
2016 Multi-University Training Contest 6


打表找规律/推公式 A A Boring Question(BH)






n=0, m=2, ans=1
n=1, m=2, ans=3
n=2, m=2, ans=7
n=3, m=2, ans=15
n=4, m=2, ans=31
n=5, m=2, ans=63
n=6, m=2, ans=127
n=7, m=2, ans=900198674
n=8, m=2, ans=1590575918
n=0, m=3, ans=1
n=1, m=3, ans=4
n=2, m=3, ans=13
n=3, m=3, ans=40
n=4, m=3, ans=121
n=5, m=3, ans=364
n=6, m=3, ans=1093
n=7, m=3, ans=-457914394
n=8, m=3, ans=-624508303
n=0, m=4, ans=1
n=1, m=4, ans=5
n=2, m=4, ans=21
n=3, m=4, ans=85
n=4, m=4, ans=341
n=5, m=4, ans=1365
n=6, m=4, ans=5461
n=7, m=4, ans=-914025821
n=8, m=4, ans=-1903277640
n=0, m=5, ans=1
n=1, m=5, ans=6
n=2, m=5, ans=31
n=3, m=5, ans=156
n=4, m=5, ans=781
n=5, m=5, ans=3906
n=6, m=5, ans=19531
n=7, m=5, ans=-681221710
n=8, m=5, ans=1872878440
n=0, m=6, ans=1
n=1, m=6, ans=7
n=2, m=6, ans=43
n=3, m=6, ans=259
n=4, m=6, ans=1555
n=5, m=6, ans=9331
n=6, m=6, ans=55987
n=7, m=6, ans=-199384196
n=8, m=6, ans=638696943




#include <bits/stdc++.h>

typedef unsigned long long ll;
const int N = 1e5 + 5;
const int MOD = 1000000007;
int fact[N]; void init_fact(int n) {
fact[0] = 1;
for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
fact[i] = (ll) fact[i-1] * i % MOD;
} int pow_mod(int x, int n, int MOD) {
int ret = 1;
for (; n; n>>=1) {
if (n & 1) ret = (ll) ret * x % MOD;
x = (ll) x * x % MOD;
return ret;
} int Inv(int x) {
return pow_mod (x, MOD - 2, MOD);
} int n, m;
int tot;
int k[N], b[N]; int calc() {
int ret = 0;
int tmp = 1;
for (int i=2; i<=m; ++i) {
tmp = (ll) tmp * fact[b[i]] % MOD;
ret = (ll) fact[k[m]] * Inv (fact[k[1]]) % MOD * Inv (tmp) % MOD;
return ret;
} void DFS(int cur, int len, int &ans) {
if (len == m + 1) {
ans += calc ();
return ;
for (int i=0; i<=n; ++i) {
k[len] = i; b[len] = k[len] - k[len-1];
DFS (i, len+1, ans);
} int brute(int n, int m) {
int ret = 0;
for (int i=0; i<=n; ++i) {
k[1] = i;
DFS (i, 2, ret);
return ret;
} int solve() {
if (n == 0) return 1;
return (1 + (ll) m * (pow_mod (m, n, MOD) - 1 + MOD) % MOD * Inv (m - 1)) % MOD;
} int main() {
int T;
scanf ("%d", &T);
while (T--) {
scanf ("%d%d", &n, &m);
//printf ("%d\n", brute (n, m));
printf ("%d\n", solve ());
return 0;

容斥原理+Lucas定理 B A Simple Chess(BH)


  n*m的格子,有r个障碍物,从(1,1)出发不走到障碍物到达(n,m)的方案数。(走法是(x1,y1)->(x1+2,y1+1) or (x1+1,y1+2))




