- #ifndef _CIRCLELIST_H_
- #define _CIRCLELIST_H_
- typedef void CircleList;
- //
- typedef struct _tag_CircleListNode
- {
- struct _tag_CircleListNode* next;
- }CircleListNode;
- //创建一个循环链表
- CircleList* CircleList_Create();
- //删除一个循环链表
- void CircleList_Destroy(CircleList* list);
- //清空一个循环链表
- void CircleList_Clear(CircleList* list);
- //返回链表的长度
- int CircleList_Length(CircleList* list);
- //在POS位置插入一个节点
- int CircleList_Insert(CircleList* list, CircleListNode* node, int pos);
- //获取POS位置节点的信息
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Get(CircleList* list, int pos);
- //删除POS位置的节点
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Delete(CircleList* list, int pos);
- ////与游标相关的函数
- //删除游标所指的位置节点
- CircleListNode* CircleList_DeleteNode(CircleList* list, CircleListNode* node);
- //重置游标位置
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Reset(CircleList* list);
- //当前游标位置
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Current(CircleList* list);
- //游标的NEXT域
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Next(CircleList* list);
- #endif
- #include "circleList.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- //这个为头链表头
- typedef struct _tag_CircleList
- {
- CircleListNode header;
- CircleListNode* slider;
- int length;
- }tagCircleList;
- //创建一个循环链表
- CircleList* CircleList_Create()
- {
- tagCircleList* ret = (tagCircleList*)malloc(sizeof(tagCircleList)); //分配内存
- if (ret == NULL)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- //初始化
- ret->header.next = NULL;
- ret->length = ;
- ret->slider = NULL;
- return ret;
- }
- //删除一个循环链表
- void CircleList_Destroy(CircleList* list)
- {
- if (list = NULL)
- {
- return;
- }
- //释放内存
- free(list);
- return;
- }
- //清空一个循环链表
- void CircleList_Clear(CircleList* list)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = NULL;
- sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- if (sList == NULL)
- {
- return ;
- }
- //重置为初始化状态
- sList->header.next = NULL;
- sList->length = ;
- sList->slider = NULL;
- return;
- }
- //返回链表的长度
- int CircleList_Length(CircleList* list)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = NULL;
- sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- int ret = -;
- //异常处理
- if (list == NULL)
- {
- return ret;
- }
- return sList->length;
- }
- //在POS位置插入一个节点
- int CircleList_Insert(CircleList* list, CircleListNode* node, int pos)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = NULL;
- sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- int ret = -;
- //异常处理
- if(list == NULL || node == NULL || pos<)
- {
- return ret;
- }
- //临时变量Current
- CircleListNode* Current = (CircleListNode*)sList;
- for(int i = ; (i < pos) && (Current->next != NULL); i++)
- {
- Current = Current->next;
- }
- node->next = Current->next;
- Current->next = node;
- //当长度为0时 游标指向node
- if (sList->length == )
- {
- sList->slider = node;
- }
- sList->length++;
- //如果current 依旧指向链表头 证明没跳走 是从0开始插入的 需要头插法
- if (Current == (CircleListNode*)sList)
- {
- //定义一个辅助last 变量来获取尾部节点的信息
- CircleListNode* last = (CircleListNode*)CircleList_Get(sList, sList->length - );
- //将尾部节点的NEXT域存为当前节点(头节点)
- last->next = Current->next;
- }
- return ;
- }
- //获取POS位置节点的信息
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Get(CircleList* list, int pos)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- CircleListNode* ret = NULL;
- int i = ;
- if (list == NULL || pos < )
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- CircleListNode* Current = (CircleListNode*)sList;
- for(i = ; i < pos; i++)
- {
- Current = Current->next;
- }
- ret = Current->next;
- return ret;
- }
- //删除POS位置的节点
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Delete(CircleList* list, int pos)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- CircleListNode* ret = NULL;
- if ((sList != NULL) && (pos >=) && (sList->length > ))
- {
- //将Current指向表头
- CircleListNode* Current = (CircleListNode*)(&(sList->header));
- //辅助节点last 进行头节点的删除使用 存取最后一个元素
- CircleListNode* last = NULL;
- for(int i = ; i < pos; i++)
- {
- Current = Current->next;
- }
- //删除头结点
- if ( Current == (CircleListNode*)sList)
- {
- last = (CircleListNode*)CircleList_Get(sList, sList->length - );
