


ZLL Soc Types


// Endpoint information record entry端点信息记录条目

typedef struct      描述设备的数据结构


uint8_t IEEEAddr[8];           IEEE地址

uint16_t nwkAddr;   // Network address  网络地址

uint8_t endpoint;   // Endpoint identifier  端点标识符

uint16_t profileID; // Profile identifier      配置文件标识符

uint16_t deviceID;  // Device identifier    设备ID

uint8_t version;    // Version

char* deviceName;  设备名称

uint8_t status;      状态(以供将来使用)

} epInfo_t


typedef uint8_t (*zllSocTlIndicationCb_t)(epInfo_t *epInfo);

typedef uint8_t (*zllNewDevIndicationCb_t)(epInfo_t *epInfo);

typedef uint8_t (*zllSocZclGetStateCb_t)(uint8_t state, uint16_t nwkAddr, uint8_t endpoint);

typedef uint8_t (*zllSocZclGetLevelCb_t)(uint8_t level, uint16_t nwkAddr, uint8_t endpoint);

typedef uint8_t (*zllSocZclGetHueCb_t)(uint8_t hue, uint16_t nwkAddr, uint8_t endpoint);

typedef uint8_t (*zllSocZclGetSatCb_t)(uint8_t sat, uint16_t nwkAddr, uint8_t endpoint);

typedef struct


zllSocTlIndicationCb_t            pfnTlIndicationCb;

// TouchLink Indication callback触摸指示回调(用于ZLL控制的桥梁,而不是关于HA照明网关)

zllNewDevIndicationCb_t          pfnNewDevIndicationCb;

// New device Indication callback    新设备指示回调

zllSocZclGetStateCb_t           pfnZclGetStateCb;

// ZCL response callback for get State  状态响应回调

zllSocZclGetLevelCb_t           pfnZclGetLevelCb;

// ZCL response callback for get Level  亮度响应回调

zllSocZclGetHueCb_t             pfnZclGetHueCb;

// ZCL response callback for get Hue   色调响应回调

zllSocZclGetSatCb_t             pfnZclGetSatCb;

// ZCL response callback for get Sat    饱和度响应回调

} zllSocCallbacks_t;

#define Z_EXTADDR_LEN 8


typedef enum


afAddrNotPresent = 0,

afAddrGroup      = 1,   组播地址

afAddr16Bit      = 2,

afAddr64Bit      = 3,

afAddrBroadcast  = 15

} afAddrMode_t;



configuration API's

int32_t zllSocOpen( char *devicePath );


参数:devicePath - path to the UART device  到设备的路径,(端口号)

返回:serialPortFd   打开成功则返回串口文件描述符

void zllSocRegisterCallbacks( zllSocCallbacks_t zllSocCallbacks);



void zllSocClose( void );


void zllSocProcessRpc (void);   //read and process the RPC from the ZLL controller



void zllSocTouchLink(void); 发送 touchLink 命令到CC253x.

void zllSocResetToFn(void);

发送恢复出厂(factory new)设置命令给CC253x.

Linux 网关文档中给出的注释为:Resets the Gateway to its Factory New state.

void zllSocSendResetToFn(void);

Send the reset to factory new command to a ZLL device

Linux 网关文档中给出的注释为Reserved for use with ZLL Controller

void zllSocOpenNwk(void);   Send the open network command to a ZLL device

Opens the network for 60s for new devices to join//.打开网络60秒让新设备加进来


void zllSocSetState(uint8_t state, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:发送on/off 命令给一个 ZLL light

参数   state - 0: Off, 1: On.

dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.被控制灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocSetLevel(uint8_t level, uint16_t time, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the level command to a ZLL light.发送亮度命令给一个ZLL灯

参数:level - 0-128 = 0-100%

dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.被控制灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocSetHue(uint8_t hue, uint16_t time, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the hue command to a ZLL light. 发送“色调”命令到一个ZLL灯

