Unity5.5 Lighting Scene
Environment Lighting(环境光)
Ambient GI:
这个属性必须后面的PrecomputedRealtime GI和Baked GI同时勾选才会生效,unity默认这两个是同时勾上的
如果只有Baked GI那么环境光一定也是Backed,不需要选择
如果只有Precomputed Realtime GI,环境光也必须是Realtime,也不需要选择
Realtime:实时,实际上不是完全实时,官网文档解释是Precomputed Realtime
出于性能考虑,官网建议根据情况只打开precomputed 或者backe gi中的一项
precomputed 或者backe gi同时打开时,使用哪个取决于light的bake选项
Light的baking除了Realtime和bake还可以设置为mix,设置成mix的光既能bake lightmap,也能实时照亮场景中非静态物体比如给主角产生shadow
Reflection Source:
Reflection Intensity:
Reflection Bounces:
反射反弹次数,大体的理解是,场景中有多个object,真实的光照情况下,一个object接受到的光照会来自多个object的反射光,unity中用Reflection probe来模拟这种反射情况
A reflection “bounce” occurs where a reflection from one object is then reflected by another object. The reflections are captured in the scene through the use of Reflection Probes. This property lets you set how many times the bounces back and forth between
objects are evaluated by the probes; if set to 1 then only the initial reflection (from the skybox or cubemap specified in the Reflection Source property) will be taken into account.
Precomputed Realtime GI
预计算实时全局光照,大体概念可以看下Unity 5 中的全局光照技术详解
Realtime Resolution:
默认 2 texels per unit (unity中一个单位米用每2贴图像素表示)
This sets the number of texels (ie, “texture pixels”) that will be used per unit of length for objects being lit by realtime GI.A
resolution of 1 per unit is usually a good value (depending on the size of the objects in the scene) but for terrains and huge objects you will usually want to scale the resolution down. You can use the Lightmap
Parameters or the Mesh
Renderer’s Scale In Lightmap property
to reduce the resolution. Note that thisproperty also sets the Indirect
Resolution if both Realtime and Baked GI are enabled - see the Baked
GI properties below.
1 texels per unit是比较好的选择, 对于比较大的物体或者terrain,不需要每个单位都产生1 texels,这个通过LightmapPara或者MeshRender里的Scale In Lightmap来调整(在选择1 texels per unit后,个别物体不需要那么高精度贴图时采用的办法)
最后的那个间接分辨率Indirect Resolution没看懂,暂时不知道哪里用,这里indirect Light就是各种反弹出来的间接光,而Indirect Resolution就是Precomputed RealtimeGI贴图的分辨率
CPU Usage:
CPU usage results in faster reactions from the lighting but may affect framerate, etc. This does not affect the CPU usage for the precomputation process performed
in the editor. Note thathigher CPU usage is achieved by increasing the number of threads assigned to the GI; processors with many cores may therefore
suffer less of a performance hit.
Baked GI:
必须是static物体才可烘培到lightmap,unity5.5里面static后面有个下拉列表,包含了多种static,对于lightmap bake只需要选择lightmap static
Backed Resolution:
官方文档:这个参数通常设置为Precomputed Realtime GI中 RealtimeResolution的数值的10倍以上
unity默认把Precomputed Realtime GI中 RealtimeResolution设置为2 而把 BakedGI中Backed Resolution设置为了40
Backed Padding:
Ambient Occlusion
Final Gather:
When the final gather option is enabled, the final light bounce in the GI calculation will be calculated at the same resolution as the baked lightmap. This improves the
visual quality of the lightmap but at the cost of additional baking time in the editor.
Atlas Size:
Light Probes:
General GI
Directional Mode:
Indirect Intensity:
Bounce Boost:
Default Parameters:
Other Settings
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