1081 Rational Sum(20 分)
Given N rational numbers in the form numerator/denominator
, you are supposed to calculate their sum.
Input Specification:
Each input file contains one test case. Each case starts with a positive integer N (≤), followed in the next line N rational numbers a1/b1 a2/b2 ...
where all the numerators and denominators are in the range of long int. If there is a negative number, then the sign must appear in front of the numerator.
Output Specification:
For each test case, output the sum in the simplest form integer numerator/denominator
where integer
is the integer part of the sum, numerator
< denominator
, and the numerator and the denominator have no common factor. You must output only the fractional part if the integer part is 0.
Sample Input 1:
2/5 4/15 1/30 -2/60 8/3
Sample Output 1:
3 1/3
Sample Input 2:
4/3 2/3
Sample Output 2:
Sample Input 3:
1/3 -1/6 1/8
Sample Output 3:
using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
struct Fraction{
ll up,dowm;
}; ll gcd(ll a,ll b){
return b == ? a : gcd(b,a%b);
} Fraction reduction(Fraction result){
if(result.dowm < ){
result.up = - result.up;
result.dowm = - result.dowm;
if(result.up == ){
result.dowm = ;
int d = gcd(abs(result.dowm),result.up);
result.dowm /= d;
result.up /= d;
return result;
} Fraction add(Fraction f1,Fraction f2){
Fraction result;
result.up = f1.dowm*f2.up + f2.dowm*f1.up;
result.dowm = f1.dowm*f2.dowm;
return reduction(result);
} void showResult(Fraction r){
if(r.dowm == ) printf("%lld",r.up);
else if(abs(r.up) > abs(r.dowm)){
printf("%lld %lld/%lld",r.up/r.dowm,r.up%r.dowm,r.dowm);
} int main(){
int n;
Fraction sum,temp;
sum.up = , sum.dowm = ;
for(int i = ; i < n; i++){
sum = add(sum,temp);
return ;
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