参数:hue - 0-128 represent the 360Deg hue color wheel : 0=red, 42=blue, 85=green

dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.被控制灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocSetSat(uint8_t sat, uint16_t time, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t  endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the satuartion command to a ZLL light.发送饱和度命令到一个ZLL灯

参数:sat - 0-128 : 0=white, 128: fully saturated color

dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.被控制灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocSetHueSat(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint16_t time, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the hue and satuartion command to a ZLL light.发送“色调”和“饱和度”命令到一个ZLL灯

参数:hue - 0-128 represent the 360Deg hue color wheel : 0=red, 42=blue, 85=green

sat - 0-128 : 0=white, 128: fully saturated color

dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.被控制灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocAddGroup(uint16_t groupId, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

* @brief   Add Group.


* @param   groupId - Group ID of the Scene.

* @param   dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.

* @param   endpoint - endpoint of the Light.

* @param   addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.

void zllSocStoreScene(uint16_t groupId, uint8_t sceneId, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

@brief   Store Scene.

* @param   groupId - Group ID of the Scene.

* @param   sceneId - Scene ID of the Scene.

* @param   dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.

* @param   endpoint - endpoint of the Light.

* @param   addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.

void zllSocRecallScene(uint16_t groupId, uint8_t sceneId, uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

@brief   Recall Scene.


* @param   groupId - Group ID of the Scene.

* @param   sceneId - Scene ID of the Scene.

* @param   dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be controled.

* @param   endpoint - endpoint of the Light.

* @param   addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.

void zllSocBind(uint16_t srcNwkAddr, uint8_t srcEndpoint, uint8_t srcIEEE[8], uint8_t dstEndpoint, uint8_t dstIEEE[8], uint16_t clusterID);


void zllSocGetState(uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the get state command to a ZLL light.发送“获取状态”命令到a ZLL light

参数:dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be sent the command.要接收命令的灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocGetLevel(uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the get level command to a ZLL light.发送“获取亮度”命令到a ZLL light

参数:dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be sent the command.要接收命令的灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocGetHue(uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the get hue command to a ZLL light.发送“获取色调”命令到a ZLL light

参数:dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be sent the command.要接收命令的灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播

void zllSocGetSat(uint16_t dstAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t addrMode);

功能:Send the get saturation command to a ZLL light发送“获取饱和度”命令到a ZLL light

参数:dstAddr - Nwk Addr or Group ID of the Light(s) to be sent the command.要接收命令的灯的网络地址或组ID

endpoint - endpoint of the Light.    端点ID

addrMode - Unicast or Group cast.   单播或组播



Types  (数据类型重新定义)

typedef signed   char   int8;

typedef unsigned char   uint8;

typedef signed   short  int16;

typedef unsigned short  uint16;

typedef signed   int   int32;

typedef unsigned int   uint32;

typedef unsigned char   bool;

typedef uint16        halDataAlign_t;

Standard Defines

#ifndef TRUE

#define TRUE 1


#ifndef FALSE

#define FALSE 0


#ifndef NULL

#define NULL 0



This file contains useful macros and data types 此文件包含有用的宏和数据类型


#ifndef BV          //这是将某位置位的宏

#define BV(n)      (1 << (n))  00000001往左移移N位,如左移3位得00001000


#ifndef BF

#define BF(x,b,s)  (((x) & (b)) >> (s))   x和b位与运算再右移s位


#ifndef MIN                   取较小值

#define MIN(n,m)   (((n) < (m)) ? (n) : (m))


#ifndef MAX                  取较大值

#define MAX(n,m)   (((n) < (m)) ? (m) : (n))


#ifndef ABS           取绝对值

#define ABS(n)     (((n) < 0) ? -(n) : (n))


#define BREAK_UINT32( var, ByteNum ) \

(uint8_t)((uint32_t)(((var) >>((ByteNum) * 8)) & 0x00FF))

/* takes a byte out of a uint32_t : var - uint32_t,  ByteNum - byte to take out (0 - 3) */


