Codeforces Gym 100650C The Game of Efil 模拟+阅读题
玩过这个游戏的人会比较熟悉,题目指出,每个细胞如果四周细胞太少了,就会孤独而死,如果细胞周围细胞太多了,就会挤死。给你个布局,问你他的上一代布局会有几种。不过这道题的关键在于wrap around这个词,即边界是循环的。
#define MAX_N 16
using namespace std; int n,m; bool G[MAX_N][MAX_N];
int k; int dx[]={,,-,,,,-,-},dy[]={,,,-,-,,,-}; bool v[MAX_N][MAX_N]; void generate() {
bool tmp[MAX_N][MAX_N];
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
for (int j = ; j < m; j++) {
int cnt = ;
for (int k = ; k < ; k++) {
int nx = dx[k] + i, ny = dy[k] + j;
nx = (nx + n) % n, ny = (ny + m) % m;
if (v[nx][ny])cnt++;
if (v[i][j]) {
if (cnt <= || cnt >= )
tmp[i][j] = ;
tmp[i][j] = ;
else if (cnt == )tmp[i][j] = ;
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
for (int j = ; j< m; j++)v[i][j] = tmp[i][j];
} bool check(){
for(int i=;i<n;i++)
for(int j=;j<m;j++)if(G[i][j]!=v[i][j])return false;
return true;
} int main() {
int cas = ;
while (true) {
int ans = ;
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
if (n == && m == )break;
memset(G, , sizeof(G));
scanf("%d", &k);
for (int i = ; i < k; i++) {
int u, v;
scanf("%d%d", &u, &v);
G[u][v] = ;
for (int s = ; s < ( << (n * m)); s++) {
int t = s;
memset(v, , sizeof(v));
for (int i = ; i < n; i++)
for (int j = ; j < m; j++) {
if (t & )v[i][j] = ;
else v[i][j]=;
t >>= ;
if (check())ans++;
if (ans)
printf("Case %d: %d possible ancestors.\n", ++cas, ans);
printf("Case %d: Garden of Eden.\n", ++cas);
return ;
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