【可测空间  convert the data (homeworks, webpages, emails) into an object in an abstract space that we know how to measure distance 】

We will study how to define the distance between sets, specifically with the Jaccard distance. To illustrate and motivate this study, we will focus on using Jaccard distance to measure the distance between documents. This uses the common “bag of words” model, which is simplistic, but is sufficient for many applications. We start with some big questions. This lecture will only begin to answer them. • Given two homework assignments (reports) how can a computer detect if one is likely to have been plagiarized from the other without understanding the content? • In trying to index webpages, how does Google avoid listing duplicates or mirrors? • How does a computer quickly understand emails, for either detecting spam or placing effective advertisers? (If an ad worked on one email, how can we determine which others are similar?)

【词带将文本段落转化为数值集合 convert documents into sets】

4.2 Documents to Sets How do we apply this set machinery to documents? Bag of words vs. Shingles The first option is the bag of words model, where each document is treated as an unordered set of words. A more general approach is to shingle the document. This takes consecutive words and group them as a single object. A k-shingle is a consecutive set of k words. So the set of all 1-shingles is exactly the bag of words model. An alternative name to k-shingle is an k-gram. These mean the same thing. D1 : I am Sam. D2 : Sam I am. D3 : I do not like green eggs and ham. D4 : I do not like them, Sam I am. The (k = 1)-shingles of D1∪D2∪D3∪D4 are: {[I], [am], [Sam], [do], [not], [like], [green], [eggs], [and], [ham], [them]}.

The (k = 2)-shingles of D1∪D2∪D3∪D4 are: {[I am], [am Sam], [Sam Sam], [Sam I], [am I], [I do], [do not], [not like], [like green], [green eggs], [eggs and], [and ham], [like them], [them Sam]}. The set of k-shingles of a document with n words is at most n − k. The takes space O(kn) to store them all. If k is small, this is not a high overhead. Furthermore, the space goes down as items are repeated.

The set of k-shingles of a document with n words is at most n − k. The takes space O(kn) to store them all. If k is small, this is not a high overhead. Furthermore, the space goes down as items are repeated.

【勘误--k n n-k+1  空间复杂度 space O(kn) 】

【Jaccard 对相似度的度量 Jaccard with Shingles】

4.3 Jaccard with Shingles So how do we put this together. Consider the (k = 2)-shingles for each D1, D2, D3, and D4: D1 : [I am], [am Sam] D2 : [Sam I], [I am] D3 : [I do], [do not], [not like], [like green], [green eggs], [eggs and], [and ham] D4 : [I do], [do not], [not like], [like them], [them Sam], [Sam I], [I am]

Now the Jaccard similarity is as follows: JS(D1, D2) = 1/3 ≈ 0.333 JS(D1, D3) = 0 = 0.0 JS(D1, D4) = 1/8 = 0.125 JS(D2, D3) = 0 = 0.0 JS(D3, D4) = 2/7 ≈ 0.286 JS(D3, D4) = 3/11 ≈ 0.273 Next time we will see how to use this special abstract structure of sets to compute this distance (approximately) very efficiently and at extremely large scale.

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