#define BUILD_UINT32(Byte0, Byte1, Byte2, Byte3) \

((uint32_t)((uint32_t)((Byte0) & 0x00FF) \

+ ((uint32_t)((Byte1) & 0x00FF) << 8) \

+ ((uint32_t)((Byte2) & 0x00FF) << 16) \

+ ((uint32_t)((Byte3) & 0x00FF) << 24)))


#define BUILD_UINT16(loByte, hiByte) \

((uint16_t)(((loByte) & 0x00FF) + (((hiByte) & 0x00FF) << 8)))


#define HI_UINT16(a) (((a) >> 8) & 0xFF)  //提取16为无符号整数的高8位

#define LO_UINT16(a) ((a) & 0xFF)      //提取16为无符号整数的低8位

#define BUILD_UINT8(hiByte, loByte) \

((uint8_t)(((loByte) & 0x0F) + (((hiByte) & 0x0F) << 4)))

//将hiByte, loByte组合成一个8位无符号整数,hiByte在高位

#define HI_UINT8(a) (((a) >> 4) & 0x0F)   //提取8为无符号整数a的高4位

#define LO_UINT8(a) ((a) & 0x0F)         //提86为无符号整数的a的低4位

#ifndef GET_BIT

#define GET_BIT(DISCS, IDX)  (((DISCS)[((IDX) / 8)] & BV((IDX) % 8)) ? TRUE : FALSE)


#ifndef SET_BIT

#define SET_BIT(DISCS, IDX)  (((DISCS)[((IDX) / 8)] |= BV((IDX) % 8)))


#ifndef CLR_BIT

#define CLR_BIT(DISCS, IDX)  (((DISCS)[((IDX) / 8)] &= (BV((IDX) % 8) ^ 0xFF)))


#define st(x)      do { x } while (__LINE__ == -1)

// __LINE__ 是个宏,它代表当前代码在源文件的行号,它是大于0的,所以__LINE__ == -1 等同于0

这个宏供其他宏使用以形成一个完全有效的C语句。*如果没有,if / else条件语句可能意外的行为,    无关键作用,无需特别注意

*该宏用于定义不同的编译器/汇编ASM NOP指令

#ifdef ccs

#define ASM_NOP    asm(" NOP")

#elif defined rvmdk

#define ASM_NOP   __nop()


#define ASM_NOP    asm("NOP")




Description:    Socket Remote Procedure Call Interface - sample device application.

套接字远程过程调用接口 - 示例设备应用程序。


typedef void (*socketServerCb_t)( int clientFd );



#include "hal_types.h"


#define MAX_CLIENTS 50


int32 socketSeverInit( uint32 port );

功能:initialises the server.   初始化服务

参数:port         端口号

返回:return  Status    为0时成功

* serverSocketConfig - initialises the server.


int32 serverSocketConfig(socketServerCb_t rxCb, socketServerCb_t connectCb);


* getClientFds -  get clients fd's.


void socketSeverGetClientFds(int *fds, int maxFds);


* getClientFds - get clients fd's.


uint32 socketSeverGetNumClients(void);


* socketSeverPoll - services the Socket events.


void socketSeverPoll(int clinetFd, int revent);


* socketSeverSendAllclients - Send a buffer to all clients.


int32 socketSeverSendAllclients(uint8* buf, uint32 len);


* socketSeverSend - Send a buffer to a clients.


int32 socketSeverSend(uint8* buf, uint32 len, int32 fdClient);


* socketSeverClose - Closes the client connections.


void socketSeverClose(void);


define the outgoing RPCS command ID's


#define RPCS_NEW_ZLL_DEVICE     0x0001

#define RPCS_DEV_ANNCE                   0x0002

#define RPCS_SIMPLE_DESC          0x0003

#define RPCS_TEMP_READING       0x0004

#define RPCS_POWER_READING      0x0005

#define RPCS_PING               0x0006

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_STATE_RSP  0x0007

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_LEVEL_RSP  0x0008

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_HUE_RSP    0x0009

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_SAT_RSP    0x000a

#define RPCS_ADD_GROUP_RSP      0x000b

#define RPCS_GET_GROUP_RSP      0x000c

#define RPCS_ADD_SCENE_RSP      0x000d

#define RPCS_GET_SCENE_RSP      0x000e

define incoming RPCS command ID's


#define RPCS_CLOSE              0x80;

