chapter 1 Old Major's dream.
paragraph 1 
    //Mr Jones is the mastor of the Manor Farm.That night  he was drunk and made his way up to bed.
paragraph 2
    // Old Major had had a strange dream on the previous night,and it had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn.Because old Major want to communicate to the other animals in the farm.  
   // 一只老公猪马诺尔在前夜做了一个很奇怪的梦,并且和农场动物们约定今夜在大谷仓进行分享。
paragraph 3-5
  //The animals reach at the big barn.Boxer and Clover are cart-horses.Benjemin is the oldest donkey on the farm who devoted to Boxer. //Mollie,pretty white mare who drew Mr Jone's trap
    Introduce the animals that come to the big barn to listen to Old Major's speech.
paragraph 6-10  What is the nature of animals?
    The nature of life of animals are miserable,laborious,and short.Because nearly the whole of the produce of animal's labour is stolen by human beings.And even the miserable lives animals lead are not allowed to their nature span.
paragraph 11 What should animal do?
    Rebellion.Only get rid of man the produce of animals would be their own.
paragraph 12  What 's the relation of animal and man?
    All animals are comrades.All man are enemies.
p13-14 Are wild creatures our friend?
    It was agreed by an ovrwhelming majority that rats were comrades.
p15 What do animals observe when they have conquered man?
    All animals must not come to resemble man and all animals are equal.
p16-18 What dream had Old Major had on previous night?
    The song called Beasts of England come back to Old Major and he sang the song for the animals.
    The singing of this song threw the animals into the wildest excetement.
    The uproar awoke Mr Jone,and the meet broke up hurrydely. Every one field into his own sleep-place.
c1   Old Marjor's dream
    Old Major had make a speech at the bir barn.It's talk about the nature of life of the animals , Men are the only enemy of animals,Rebillion is the only way that can make them free.Finally Old Major had teached the song named Beasts of England to the anmals.

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