
只有debug mode enable的机器,产生的dump file才会保存dbgprint的buffer。

默认!dbgprint的buffer size是4k.

增加buffer size:

...\Windows Kits\8.1\Debuggers\x86\kdbgctrl.exe

比如设成 1M大小,kdbgctrl.exe -sdb 0x100000


Take care:


这应该是!dbgprint的bug,剩余的部分没能打出来,但实际上是在dump file里面的.

Then 怎么去拿全部的buffer?

0: kd> x nt!kdprint*
fffff802`758a1a18 nt!KdPrintWritePointer = <no type information>
fffff802`758e05e0 nt!KdPrintRolloverCount = <no type information>
fffff802`758e05f0 nt!KdPrintDefaultCircularBuffer = <no type information>
fffff802`758a1a10 nt!KdPrintCircularBuffer = <no type information>
fffff802`758f06c0 nt!KdPrintBufferChanges = <no type information>
fffff802`758a1a08 nt!KdPrintBufferSize = <no type information>

dd fffff802`758a1a10   (nt!KdPrintCircularBuffer),得到的就是buffer的start address


nt!KdPrintWritePointer是当前printk 写buffer的指针.



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