doeNET Framework 农历 ChineseLunisolarCalendar
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\Bin\csc.exe test.cs
# test.cs
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO; class Program
private static readonly ConsoleColor DefaultForegroundColor = Console.ForegroundColor;
private static readonly int DefaultPreSaleDays = ;
private static readonly string WebSite = ""; private static int Main(params string[] args)
var preSaleDays = ;
if (args.Length > )
if (!int.TryParse(args[], out preSaleDays))
ShowHelpAndExit(); //第一个参数错误
else if (args.Length > )
DateTime argsDate; //出行日期
if (args[].Trim().Equals("now", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
argsDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(preSaleDays - ); //出行日期为now的话,计算出今天可预订的出行日期
else if (!DateTime.TryParse(args[], out argsDate))
ShowHelpAndExit(); //第二个参数错误
Console.WriteLine($"\n * 火车票预售期为:{preSaleDays}天\n\n出行日期:{FormatDate(argsDate)}");
OutputBookingDay(preSaleDays, argsDate); //输出预售日期
var paused = true;
if (args.Length > )
if (args[].Trim().Equals("nopause", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
paused = false; //第三个参数为 nopause 则不暂停直接退出,用于配合命令提示符
if (paused)
Environment.Exit(); //正常退出
Console.WriteLine("计算从哪天起应该购买预售火车票"); //未带参数,输出标题
if (preSaleDays <= )
var input = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim(); //手动输入预售期
if (!int.TryParse(input, out preSaleDays) || preSaleDays <= )
preSaleDays = DefaultPreSaleDays; //输入错误,预售期设置为缺省天数
ConsoleCursorRelativeLine(-); //光标移动到上一行行首。
var point = ConsoleCursorGetCurrentPosition();
if (point != null)
ConsoleCursorFillLines(point.Value.Top, point.Value.Top, ' '); //清除光标所在行的显示字符(用空格填充)
Console.WriteLine($"\n * 火车票预售期为:{preSaleDays}天");
Console.WriteLine($" * 今天可以预定 {FormatDate(DateTime.Now.AddDays(preSaleDays - 1))} 的火车票");
Console.WriteLine(" * 输入 exit 可退出程序,输入 g 打开12306订票网站\n");
while (true)
Console.Write("出行日期:"); //输入出行日期
var input = Console.ReadLine()?.Trim();
InputToExit(input); //若输入exit则退出
if (input != null && input.Equals("g", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Process.Start(WebSite); //输入g打开12306网站
Console.WriteLine($"正在打开 {WebSite}");
DateTime dest;
if (DateTime.TryParse(input, out dest))
var point = ConsoleCursorGetCurrentPosition();
if (point != null)
ConsoleCursorFillLines(point.Value.Top, point.Value.Top, ' '); //清除前一行显示字符
Console.WriteLine($"出行日期:{FormatDate(dest)}"); //更新输出日期
OutputBookingDay(preSaleDays, dest);
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("输入错误"); //显示输出错误
Console.ForegroundColor = DefaultForegroundColor;
ConsoleCursorRelativeLine(-); //光标向上移动3行
var point = ConsoleCursorGetCurrentPosition();
if (point != null)
ConsoleCursorFillLines(point.Value.Top, point.Value.Top + , ' ');
} static void InputToExit(string input)
if (input.Equals("exit", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Environment.Exit(); //用户退出
} static void ShowHelp()
var appname = Path.GetFileName(Environment.GetCommandLineArgs()[]);
Console.WriteLine(" * 参数格式:");
Console.WriteLine($" {appname} <火车票预售期>");
Console.WriteLine($" {appname} <火车票预售期> <出行日期> [nopause]");
Console.WriteLine($" {appname} <火车票预售期> now [nopause]");
Console.WriteLine($"\n * 例子:预售期{DefaultPreSaleDays}天,查看今天可以预定哪天火车票");
Console.WriteLine($" {appname} 60 now");
Console.WriteLine("\n * 批处理:");
Console.WriteLine($" {appname} 60 now nopause|Find \"出行日期:\"");
