Queries: Templates/Code Combinations

sql>select * from gl_dynamic_summ_combinations where CODE_COMBINATION_ID in (select SUMMARY_CODE_COMBINATION_ID from GL_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHIES);

sql>select * from GL_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHIES where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = 268 and template_id in (781, 718, 1330, 719, 782, 720 ,1329);

sql>select * from gl_code_combinations where CODE_COMBINATION_ID in  (select SUMMARY_CODE_COMBINATION_ID from GL_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHIES where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = 268 and template_id =1329);

sql>select * from gl_code_combinations where CODE_COMBINATION_ID in  (select DETAIL_CODE_COMBINATION_ID from GL_ACCOUNT_HIERARCHIES where SET_OF_BOOKS_ID = 268 and template_id =1329);

sql>select * from gl_code_combinations where template_id=1329;

sql>select * from gl_summary_templates where template_id=1330;


sql>select * from gl_summary_hierarchies where template_id=1330;

sql>select * from GL_ROLLUP_GROUP_SCORES;

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