ES2019 introduces the Array.prototype.flatMap method. In this lesson, we'll investigate a common use case for mapping and filtering an array in a single iteration. We'll then see how to do this using Array.prototype.reduce, and then refactor the code to do the same thing using the ES2019 .flatMap method.

Let's recap what we know about .filter and .map in JS.

For .filter:

We can choose to include or exclude one element from the original array, but we cannot apply transform function to the item.

For .map:

We can apply transform function to the element but we cannot exclude the element from the array.

const data = [{a: , b: , c: }, {a: , b: , c: }, {a: , b: , c: }]
function getABWhereCLargerThan100 (data) {
return data.flatMap(o => o.c >= ? [o.a, o.b]: [])
console.log(getABWhereCLargerThan100(data)); //[1, 2, 13, 22]

If inside .flatMap we return [], it is the same as filtering current element from the array.

So if we want to apply transform function and also at the same time filter out some elements, we can use .flatMap from ES2019:

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