#define RPCS_GET_DEVICES        0x81;

#define RPCS_SET_DEV_STATE      0x82;

#define RPCS_SET_DEV_LEVEL      0x83;

#define RPCS_SET_DEV_COLOR      0x84;

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_STATE      0x85;

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_LEVEL      0x86;

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_HUE        0x87;

#define RPCS_GET_DEV_SAT        0x88;

#define RPCS_BIND_DEVICES       0x89;




#define RPCS_SEND_ZCL           0x8d;

#define RPCS_GET_GROUPS         0x8e;

#define RPCS_ADD_GROUP          0x8f;

#define RPCS_GET_SCENES         0x90;

#define RPCS_STORE_SCENE        0x91;

#define RPCS_RECALL_SCENE       0x92;

#define RPCS_IDENTIFY_DEVICE    0x93;


#define RPCS_REMOVE_DEVICE      0x95;

#define SRPC_FUNC_ID 0

#define SRPC_MSG_LEN 1

#define SRPC_TCP_PORT 0x2be3

#define CLOSE_AUTH_NUM 0x2536


typedef struct




uint16_t      shortAddr;

uint8_t       extAddr[Z_EXTADDR_LEN];

} addr;

afAddrMode_t  addrMode;

uint8_t endPoint;

uint16_t  panId;  // used for the INTER_PAN feature

} afAddrType_t;

RPSC ZLL Interface function

void SRPC_Init(void);

功能:initialises the RPC interface and waits for a client to connect.


uint8_t RSPC_SendEpInfo(epInfo_t *epInfo);

功能:This function exposes an interface to allow an upper layer to start send an ep indo to all devices.此函数提供一个了接口,允许上层开始将一个设备的信息发送给所有设备。

参数:epInfo_t *epInfo   pointer to the epInfo to be sent

void RPCS_ZLL_CallBack_getStateRsp(uint8_t state, uint16_t srcAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t clientFd)

功能:Sends the get State Rsp to the client that sent a get state

void RPCS_ZLL_CallBack_getLevelRsp(uint8_t level, uint16_t srcAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t clientFd);

功能:Sends the get Level Rsp to the client that sent a get level

void RPCS_ZLL_CallBack_getHueRsp(uint8_t hue, uint16_t srcAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t clientFd);

功能:Sends the get Hue Rsp to the client that sent a get hue

void RPCS_ZLL_CallBack_getSatRsp(uint8_t sat, uint16_t srcAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t clientFd);

功能:Sends the get Sat Rsp to the client that sent a get sat


void RPCS_ZLL_CallBack_getTempRsp(uint16_t temp, uint16_t srcAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t clientFd);

void RPCS_ZLL_CallBack_getPowerRsp(uint32_t power, uint16_t srcAddr, uint8_t endpoint, uint32_t clientFd);



device states

#define DEVLIST_STATE_NOT_ACTIVE    0   //设备未激活

#define DEVLIST_STATE_ACTIVE        1  //设备已激活


void devListAddDevice( epInfo_t *epInfo);


参数:epInfo_t *epInfo  描述设备信息的结构体,在zllSocCmd.h中已定义

void devListRemoveDevice( uint16_t nwkAddr, uint8_t endpoint );


参数:uint16_t nwkAddr,    要移除设备的网络地址

uint8_t endpoint      要移除设备的端点ID

uint32_t devListNumDevices( void );


epInfo_t* devListGetNextDev( uint16_t nwkAddr, uint8_t endpoint );


