1、使用默认的AmqpTemplate生产消费pojo时,pojo需要implement Serializable,否则会抛出org.springframework.amqp.AmqpException: No method found for class [B。


3、spring boot主动执行的方法可以通过

public class SenderApp implements ApplicationRunner{
private Sender sender; @Override
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
OrderEntrust orderEntrust = JSON.parseObject("{\n" +
" \"id\":1,\n" +
" \"orderdate\":20180706,\n" +
" \"fundid\":1,\n" +
" \"assetid\":4,\n" +
" \"combiid\":6,\n" +
" \"operatorno\":1,\n" +
" \"marketclassify\":\"上交所\",\n" +
" \"securityinternalcode\":\"601318\",\n" +
" \"buysell\":\"买\",\n" +
" \"openclose\":\"\",\n" +
" \"orderprop\":\"限价指令\",\n" +
" \"entrustprice\":56.94,\n" +
" \"entrustvolume\":200\n" +
"}".trim(), OrderEntrust.class);


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