Transaction Handling
juno = graph.addVertex() //Automatically opens a new transaction
juno.property("name", "juno")
graph.tx().commit() //Commits transaction
graph = JanusGraphFactory.open("berkeleyje:/tmp/janusgraph")
juno = graph.addVertex() //Automatically opens a new transaction
juno.property("name", "juno")
graph.tx().commit() //Commits transaction
Transaction Scope
juno = graph.addVertex() //Automatically opens a new transaction
graph.tx().commit() //Ends transaction
juno.property("name", "juno") //Vertex is automatically transitioned
graph = JanusGraphFactory.open("berkeleyje:/tmp/janusgraph")
juno = graph.addVertex() //Automatically opens a new transaction
graph.tx().commit() //Ends transaction
juno.property("name", "juno") //Vertex is automatically transitioned
Transaction Failures
try {
if (g.V().has("name", name).iterator().hasNext())
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Username already taken: " + name)
user = graph.addVertex()
user.property("name", name)
} catch (Exception e) {
//Recover, retry, or return error message
- Potentially temporary failures
- Permanent failures
Multi-Threaded Transactions
threadedGraph = graph.tx().createThreadedTx();
threads = new Thread[10];
for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++) {
threads[i]=new Thread({
println("Do something with 'threadedGraph''");
for (int i=0; i<threads.length; i++) threads[i].join();
Nested Transactions 嵌套事务
v1 = graph.addVertex()
//Do many other things
v2 = graph.addVertex()
v2.property("uniqueName", "foo")
v1.addEdge("related", v2)
//Do many other things
graph.tx().commit() // This long-running tx might fail due to contention on its uniqueName lock
v1 = graph.addVertex()
//Do many other things
tx = graph.tx().createThreadedTx()
v2 = tx.addVertex()
v2.property("uniqueName", "foo")
tx.commit() // Any lock contention will be detected here
v1.addEdge("related", g.V(v2).next()) // Need to load v2 into outer transaction
//Do many other things
graph.tx().commit() // Can't fail due to uniqueName write lock contention involving v2
Common Transaction Handling Problems
v = g.V(4).next() // Retrieve vertex, first action automatically starts transaction
>> returns nothing, v has no edges
//thread is idle for a few seconds, another thread adds edges to v
>> still returns nothing because the transactional state from the beginning is maintained
v = g.V(4).next() // Retrieve vertex, first action automatically starts transaction
//thread is idle for a few seconds, another thread adds edges to v
>> returns the newly added edge
Transaction Configruation
- readOnly()
- enableBatchLoading()
- setTimestamp()
- setVertexCacheSize(long)
- checkExternalVertexExistence(boolean)
- checkInternalVertexExistence(boolean)
- consistencyChecks(boolean)
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