
Alexander Mikhailian

cat .gitmodules |while read i
if [[ $i == \[submodule* ]]; then
mpath=$(echo $i | cut -d\" -f2)
read i; read i;
murl=$(echo $i|cut -d\ -f3)
mcommit=`eval "git submodule status ${mpath} |cut -d\ -f2"`
mname=$(basename $mpath)
echo -e "$name\t$mpath\t$murl\t$mcommit"
git submodule deinit $mpath
git rm -r --cached $mpath
rm -rf $mpath
git remote add $mname $murl
git fetch $mname
git branch _$mname $mcommit
git read-tree --prefix=$mpath/ -u _$mname
git rm .gitmodules


下文的两个脚本, 写死了 branch 是 master, 如果主分支不是 master, 需要做相应修改.

Nikita240 - Stack Overflow


我对它进行了修改和改进。现在,新的subtree将指向与旧 submodule 相同的提交。以前,脚本只是从目标存储库下载最新的提交,这可能会导致兼容性问题。

#!/bin/bash -x
# This script will convert all your git submodules into git subtrees.
# This script ensures that your new subtrees point to the same commits as the
# old submodules did, unlike most other scripts that do this.
# Otherwise, the script will interfere with the git commits.
# Save the script in your home directory as `~/subtrees.sh`
# `cd` into your repository
# Run `~/subtrees.sh`
# Enjoy! # extract the list of submodules from .gitmodule
cat .gitmodules |while read i
if [[ $i == \[submodule* ]]; then
echo converting $i
read i
# extract the module's prefix
mpath=$(echo $i | grep -E "(\S+)$" -o)
echo path: $mpath
read i
# extract the url of the submodule
murl=$(echo $i|cut -d\= -f2|xargs)
echo url: $murl
# extract the module name
mname=$(basename $mpath)
echo name: $mname
# extract the referenced commit
mcommit=$(git submodule status $mpath | grep -E "\S+" -o | head -1)
echo commit: $mcommit
# deinit the module
git submodule deinit $mpath
# remove the module from git
git rm -r --cached $mpath
# remove the module from the filesystem
rm -rf $mpath
# commit the change
git commit -m "Removed $mpath submodule at commit $mcommit"
# add the remote
git remote add -f $mname $murl
# add the subtree
git subtree add --prefix $mpath $mcommit --squash
# commit any left over uncommited changes
git commit -a -m "$mname cleaned up"
# fetch the files
git fetch $murl master
git rm .gitmodules
git commit -a -m "Removed .gitmodules"

GaspardP - Stack Overflow


我稍微修改了一下,调用subtree add而不是read-tree。它将从.gitmodule中获取submodule的列表,并提取模块的前缀、名称和网址。然后它删除每个 submodule,并在同一位置添加它们作为subtree。它还将每个submodule的remote添加为remote,这样你就可以通过提供它的名字而不是它的网址来更新subtree了(即git subtree pull -P Foo Foo master --squash而不是git subtree pull -P Foo https://example.com/foo.git master --squash)。

如果你想把subtree的全部历史导入你的版本库,你可以去掉 --squash 参数。使用 --squash,将只导入subtree的 HEAD 到你的版本库。这可能是大多数人想要的。

#!/bin/bash -x
# extract the list of submodules from .gitmodule
cat .gitmodules |while read i
if [[ $i == \[submodule* ]]; then
echo converting $i # extract the module's prefix
mpath=$(echo $i | cut -d\" -f2) # skip two lines
read i; read i; # extract the url of the submodule
murl=$(echo $i|cut -d\= -f2|xargs) # extract the module name
mname=$(basename $mpath) # deinit the module
git submodule deinit $mpath # remove the module from git
git rm -r --cached $mpath # remove the module from the filesystem
rm -rf $mpath # commit the change
git commit -m "Removed $mpath submodule" # add the remote
git remote add -f $mname $murl # add the subtree
git subtree add --prefix $mpath $mname master --squash # fetch the files
git fetch $murl master
git rm .gitmodules


三人行, 必有我师; 知识共享, 天下为公. 本文由东风微鸣技术博客 EWhisper.cn 编写.


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