flex 4.6 移动开发 app.xml配置说明
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.1"> <!-- Adobe AIR Application Descriptor File Template. Specifies parameters
for identifying, installing, and launching AIR applications. xmlns - The
Adobe AIR namespace: http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.1 The last segment
of the namespace specifies the version of the AIR runtime required for this
application to run. minimumPatchLevel - The minimum patch level of the AIR
runtime required to run the application. Optional. --> <!-- A universally unique application identifier. Must be unique across
all AIR applications. Using a reverse DNS-style name as the id is recommended.
(Eg. com.example.ExampleApplication.) Required. -->
<!-- 软件ID,如果是真的ios开发,这里填入苹果开发者帐号内设定的软件ID-->
<!-- 应用的文件名 -->
<!-- Used as the filename for the application. Required. -->
<filename>企业决策分析</filename> <!-- The name that is displayed in the AIR application installer. May have
multiple values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
<!-- 桌面显示应用的文件名 -->
<name>企业决策分析</name> <!-- A string value of the format <0-999>.<0-999>.<0-999> that represents
application version which can be used to check for application upgrade. Values
can also be 1-part or 2-part. It is not necessary to have a 3-part value.
An updated version of application must have a versionNumber value higher
than the previous version. Required for namespace >= 2.5 . -->
<!-- 版本 号 新版本的应用程序必须有一个版本号高于前的版本。 -->
<versionNumber>2.0</versionNumber> <!-- A string value (such as "v1", "2.5", or "Alpha 1") that represents
the version of the application, as it should be shown to users. Optional. -->
<!-- 显示给用户看的版本说明 -->
<!-- <versionLabel></versionLabel> --> <!-- Description, displayed in the AIR application installer. May have multiple
values for each language. See samples or xsd schema file. Optional. -->
<!-- 应用介绍 -->
<!-- <description></description> --> <!-- Copyright information. Optional -->
<!-- 版权所有 -->
<!-- <copyright></copyright> --> <!-- Publisher ID. Used if you're updating an application created prior
to 1.5.3 -->
<!-- 出版者ID。使用如果你更新一个应用程序创建-->
<!-- <publisherID></publisherID> --> <!-- Settings for the application's initial window. Required. -->
<!-- The main SWF or HTML file of the application. Required. -->
<!-- Note: In Flash Builder, the SWF reference is set automatically. -->
<content>[此值将由 Flash Builder 在输出 app.xml 中覆盖]</content> <!-- The title of the main window. Optional. -->
<!-- 主窗口的标题 -->
<!-- <title></title> --> <!-- The type of system chrome to use (either "standard" or "none"). Optional.
Default standard. -->
<!-- 系统的类型使用-->
<!-- <systemChrome></systemChrome> --> <!-- Whether the window is transparent. Only applicable when systemChrome
is none. Optional. Default false. -->
<!-- 窗口是否是透明的-->
<!-- <transparent></transparent> --> <!-- Whether the window is initially visible. Optional. Default false. -->
<!-- 初始化可见-->
<!-- <visible></visible> --> <!-- Whether the user can minimize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
<!-- 最小化-->
<!-- <minimizable></minimizable> --> <!-- Whether the user can maximize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
<!-- 最大化-->
<!-- <maximizable></maximizable> --> <!-- Whether the user can resize the window. Optional. Default true. -->
<!-- 用户是否可以重置大小-->
<!-- <resizable></resizable> --> <!-- The window's initial width in pixels. Optional. -->
<!-- 宽-->
<!-- <width></width> --> <!-- The window's initial height in pixels. Optional. -->
<!-- 高-->
<!-- <height></height> --> <!-- The window's initial x position. Optional. -->
<!-- x坐标-->
<!-- <x></x> --> <!-- The window's initial y position. Optional. -->
<!-- y坐标-->
<!-- <y></y> --> <!-- The window's minimum size, specified as a width/height pair in pixels,
such as "400 200". Optional. -->
<!-- 窗体最小尺寸-->
<!-- <minSize></minSize> --> <!-- The window's initial maximum size, specified as a width/height pair
in pixels, such as "1600 1200". Optional. -->
<!-- 窗体最大尺寸-->
<!-- <maxSize></maxSize> --> <!-- The initial aspect ratio of the app when launched (either "portrait"
or "landscape"). Optional. Mobile only. Default is the natural orientation
of the device --> <!-- 横向显示、竖向显示-->
<!-- <aspectRatio></aspectRatio> --> <!-- Whether the app will begin auto-orienting on launch. Optional. Mobile
only. Default false --> <!-- ??-->
<!-- <autoOrients></autoOrients> --> <!-- Whether the app launches in full screen. Optional. Mobile only. Default
false --> <!-- 是否全屏-->
<!-- <fullScreen></fullScreen> --> <!-- The render mode for the app (either auto, cpu, gpu, or direct). Optional.
