Maybe I ought to subscribe to the Engineering Quarterly.
The performance is said to be excellent and with our student discount, the

tickets will be real cheap.据说表演很精彩,算上我们的学生优惠,门票真的会很便


Excuse me, but could you tell me where I can change American Dollars into

British Pounds?

How do you like the way I've arranged the furniture in my living room?


I'm convinced I'm the best candidate for the chairman of the Student Union.


When I go on a diet, I eat only fruit, and that takes off weight quickly.

The cafeteria provided many kinds of dishes for us today.

We have nurtured great minds like Thomas Jefferson and we are proud of our


He says his way of teaching can help anyone learn how to read and write with

about thirty hours of study.

In his teaching, he developed a system with this group of prisoners.

I ordered them last week, but something is holding them up.

He worked hard, yet he was not well paid, or well known.
He was two years old when his mother died.
More than fifty years ago, the United Nations declared that literacy is a

basic human right.

I'm afraid I can't show you the apartment at the moment, because the tenant

is still living in it.
My kids pick up the apples, and the branches are just too big for them to


A foreign airliner was attempting to land at night in a mountainous area of

Argentina and flew into a hill.

It's quite clear for my visit. This is a full size, comprehensive


Have you heard about the plane crash yesterday? It caused a hundred and

twenty deaths.

It is said that he was found dead after days of heavy drinking.

That's a powerful lesson on how important it can be to accurately

communicate to each other.

He was taken into the home of a wealthy business man named John Allen.
Though we didn't win the game, we were satisfied with our performance.

We've always gotten along fairly well, but I think you're out of line here.
Many countries depend on the efforts of people who offer their time to help

illiterate individuals.

Many of them can now write to family members. They also can read newspapers

and magazines.

Since he couldn't pay off his gambling debt, he left university and began

working for magazines.
Congratulations. You certainly did quite well and I must say you deserve

that grade.

So the pilots did descend to the wrong altitude then, thinking they were

following the air controllers instructions.

Sounds good, but we really can't rent an apartment without seeing it first.

More than 110 million school age children in the world do not attend school.

He was a good student, but he liked to drink alcohol and play card games for


The trip was intended to bring to the world's attention the fact that AIDS

is not just an African disease.

I was calling about the apple tree that you were trimming yesterday.

You've eaten all the apples that fall in your yard and you've never

complained about that before.

It's really a lovely place, with a big kitchen and a sunny window, for only

two hundred dollars a month.

I bought this telephone last week, and it works all right with out-going

calls, but it doesn't ring for the incoming ones.

At the college level, a study found that 85 percent of both male and female

first year students desired to change their body weight.

You take the benefits of the apple tree, but refuse to deal with the bad side of it!

The problem for me was that there were no symptoms.

Not surprisingly, the highest-scoring students had well-educated parents or came from homes containing study-aids.

Tears are very good at washing this irritating stuff out.

Twins like Betty and Abby are rare. Only about 40 sets are born in the United States each year.

Research has revealed that about 40 percent of adult men and 55 percent of adult women are dissatisfied with their current body weight.

As an adult, you may consume over a ton of food per year and still not gain or lose a pound of body weight.

The piano and violin are girls' instruments. Drums and trumpets are for boys.

They find that despite the best efforts of teachers these ideas have changed very little over the past decade.

Most people know what a hot dog is. It's a sausage in a roll.

My chemistry project is in trouble. My partner and I have totally different ideas about how to proceed.

The survey suggests that science and maths education is especially strong in the Far East.

The study also shows that boys generally did better than girls in science, but there was little difference between them in maths.

People travel because they want to broaden their horizons to learn about other people and other places.

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