
Given two integers tomatoSlices and cheeseSlices. The ingredients of different burgers are as follows:

  • Jumbo Burger: 4 tomato slices and 1 cheese slice.
  • Small Burger: 2 Tomato slices and 1 cheese slice.

Return [total_jumbo, total_small] so that the number of remaining tomatoSlices equal to 0 and the number of remaining cheeseSlices equal to 0. If it is not possible to make the remaining tomatoSlices and cheeseSlices equal to 0 return [].

Example 1:

Input: tomatoSlices = 16, cheeseSlices = 7
Output: [1,6]
Explantion: To make one jumbo burger and 6 small burgers we need 4*1 + 2*6 = 16 tomato and 1 + 6 = 7 cheese. There will be no remaining ingredients.

Example 2:

Input: tomatoSlices = 17, cheeseSlices = 4
Output: []
Explantion: There will be no way to use all ingredients to make small and jumbo burgers.

Example 3:

Input: tomatoSlices = 4, cheeseSlices = 17
Output: []
Explantion: Making 1 jumbo burger there will be 16 cheese remaining and making 2 small burgers there will be 15 cheese remaining.

Example 4:

Input: tomatoSlices = 0, cheeseSlices = 0
Output: [0,0]

Example 5:

Input: tomatoSlices = 2, cheeseSlices = 1
Output: [0,1]


  • 0 <= tomatoSlices <= 10^7
  • 0 <= cheeseSlices <= 10^7



class Solution(object):
def numOfBurgers(self, tomatoSlices, cheeseSlices):
:type tomatoSlices: int
:type cheeseSlices: int
:rtype: List[int]
if (tomatoSlices - 2*cheeseSlices)%2 != 0 or (4*cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices) % 2 != 0:
return []
elif (tomatoSlices - 2*cheeseSlices)/2 < 0 or (4*cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices) / 2 < 0:
return []
return [(tomatoSlices - 2*cheeseSlices)/2, (4*cheeseSlices - tomatoSlices) / 2]

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