





所以int的范围就是 -2147483648~2147483648.

于是当输入中有 -2147483648的时候,对于 abs()函数返回结果就溢出了,求得后的值还是 -2147483648.

于是用 long long 来作为中间数据类型。并且不用abs()函数了。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std; class Solution {
int divide(int dividend, int divisor) { long long dividend_l = dividend;
long long divisor_l = divisor; bool positive = true;
if(dividend_l>&&divisor_l< || dividend_l< && divisor_l>)
positive = false; if(dividend_l<)
dividend_l = -dividend_l;
divisor_l = -divisor_l; if(dividend == || dividend_l< divisor_l)
return ;
if(dividend == divisor)
return ; int ans = ; while(dividend_l>=divisor_l)
ans += subDivide(dividend_l,divisor_l);
} if(positive == false)
ans = -ans; return ans;
int subDivide(long long &dividend,long long divisor)
int timesSum = ;
long times = ;
long long _divisor = divisor;
while(_divisor> && dividend>=_divisor)
dividend = dividend - _divisor;
_divisor += _divisor;
timesSum += times;
times += times; //means _divisor is how much copies of divisor
return timesSum;
}; int main()
class Solution mys;

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