413. Reverse Integer【easy】
Reverse digits of an integer. Returns 0 when the reversed integer overflows (signed 32-bit integer).
Given x = 123
, return 321
Given x = -123
, return -321
class Solution {
* @param n: the integer to be reversed
* @return: the reversed integer
int reverseInteger(int n) {
long ret = ; while (n != ) {
ret = ret * + n % ;
n /= ;
} if (ret > INT_MAX || ret < INT_MIN) {
return ;
} return (int)ret;
class Solution {
int reverseInteger(int x) {
int rst = ; while(x != ){
int next_rst = rst * + x % ;
x = x / ;
if(next_rst / != rst) {
rst = ;
rst = next_rst;
return rst;
参考@NineChapter 的代码
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