class StaticFileHandler(RequestHandler):
"""A simple handler that can serve static content from a directory.
A `StaticFileHandler` is configured automatically if you pass the
``static_path`` keyword argument to `Application`. This handler
can be customized with the ``static_url_prefix``, ``static_handler_class``,
and ``static_handler_args`` settings.
To map an additional path to this handler for a static data directory
you would add a line to your application like::
application = web.Application([
(r"/content/(.*)", web.StaticFileHandler, {"path": "/var/www"}),
The handler constructor requires a ``path`` argument, which specifies the
local root directory of the content to be served.
Note that a capture group in the regex is required to parse the value for
the ``path`` argument to the get() method (different than the constructor
argument above); see `URLSpec` for details.
To serve a file like ``index.html`` automatically when a directory is
requested, set ``static_handler_args=dict(default_filename="index.html")``
in your application settings, or add ``default_filename`` as an initializer
argument for your ``StaticFileHandler``.
To maximize the effectiveness of browser caching, this class supports
versioned urls (by default using the argument ``?v=``). If a version
is given, we instruct the browser to cache this file indefinitely.
`make_static_url` (also available as `RequestHandler.static_url`) can
be used to construct a versioned url.
This handler is intended primarily for use in development and light-duty
file serving; for heavy traffic it will be more efficient to use
a dedicated static file server (such as nginx or Apache). We support
the HTTP ``Accept-Ranges`` mechanism to return partial content (because
some browsers require this functionality to be present to seek in
HTML5 audio or video).
**Subclassing notes**
This class is designed to be extensible by subclassing, but because
of the way static urls are generated with class methods rather than
instance methods, the inheritance patterns are somewhat unusual.
Be sure to use the ``@classmethod`` decorator when overriding a
class method. Instance methods may use the attributes ``self.path``
``self.absolute_path``, and ``self.modified``.
Subclasses should only override methods discussed in this section;
overriding other methods is error-prone. Overriding
``StaticFileHandler.get`` is particularly problematic due to the
tight coupling with ``compute_etag`` and other methods.
To change the way static urls are generated (e.g. to match the behavior
of another server or CDN), override `make_static_url`, `parse_url_path`,
`get_cache_time`, and/or `get_version`.
To replace all interaction with the filesystem (e.g. to serve
static content from a database), override `get_content`,
`get_content_size`, `get_modified_time`, `get_absolute_path`, and
.. versionchanged:: 3.1
Many of the methods for subclasses were added in Tornado 3.1.
模板渲染, 使用模板语言进行渲染
前后端分离, 前后端开发前定义好api接口, 使用ajax调用这些接口, 就能同时开发, 后端只管返回规定的数据
import os
current_path = os.path.dirname(__file__)
app = tornado.web.Application(
(r'^/(.*?)$', StaticFileHandler, {"path":os.path.join(current_path, "templates"), "default_filename":"index.html"}),
static_path=os.path.join(current_path, "statics"),
path : 用来提供
文件的根路径, 并在此目录中寻找在url中用正则表达式提取的文件名的值default_filename : 用来指定访问路由中未指明文件时, 默认提供的文件
static_path: 提供静态文件的位置
把以上信息配置好后, 项目应该就能拉起来了
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