- }
- //要删除的元素
- ret = Current->next;
- Current->next = ret->next;
- sList->length--;
- //判断链表非空
- if( last != NULL)
- {
- //sList->header.next = ret->next;
- Current->next = ret->next;
- last->next = ret->next;
- }
- //若删除的元素为游标所指的元素
- if(sList->slider = ret)
- {
- sList->slider = ret->next;
- }
- //若删除元素后 链表长度为0 做处理
- if (sList->length == )
- {
- sList->header.next = NULL;
- sList->slider = NULL;
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- ////与游标相关的函数
- //删除游标所指的位置节点
- CircleListNode* CircleList_DeleteNode(CircleList* list, CircleListNode* node)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- CircleListNode* ret = NULL;
- int i = ;
- if (sList != NULL)
- {
- CircleListNode* Current = (CircleListNode*)sList;
- //循环查找node 在链表中的位置
- for (i = ; i < sList->length; i++)
- {
- if (Current->next == node)
- {
- ret = Current->next;
- break;
- }
- Current = Current->next;
- }
- //找到了 使用CircleList_Delete 删除
- if(ret != NULL)
- {
- CircleList_Delete(list, i);
- }
- }
- return ret;
- }
- //重置游标位置
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Reset(CircleList* list)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- CircleListNode* ret = NULL;
- //如果不为空
- if (sList != NULL)
- {
- sList->slider = sList->header.next;
- ret = sList->slider;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- //当前游标位置
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Current(CircleList* list)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- CircleListNode* ret = NULL;
- //如果不为空
- if (sList != NULL)
- {
- ret = sList->slider;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- //把游标位置返回,游标下移
- CircleListNode* CircleList_Next(CircleList* list)
- {
- tagCircleList* sList = (tagCircleList*)list;
- CircleListNode* ret = NULL;
- //如果不为空
- if((sList != NULL) && (sList->slider != NULL))
- {
- ret = sList->slider;
- sList->slider = ret->next;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- #include "circleList.h"
- #include <iostream>
- using namespace std;
- typedef struct _Temp_Test
- {
- CircleListNode node;
- int temp;
- char temp2;
- }TempTast;
- int main()
- {
- CircleList* circlelist = NULL;
- circlelist = CircleList_Create();
- //异常处理
- if (circlelist == NULL)
- {
- cout << "Create Err " << endl;
- return -;
- }
- TempTast t1, t2, t3, t4, t5;
- t1.temp = ;
- t2.temp = ;
- t3.temp = ;
- t4.temp = ;
- t5.temp = ;
- //插入元素
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t1), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t2), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t3), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t4), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t5), );
- //测试功能
- cout << "Length: " << CircleList_Length(circlelist) << endl;
- //遍历两次
- cout << "遍历两次:" << endl;
- for(int i = ; i < *CircleList_Length(circlelist); i++)
- {
- cout <<"Node:" << ((TempTast*)CircleList_Get(circlelist, i))->temp << endl;
- }
- cout << endl;
- //删除第一个节点
- cout <<"Node:" << ((TempTast*)CircleList_Delete(circlelist, ))->temp << endl;
- //清空
- CircleList_Clear(circlelist);
- cout << "After Clear Length: " << CircleList_Length(circlelist) << endl;
- //插入元素
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t1), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t2), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t3), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t4), );
- CircleList_Insert(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t5), );
- //删除指定元素
- cout << "Delete Node :" << ((TempTast*)CircleList_DeleteNode(circlelist, (CircleListNode*)(&t1)))->temp << endl;
- //显示游标当前位置
- cout << "Silder Now :" << ((TempTast*)CircleList_Current(circlelist))->temp << endl;
- //移动后
- CircleList_Next(circlelist);
- cout << "Silder After Next :" << ((TempTast*)CircleList_Current(circlelist))->temp << endl;
- //重置后
- CircleList_Reset(circlelist);
- cout << "Silder After Reset :" << ((TempTast*)CircleList_Current(circlelist))->temp << endl;
- cout << endl;
- //销毁
- CircleList_Destroy(circlelist);
- cout << "circle has been Destroied" << endl;
- system("pause");
- return ;
- }
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