

Enoch (2795)
Logging started: 2016/01/10, 22:47:37
Sticking with [BCLK: 99Mhz, Bus-Ratio: 25]

Attempting to scan GPT boot volumes [biosdev=EEh]:
Failed to find boot signature on BIOS device eeh
Attempting to scan FDISK boot volumes [biosdev=EEh]:
Attempting to scan APM boot volumes [biosdev=EEh]:
Attempting to scan GPT boot volumes [biosdev=80h]:
Attempting to scan FDISK boot volumes [biosdev=80h]:
Attempting to scan GPT boot volumes [biosdev=81h]:
Attempting to scan FDISK boot volumes [biosdev=81h]:
Scanning device ee...
ntfs_fixup: magic doesn't match: bc9a856e != 454c4946
Added: kext-dev-mode=1
Boot UUID of 'OS X' (): 64E59389-1B8F-3E8B-ADBA-D93D3F017409
Kernel Cache ignored.
Loading kernel from: 'OS X' ()
Booting on OS X 10.10.5 (14F27)

Will patch for 14.5.0 kernel version.

KernelBooter_kexts state: enabled!
KernelPm state: enabled!
KernelLapicError state: disabled!
KernelLapicVersion state: disabled!
KernelHaswell state: disabled!
KernelcpuFamily state: disabled!
KernelSSE3 state: disabled!
- Searching for booter extensions pattern:
Found Yosemite pattern, patched!
1 substitution(s) made.
- Patching kernel power management...
Kernel power management patch 10.1x(data1) found and patched
Kernel power management patch 10.1x(data2) found and patched
Kernel power management patch 10.10(data3) found and patched
Power Managment patch applied.
Kernel has successfully patched.

Using PCI-Root-UID value: 0
Class code: [0200]
EthernetBuiltIn = No
Intel 82579LM Gigabit Network Connection [8086:1502]

Class code: [0280]
EnableWifi = No
Broadcom BCM43228 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4359]

[ HPET ]


SMBus CmdReg: 0x3
Scanning SMBus [8086:1c22], mmio: 0xf2524004, ioport: 0xefa0, hostc: 0x1
SPD[0] (size): 146 @0x50
Slot: 0 Type 24 2048MB (DDR3 SDRAM) 1333MHz Vendor=Samsung
PartNo=M471B5773DH0-CH9 SerialNo= C 1 6 6 C 8 7 D
SPD[0] (size): 146 @0x51
Slot: 1 Type 24 2048MB (DDR3 SDRAM) 1333MHz Vendor=Samsung
PartNo=M471B5773DH0-CH9 SerialNo= C 1 6 6 C 8 8 7
SPD[0] (size): 255 @0x52
SPD[0] (size): 255 @0x53
SPD[0] (size): 83 @0x54
SPD[0] (size): 85 @0x55
SPD[0] (size): 67 @0x56
SPD[0] (size): 255 @0x57
CPU is Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz, family 0x6, model 0x2a
SMBIOS orig was = f03d0
SMBIOS new is = d1d000

SMBIOS rev.: 2.4, DMI rev.: 2.4

Handle: 0x0001, DMI type 4, 38 bytes
Processor Information
Socket Designation: CPU
Type: Central Processor
Family: 0xCD
Manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
ID: 0x206A7
Version: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2520M CPU @ 2.50GHz
External Clock: 0 MHz
Max Speed: 2491 MHz
Current Speed: 2500 MHz
Upgrade: ZIF Socket
Serial Number: ** PRIVATE **
Asset Tag: None
Part Number: None
Core Count: 2
Core Enabled: 2
Thread Count: 4

Handle: 0x0006, DMI type 17, 27 bytes
Memory Device
Error Information Handle: No Error
Size: 2048 MB
Form Factor: SODIMM
Locator: ChannelA-DIMM0
Bank Locator: BANK 0
Memory Type: DDR3
Speed: 1333 MHz
Manufacturer: Samsung
Serial Number: ** PRIVATE **
Asset Tag: 9876543210
Part Number: M471B5773DH0-CH9

