March 20 2017 Week 12 Monday
A goal is a dream with a deadline.
Dream without dealine is just daydream, because you may never make it ture.
So, if you dream for something, set a deadline for it, then you will have a clear time-plan for it.
Once the deadline is coming, whether you have realized it or not, just be decisive.
I grew up thinking art was pictures until I got into music and found I was an artist and didn't paint.
I ever thought a programmer's work was just coding only, but as I have been working as a programmer for several years, I know that a programmer's responsiblities are not limited to finishing coding for projects, he must know the users' habits, the technological processes, the development trends of his business, and so on.
He must know too many things, at least understand those things which would affect the performance of his code.
Just like me, I find that many problems in my software resulted from the lack of understanding about the whole system, not the code itself.
It also shows that why so many companies want people who have experience, only having the skill of coding is far from enough.
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