uvm_reg_sequence是UVM自带所有register sequence 的基类。 该类包含model, adapter, reg_seqr(uvm_sequencer). 感觉寄存器模型是个小的UVM系统。有自己uvm_reg_item, uvm_reg_sequence,reg_seqr, uvm_reg_adapter 是用来将寄存器的transaction 和 physical bus transaction之间的转化
// TITLE: Register Sequence Classes
// This section defines the base classes used for register stimulus generation.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// CLASS: uvm_reg_sequence
// This class provides base functionality for both user-defined RegModel test
// sequences and "register translation sequences".
// - When used as a base for user-defined RegModel test sequences, this class
// provides convenience methods for reading and writing registers and
// memories. Users implement the body() method to interact directly with
// the RegModel model (held in the <model> property) or indirectly via the
// delegation methods in this class.
// - When used as a translation sequence, objects of this class are
// executed directly on a bus sequencer which are used in support of a layered sequencer
// use model, a pre-defined convert-and-execute algorithm is provided.
// Register operations do not require extending this class if none of the above
// services are needed. Register test sequences can be extend from the base
// <uvm_sequence #(REQ,RSP)> base class or even from outside a sequence.
// Note- The convenience API not yet implemented.
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class uvm_reg_sequence #(type BASE=uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item)) extends BASE; `uvm_object_param_utils(uvm_reg_sequence #(BASE)) // Parameter: BASE
// Specifies the sequence type to extend from.
// When used as a translation sequence running on a bus sequencer, ~BASE~ must
// be compatible with the sequence type expected by the bus sequencer.
// When used as a test sequence running on a particular sequencer, ~BASE~
// must be compatible with the sequence type expected by that sequencer.
// When used as a virtual test sequence without a sequencer, ~BASE~ does
// not need to be specified, i.e. the default specialization is adequate.
// To maximize opportunities for reuse, user-defined RegModel sequences should
// "promote" the BASE parameter.
// | class my_reg_sequence #(type BASE=uvm_sequence #(uvm_reg_item))
// | extends uvm_reg_sequence #(BASE);
// This way, the RegModel sequence can be extended from
// user-defined base sequences. // Variable: model
// Block abstraction this sequence executes on, defined only when this
// sequence is a user-defined test sequence.
uvm_reg_block model; // Variable: adapter
// Adapter to use for translating between abstract register transactions
// and physical bus transactions, defined only when this sequence is a
// translation sequence.
uvm_reg_adapter adapter; // Variable: reg_seqr
// Layered upstream "register" sequencer.
// Specifies the upstream sequencer between abstract register transactions
// and physical bus transactions. Defined only when this sequence is a
// translation sequence, and we want to "pull" from an upstream sequencer.
uvm_sequencer #(uvm_reg_item) reg_seqr;
// Class: uvm_reg_frontdoor
// Facade class for register and memory frontdoor access.
// User-defined frontdoor access sequence
// Base class for user-defined access to register and memory reads and writes
// through a physical interface.
// By default, different registers and memories are mapped to different
// addresses in the address space and are accessed via those exclusively
// through physical addresses.
// The frontdoor allows access using a non-linear and/or non-mapped mechanism.
// Users can extend this class to provide the physical access to these registers.
virtual class uvm_reg_frontdoor extends uvm_reg_sequence #(uvm_sequence #(uvm_sequence_item)); // Variable: rw_info
// Holds information about the register being read or written
uvm_reg_item rw_info; // Variable: sequencer
// Sequencer executing the operation
uvm_sequencer_base sequencer; // Function: new
// Constructor, new object given optional ~name~.
function new(string name="");
endfunction string fname;
int lineno; endclass: uvm_reg_frontdoor
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