

How does one use an Area in ASP.NET Core? This is not properly documented!

Supposing I have an app that needs an Admin section. This section requires its Views to be places in that area. All requests that start with Admin/ will need to be redirected to that area.


In order to include an Area in an ASP.NET Core app, first we need to include a conventional route in the Startup.cs file (It's best to place it before any non-area route):

In Startup.cs/Configure method:

app.UseMvc(routes =>
routes.MapRoute("areaRoute", "{area:exists}/{controller=Admin}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); routes.MapRoute(
name: "default",
template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}");

Then make a folder named Areas in the app root and make another named Admin inside the former, also make these folders inside Admin (ViewComponent is optional):

Now we create a controller inside the Controllers folder named AdminController, the content can be like:

public class AdminController : Controller
public AdminController()
// do stuff
} public IActionResult Index()
return View();
} [Route("[action]/{page:int?}")]
public IActionResult Orders()
return View();
} [Route("[action]")]
public IActionResult Shop()
return View();
} [Route("[action]/newest")]
public IActionResult Payments()
return View();

Now in order for that to work, you'll need to create Views for all actions that return one. The hierarchy for views is just like what you have in a non-area Views folder:

Now, you should be good to go!

Question: What if I what to have another controller inside my Area?


Just add another controller beside AdminController and make sure the routes are like the following:

public class ProductsController : Controller
public ProductsController()
} [Route("{page:int?}")]
public IActionResult Index()
return View();

The important part is [Route("admin/[controller]")]. With that you can keep the style of routing to admin/controller/action/...

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