-installer-cn/master/seafile-server-ubuntu-amd64-http

  3,运行脚本 bash seafile-server-ubuntu-amd64-http 6.2.5

    1,这个地方到最后,总是报 gzip 错误。

    2,提前在 https://www.seafile.com/download/

     下载好 http://seafile-downloads.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/seafile-server_6.2.5_x86-64.tar.gz

     放到 /opt 下面,


     目录名称为 seafile-server-6.2.5  不变


Your seafile server configuration has been finished successfully.

run seafile server: ./seafile.sh { start | stop | restart }
run seahub server: ./seahub.sh { start <port> | stop | restart <port> }

If you are behind a firewall, remember to allow input/output of these tcp ports:

port of seafile fileserver: 8082
port of seahub: 8000

When problems occur, Refer to


for information.

[04/24/19 16:46:59] ../common/session.c(132): using config file /opt/seafile/conf/ccnet.conf
Starting seafile server, please wait ...
Seafile server started


LC_ALL is not set in ENV, set to en_US.UTF-8
Starting seahub at port 8000 ...

Successfully created seafile admin

Seahub is started


Stopping seahub ...

Stopping seafile server ...
Starting productive Seafile server

Your Seafile server is installed

Server Address:

Seafile Admin: admin@seafile.local
Admin Password: vei5Eewu

Seafile Data Dir: /opt/seafile/seafile-data

Seafile DB Credentials: Check /opt/seafile.my.cnf
Root DB Credentials: Check /root/.my.cnf

This report is also saved to /opt/seafile/aio_seafile-server.log

Next you should manually complete the following steps

1) Log in to Seafile and configure your server domain via the system
admin area if applicable.

2) If this server is behind a firewall, you need to ensure that
tcp port 80 is open.

3) Seahub tries to send emails via the local server. Install and
configure Postfix for this to work or
check https://manual.seafile.com/config/sending_email.html
for instructions on how to use an existing email account via SMTP.

Optional steps

1) Check seahub_settings.py and customize it to fit your needs. Consult
http://manual.seafile.com/config/seahub_settings_py.html for possible switches.

2) Setup NGINX with official SSL certificate.

3) Secure server with iptables based firewall. For instance: UFW or shorewall

4) Harden system with port knocking, fail2ban, etc.

5) Enable unattended installation of security updates. Check
https://wiki.Ubuntu.org/UnattendedUpgrades for details.

6) Implement a backup routine for your Seafile server.

7) Update NGINX worker processes to reflect the number of CPU cores.

Seafile support options

For free community support visit: https://bbs.seafile.com
For paid commercial support visit: https://seafile.com

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