Handle: 0x0007, DMI type 17, 27 bytes
Memory Device
Error Information Handle: No Error
Size: 2048 MB
Form Factor: SODIMM
Locator: ChannelB-DIMM0
Bank Locator: BANK 2
Memory Type: DDR3
Speed: 1333 MHz
Manufacturer: Samsung
Serial Number: ** PRIVATE **
Asset Tag: 9876543210
Part Number: M471B5773DH0-CH9

Handle: 0x000C, DMI type 0, 24 bytes
BIOS Information
Vendor: Apple Inc.
Version: MBP81.88Z.0047.B0E.1104221557
Release Date: 04/22/11
BIOS Revision: 0.1

Handle: 0x000D, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
System Information
Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
Product Name: MacBookPro8,1
Version: 1.0
Serial Number: ** PRIVATE **
Wake-up Type: Power Switch
SKU Number: Default SKU#
Family: MacBook Pro

Handle: 0x000E, DMI type 2, 16 bytes
Base Board Information
Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
Product Name: Mac-94245B3640C91C81
Version: Not Available
Serial Number: ** PRIVATE **
Asset Tag: Default Asset Tag#
Location In Chassis: Not Available
Type: Motherboard

Handle: 0x000F, DMI type 3, 21 bytes
Chassis Information
Manufacturer: Apple Inc.
Type: Unknown
Version: Not Available
Serial Number: ** PRIVATE **
Asset Tag: Default Asset Tag#

Handle: 0x003F, DMI type 131, 6 bytes
Apple specific Processor Type
Cpu-type = 0x0603

Handle: 0x0040, DMI type 132, 6 bytes
Apple specific Processor Interconnect Speed
QPI = 25100 MT/s

Handle 0x0041, DMI type 127, 4 bytes
End of Table

Adding device-properties string to DT
Table /Extra/DSDT.aml read and stored at: d21000
Generating P-States config: Yes
Generating C-States config: Yes
Table /Extra/SSDT.aml read and stored at: d2d000
ACPI Table not found: SSDT-1.aml
No ACPI version 1 found. Ignoring
RSDP version 2 found @f00e0. Length=36
RSDT @daffe0ac, Length 100
TABLE FACP, FADT found @dafe8000, Length 116
FACP Restart Fix applied!
Hardware Signature=0x0000A200: using.
DSDT: Old @dafea000,6514f739, New @d21000,6514f739
FADT: Using custom DSDT!
ACPI patcher: start finding cpu names. Length 47972
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU0]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU1]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU2]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU3]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU4]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU5]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU6]
ACPIpatcher: DSDT[5B83]
ACPI patcher: found ACPI CPU [CPU7]
ACPIpatcher: finished finding cpu names. Found: 8.
SSDT with CPU C-States generated successfully
C-States generated.
P-States: min 0x8, max 0x19
SSDT with CPU P-States generated successfully
P-States generated.
TABLE SLIC, TABLE SSDT, OEM SSDT tables was dropped
TABLE SSDT, OEM SSDT tables was dropped
TABLE SSDT, OEM SSDT tables was dropped
TABLE SSDT, OEM SSDT tables was dropped
RSDT: Added 3 SSDT table(s)
RSDT: Original checksum 227, New checksum 132 at d32000

XSDT @0;daffe120, Length=164
FADT found @0dafe7000, Length 244
FACP Restart Fix applied!
Hardware Signature=0x0000A200: using.
DSDT: Old @dafea000,dafea000, New @d21000,d21000
FADT: Using custom DSDT!
copied (OEM)
OEM SSDT tables was dropped
OEM SSDT tables was dropped
OEM SSDT tables was dropped
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
OEM SSDT tables was dropped
OEM SSDT tables was dropped
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
copied (OEM)
Added 3 SSDT table(s) into XSDT

RSDP: Original checksum 167, New checksum 25
RSDP: Original extended checksum 2, New extended checksum 201
ACPI version 2 patching finished

Attempting to loading drivers from "Extra" repository:
Attempting to loading drivers from standard repositories:
- Third party extensions search path: /Library/Extensions
- Apple extensions search path: /System/Library/Extensions
Starting Darwin/x86_64 [Darwin Kernel Version 14.5.0: Wed Jul 29 02:26:53 PDT 2015; root:xnu-2782.40.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64]
Boot Args: -v -f kext-dev-mode=1 -v -kext-develop-mode=1 kext-dev-mode=1


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