参数:uint16_t nwkAddr,    if 0xFFFF it will return head of the list

   uint8_t endpoint    

返回:epInfo, return next epInfo from nwkAddr and ep supplied or NULL if at end of the list 返回参数表示的设备的下一个设备,如果参数表示的设备位于列表的结尾则返回空值

void devListChangeDeviceName( uint16_t devNwkAddr, uint8_t devEndpoint, char *deviceNameStr);


参数:uint16_t devNwkAddr  uint8_t devEndpoint  char *deviceNameStr(设备名称)

void devListRestorDevices( void );

功能:restore device list from file.      从文件中恢复设备列表(devicelistfile.dat)



typedef struct


uint16_t groupId;     组ID

char *groupNameStr;  组名称字符串



uint16_t groupListAddGroup( char *groupNameStr );


参数:char *groupNameStr 组名称字符串

返回:groupId    组ID

void groupListAddDeviceToGroup( char *groupNameStr, uint16_t nwkAddr );


参数:char *groupNameStr   组名称

uint16_t nwkAddr    网络地址

groupListItem_t* groupListGetNextGroup( char *groupNameStr );


参数:char *groupNameStr  if NULL it will return head of the list

返回:groupListItem_t, return next group from groupNameStr supplied or NULL if at end of the list 

void groupListRestorGroups( void );




typedef struct


uint16_t groupId;  组ID

uint8_t sceneId;   场景ID

char *sceneNameStr; 场景名称字符串



uint8_t sceneListAddScene( char *sceneNameStr, uint16_t groupId );


参数:char *sceneNameStr,   场景名称字符串

uint16_t groupId      组ID

返回:sceneId      场景ID

uint8_t sceneListGetSceneId( char *sceneNameStr, uint16_t groupId );


参数:char *sceneNameStr,   场景

uint16_t groupId      组ID

返回:sceneId       返回场景ID

sceneListItem_t* sceneListGetNextScene( char *sceneNameStr, uint16_t groupId );


参数:char *sceneNameStr,   if NULL it will return head of the list

uint16_t groupId       group that the scene is apart of, ignored if sceneStr is NULL.

void sceneListRestorScenes( void );




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    例如我们新建了一张表UserInformation,字段如下Id,为主键,自增,其它字段Name,Pwd,Email 然后我们来执行一个新增插入操作: insert into UserInformat ...

  3. Group Anagrams

    Given an array of strings, group anagrams together. For example, given: ["eat", "tea& ...

  4. Nginx如何设置拒绝或允许指定ip访问

    location ~ /druid/ { #deny; allow; deny all; proxy_pass ...

  5. ajax删除数据后刷新页面

    代码如图: 理解: 发送请求后删除name 属性为 name 的data;用rem .remove删除: 删除后找到页面上app的数量:定义page = len/12+1; 找到当前页是哪一页,如果l ...

  6. linux下QT Creator常见错误及解决办法

    最近因为在做一个关于linux下计算机取证的小项目,需要写一个图形界面,所以想到了用QT来写,选用了linux下的集成开发环境QT Creator5.5.1,但刚刚安装好,竟然连一个"hel ...

  7. jquery 中的一写常用方法

    $('form').submit(); // 表单提交 window.parent.location.reload(); // 子窗口刷新父页面 window.location.reload(); / ...

  8. 20145213《Java程序设计》第五周学习总结

    20145213<Java程序设计>第五周学习总结 教材学习内容总结 "素衣莫起风尘叹,犹及清明可到家."每每念此,不得不心疼自己.古人清明长假都进城耍了,还担心自己清 ...

  9. 闭包(block)

    block主要解决反向传值和传值问题 1.block申明的公式       返回值类型 (^名字)(参数列表); 2.block实现的公式       名字= ^(参数列表){}; 3.局部变量   ...

  10. QRTZ_表注释

    QRTZ_CALENDARS 存储Quartz的Calendar信息QRTZ_CRON_TRIGGERS 存储CronTrigger,包括Cron表达式和时区信息QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS ...