2017.10.31 Enginer+position+statement
一、The basic information |
Post name |
Engineering manager |
Department |
Engineering |
Post member |
A24645 |
immediate superior |
general manager |
Post people |
1 |
Post level |
Sensor electronics |
Immediate subordinate |
Department manager |
Workplace |
Engineering |
Created Date |
2017/07/10 |
Effective date |
2017/07/10 |
work content |
Job description: 1. Responsible for the overall planning and overall planning of the department and follow-up and implementation of related work. 2. Completed the recruitment and job placement and dismissal of the department jointly with the personnel department. 3. Responsible for the approval of product BOM, ECN, SOP and other related process documents. 4. Responsible for the whole process of ES, CS, PP and MP. 5. Responsible for product quality, efficiency improvement, lower rate of failure to follow up and implement. 6. Responsible for product quality, efficiency improvement, lower rate of failure to follow up and implement. 7. Responsible for reviewing and approving various reports of the department. 8. Responsible for performance appraisal and other related work of the department. 9. Responsible for the formulation of rules and regulations, post responsibilities and procedure documents of the department. 10. Responsible for the coordination and communication of all the work of the department. 11.To be responsible for the management, handling of abnormal accidents and other related work 12. Assist the supervisor in formulating the department's rules and regulations, post responsibilities, procedure documents and implementation of relevant policies and resolutions of the company. |
Duty |
1. Responsible for the project objectives and plans of the engineering department. 2. Responsible for the project of personal responsibility. 3. Responsible for the abnormal design of the project. 4. Be familiar with the products of the company, actively participate in solving problems of product quality, and be responsible for the damage caused by design. |
Authority |
engineering manager |
Induction training |
1.Enterprise Culture and regulatory framework 2.ISO9001:2008,ISO14001 3.Refer to the list of pre-job training In engineering department |
Sex |
Male or female |
Education background: Bachelor degree or above in electronic or mechanical engineering |
Age |
Between 26-45 years |
special requirements:Strong professional quality and organizational communication skills |
Moral requirements: Proactive, steadfast, dedicated and cooperative |
Professional background and business ability requirements 1.Major in engineering, electronics, etc. 2. Professional foundation, strong analytical ability. 3. Strong communication, organization, coordination and management skills. |
Qualification certificate and working experience requirement 1.Degree and degree certificate。 2. At least 3 years related working experience and good performance. |
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