Default auto --> <!-- 渲染模式的应用程序(可选 auto, cpu, gpu, or direct。默认汽车-->
<!-- <renderMode></renderMode> --> <!-- Whether or not to pan when a soft keyboard is raised or lowered (either
"pan" or "none"). Optional. Defaults "pan." -->
<!-- 键盘弹出方式-->
<!-- <softKeyboardBehavior></softKeyboardBehavior> -->
</initialWindow> <!-- We recommend omitting the supportedProfiles element, -->
<!-- which in turn permits your application to be deployed to all -->
<!-- devices supported by AIR. If you wish to restrict deployment -->
<!-- (i.e., to only mobile devices) then add this element and list -->
<!-- only the profiles which your application does support. -->
<!-- <supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop mobileDevice extendedMobileDevice</supportedProfiles> --> <!-- The subpath of the standard default installation location to use. Optional. -->
<!-- 路径的标准默认安装位置 -->
<!-- <installFolder></installFolder> --> <!-- The subpath of the Programs menu to use. (Ignored on operating systems
without a Programs menu.) Optional. -->
<!-- 路径的程序菜单 -->
<!-- <programMenuFolder></programMenuFolder> --> <!-- The icon the system uses for the application. For at least one resolution,
specify the path to a PNG file included in the AIR package. Optional. -->
<!-- 图标 -->
<!-- <icon> <image16x16></image16x16> <image32x32></image32x32> <image36x36></image36x36>
<image48x48></image48x48> <image57x57></image57x57> <image72x72></image72x72>
<image114x114></image114x114> <image128x128></image128x128> </icon> -->
<!-- Whether the application handles the update when a user double-clicks
an update version of the AIR file (true), or the default AIR application
installer handles the update (false). Optional. Default false. -->
<!-- 应用程序更新 默认不更新 -->
<!-- <customUpdateUI></customUpdateUI> --> <!-- Whether the application can be launched when the user clicks a link
in a web browser. Optional. Default false. -->
<!-- 通过浏览器启动 -->
<!-- <allowBrowserInvocation></allowBrowserInvocation> --> <!-- Listing of file types for which the application can register. Optional. -->
<!-- <fileTypes> --> <!-- Defines one file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <fileType> --> <!-- The name that the system displays for the registered file type. Required. -->
<!-- <name></name> --> <!-- The extension to register. Required. -->
<!-- <extension></extension> --> <!-- The description of the file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <description></description> --> <!-- The MIME content type. -->
<!-- <contentType></contentType> --> <!-- The icon to display for the file type. Optional. -->
<!-- <icon> <image16x16></image16x16> <image32x32></image32x32> <image48x48></image48x48>
<image128x128></image128x128> </icon> --> <!-- </fileType> -->
<!-- </fileTypes> --> <!-- iOS specific capabilities -->
<!-- <iPhone> -->
<!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Info.plist -->
<!-- <InfoAdditions> <![CDATA[ <key>UIDeviceFamily</key> <array> <string>1</string>
<string>2</string> </array> <key>UIStatusBarStyle</key> <string>UIStatusBarStyleBlackOpaque</string>
<key>UIRequiresPersistentWiFi</key> <string>YES</string> ]]> </InfoAdditions> -->
<!-- A list of plist key/value pairs to be added to the application Entitlements.plist -->
<!-- <Entitlements> <![CDATA[ <key>keychain-access-groups</key> <array>
<string></string> <string></string> </array> ]]> </Entitlements> -->
<!-- Display Resolution for the app (either "standard" or "high"). Optional.
Default "standard" -->
<!-- <requestedDisplayResolution></requestedDisplayResolution> -->
<!-- </iPhone> --> <!-- Specify Android specific tags that get passed to AndroidManifest.xml
file. -->
<!--<android> -->
<!-- <manifestAdditions> <![CDATA[ <manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/> <uses-permission
android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/> <uses-permission
android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/> <uses-feature android:required="true"
android:name="android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch"/> <application android:enabled="true">
<activity android:excludeFromRecents="false"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/> </intent-filter>
</activity> </application> </manifest> ]]> </manifestAdditions> -->
<!-- Color depth for the app (either "32bit" or "16bit"). Optional. Default
16bit before namespace 3.0, 32bit after -->
<!-- <colorDepth></colorDepth> --> <!-- </android> -->
<!-- End of the schema for adding the android specific tags in AndroidManifest.xml
file --> <android>
<manifest android:installLocation="auto">
<!--See the Adobe AIR documentation for more information about setting Google Android permissions-->
<!--删除 android.permission.INTERNET 权限将导致无法调试设备上的应用程序-->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>-->
的 SystemIdleMode API-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO"/>-->
的 NetworkInfo API-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>-->
<!--<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE"/>-->
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