} static void ShowHelpAndExit(int exitcode)
ShowHelp(); //显示帮助提示然后按任意键退出
Environment.Exit(exitcode); //返回错误码(errorlevel)
} static string FormatDate(DateTime date)
ConsoleColor? cc;
return FormatDate(date, out cc); //格式化日期
} private static readonly string[] DayOfWeek = { "周日", "周一", "周二", "周三", "周四", "周五", "周六" };
private static readonly string[] DayOfToday = { "前天", "昨天", "今天", "明天", "后天" }; private static string FormatDate(DateTime date, out ConsoleColor? consoleColor)
var d = (date.Date - DateTime.Now.Date).Days;
var tip = d>=- && d<= ? $"({DayOfToday[d+2]})" : $"({DayOfWeek[(int) date.DayOfWeek]})";
consoleColor = d >= ? ConsoleColor.Green : ConsoleColor.Yellow;
var chinaCalendarString = ConvertToChineseLunisolarCalendar(date);
return $"{date:yyyy-M-d}{tip}{chinaCalendarString}";
} private static void OutputBookingDay(int days, DateTime destDate)
var date = destDate.AddDays(-days + );
ConsoleColor? cc;
var formattedDest = FormatDate(date, out cc);
Console.ForegroundColor = DefaultForegroundColor;
Console.Write("预售日期:"); //用缺省前景色显示“预售日期:”这几个字
if (cc.HasValue)
Console.ForegroundColor = cc.Value; //更换前景色
Console.WriteLine(formattedDest); //按格式输出预售日期
Console.ForegroundColor = DefaultForegroundColor; //还原缺省前景色
} private static void ConsoleCursorRelativeLine(int rows)
var t = Console.CursorTop + rows; //相对行号
Console.SetCursorPosition(, t); //移动光标到相对行
// ignored
} private static void ConsoleCursorFillLines(int startLine, int endLine, char @char)
var d = endLine - startLine + ;
if (d > )
var consoleCursorGetCurrentPosition = ConsoleCursorGetCurrentPosition();
if (consoleCursorGetCurrentPosition != null)
var point = consoleCursorGetCurrentPosition.Value;
Console.SetCursorPosition(, startLine); //光标移动到起始行
Console.Write(new string(@char, Console.BufferWidth*d)); //用字符填满指定行数(d)
Console.SetCursorPosition(point.Left, point.Top); //返回光标原来的位置
} private static Point? ConsoleCursorGetCurrentPosition()
return new Point(Console.CursorLeft, Console.CursorTop); //返回光标位置
// ignored
return null; //失败
} private struct Point
public readonly int Left;
public readonly int Top; public Point(int left, int top)
Left = left;
Top = top;
} private static readonly ChineseLunisolarCalendar ChinaCalendar = new ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
private static readonly string[] M1 = { "正月", "二月", "三月", "四月", "五月", "六月", "七月", "八月", "九月", "十月", "十一月", "腊月" };
private static readonly string[] D1 = { "初", "十", "廿" };
private static readonly string[] D2 = { "一", "二", "三", "四", "五", "六", "七", "八", "九" };
private static readonly string[] D3 = { "初十", "二十", "三十" }; private static string CcDay(int d)
var dd = d%;
return dd == ? $"{D3[d/10-1]}" : $"{D1[d/10]}{D2[dd-1]}";
} private static string CcMonth(int y, int m)
var leapMonth = ; if (ChinaCalendar.IsLeapYear(y))
for (int i = ; i <= m; i++)
if (ChinaCalendar.IsLeapMonth(y, i))
leapMonth = i;
} if (m == leapMonth)
return $"闰{M1[m - 2]}";
} if (leapMonth > )
return $"{M1[m - 2]}";
} return $"{M1[m - 1]}";
} private static string ConvertToChineseLunisolarCalendar(DateTime date)
if (date > ChinaCalendar.MaxSupportedDateTime || date < ChinaCalendar.MinSupportedDateTime)
return "";
var y = ChinaCalendar.GetYear(date);
var m = ChinaCalendar.GetMonth(date); // 1~13
var d = ChinaCalendar.GetDayOfMonth(date); // 1~31
return $"{CcMonth(y, m)}{CcDay(d)}";
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