#include <bits/stdc++.h>

typedef long long ll;
const int N = 100 + 5;
const int MOD = 110119; ll pow_mod(ll x, int n) {
ll ret = 1;
for (; n; n>>=1) {
if (n & 1) ret = ret * x % MOD;
x = x * x % MOD;
return ret;
} ll Inv(ll x) {
return pow_mod (x, MOD - 2);
} ll fact[MOD]; struct Point {
ll x, y;
bool operator < (const Point &rhs) const {
ll ldis = (x - 1) + (y - 1);
ll rdis = (rhs.x - 1) + (rhs.y - 1);
return ldis < rdis;
ll res[N];
ll n, m;
int r; void init_fact(int n) {
fact[0] = 1;
for (int i=1; i<n; ++i) {
fact[i] = fact[i-1] * i % MOD;
} ll Lucas(ll n, ll k, int p) {
ll ret = 1;
while (n && k) {
ll nn = n % p, kk = k % p;
if (nn < kk) return 0;
ret = ret * fact[nn] % p * Inv (fact[kk] * fact[nn-kk] % p) % p;
n /= p; k /= p;
return ret;
} bool judge_b(ll n, ll m) {
return (-n + 2 * m - 1) % 3 == 0 && (-n + 2 * m - 1) >= 0;
} bool judge_c(ll n, ll m) {
return (2 * n - m - 1) % 3 == 0 && (2 * n - m - 1) >= 0;
} ll get_b(ll n, ll m) {
return (-n + 2 * m -1) / 3;
} ll get_c(ll n, ll m) {
return (2 * n - m - 1) / 3;
} ll solve() {
//if (r > 0 && p[r-1].x == n && p[r-1].y == m) return 0;
if (!judge_b (n, m)) return 0;
if (!judge_c (n, m)) return 0;
ll b = get_b (n, m);
ll c = get_c (n, m);
ll ret = Lucas (b + c, c, MOD); std::sort (p, p+r);
memset (res, -1, sizeof (res));
for (int i=0; i<r; ++i) {
if (!judge_b (p[i].x, p[i].y)) continue;
if (!judge_c (p[i].x, p[i].y)) continue;
if (!judge_b (n-p[i].x+1, m-p[i].y+1)) continue;
if (!judge_c (n-p[i].x+1, m-p[i].y+1)) continue;
ll ib = get_b (p[i].x, p[i].y);
ll ic = get_c (p[i].x, p[i].y);
res[i] = Lucas (ib+ic, ib, MOD); for (int j=0; j<i; ++j) {
if (res[j] == -1) continue;
if (p[i].x < p[j].x || p[i].y < p[j].y) continue;
ll nn = p[i].x - p[j].x + 1;
ll mm = p[i].y - p[j].y + 1;
if (!judge_b (nn, mm)) continue;
if (!judge_c (nn, mm)) continue;
ll jb = get_b (nn, mm);
ll jc = get_c (nn, mm);
ll tmp = res[j] * Lucas (jb+jc, jb, MOD) % MOD;
res[i] = (res[i] - tmp + MOD) % MOD;
ll nb = get_b (n-p[i].x+1, m-p[i].y+1);
ll nc = get_c (n-p[i].x+1, m-p[i].y+1);
ret = (ret - res[i] * Lucas (nb+nc, nb, MOD) % MOD + MOD) % MOD;
return ret;
} int main() {
init_fact (MOD);
int cas = 0;
while (scanf ("%I64d%I64d%d", &n, &m, &r) == 3) {
bool flag = true;
for (int i=0; i<r; ++i) {
scanf ("%I64d%I64d", &p[i].x, &p[i].y);
if (p[i].x == n && p[i].y == m) flag = false;
if (!flag) {
printf ("Case #%d: %I64d\n", ++cas, 0LL);
printf ("Case #%d: %I64d\n", ++cas, solve ());
return 0;

博弈+打表找规律 C A Simple Nim(BH)






#include <bits/stdc++.h>

int sg[105];

int SG(int n) {
if (n == 0) return sg[n] = 0;
if (sg[n] != -1) return sg[n];
if (n < 3) return sg[n] = n;
bool vis[1000];
memset (vis, false, sizeof (vis));
for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
for (int j=i; i+j<n; ++j) {
int k = n - i - j;
//if (k < i || k < j) continue;
vis[SG (i) ^ SG (j) ^ SG (k)] = true;
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) vis[SG (i)] = true;
int &ret = sg[n] = 0;
while (vis[ret]) ret++;
return ret;
} void f() {
memset (sg, -1, sizeof (sg));
for (int i=0; i<=100; ++i) {
printf ("sg[%d]=%d\n", i, SG (i));
} int main() {
//f ();
int T;
scanf ("%d", &T);
while (T--) {
int n;
scanf ("%d", &n);
long long ans = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
long long x;
scanf ("%I64d", &x);
long long sg = x;
if (x % 8 == 0) sg--;
if (x % 8 == 7) sg++;
ans ^= sg;
puts (ans ? "First player wins." : "Second player wins.");
return 0;

01背包 H To My Girlfriend(BH)





#include <bits/stdc++.h>

const int N = 1e3 + 5;
const int MOD = 1e9 +7;
int dp[N][N][3][3];
int a[N];
int n, s; void add_mod(int &a, int b) {
a += b;
if (a >= MOD) a -= MOD;
} int solve() {
memset (dp, 0, sizeof (dp));
dp[0][0][0][0] = 1;
for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) {
for (int j=0; j<=s; ++j) {
for (int s1=0; s1<=2; ++s1) {
for (int s2=0; s2<=2; ++s2) {
add_mod (dp[i][j][s1][s2], dp[i-1][j][s1][s2]); //不选
if (j >= a[i]) add_mod (dp[i][j][s1][s2], dp[i-1][j-a[i]][s1][s2]); //选
if (j >= a[i] && s1) add_mod (dp[i][j][s1][s2], dp[i-1][j-a[i]][s1-1][s2]); //必选
if (s2) add_mod (dp[i][j][s1][s2], dp[i-1][j][s1][s2-1]); //必不选
int ret = 0;
for (int i=1; i<=s; ++i) {
add_mod (ret, dp[n][i][2][2]);
return (long long) ret * 4 % MOD;
} int main() {
int T;
scanf ("%d", &T);
while (T--) {
scanf ("%d%d", &n, &s);
for (int i=1; i<=n; ++i) scanf ("%d", a+i);
printf ("%d\n", solve ());
return 0;

贪心 J Windows 10(BH)





#include <bits/stdc++.h>

typedef long long ll;

ll DFS(ll p, ll q, ll step, ll stop) {
if (p == q) return step;
int x = 0;
while (p - (1<<x) + 1 > q) x++;
if (p - (1<<x) + 1 == q) return step + x;
ll up = q - std::max (0LL, (p - (1<<x) + 1));
ll better = x + std::max (0LL, up - stop);
return std::min (better + step, DFS (p-(1<<(x-1))+1, q, step+x, stop+1));
} int main() {
int T;
scanf ("%d", &T);
while (T--) {
ll p, q;
scanf ("%I64d%I64d", &p, &q);
if (q >= p) {
printf ("%I64d\n", q - p);
} else {
printf ("%I64d\n", DFS (p, q, 0, 0));
return 0;

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