Split Animation Clip From FBX and Multiply Mode Sprite
Use Script To Creat 2D Animation Clip From Multiply Mode Sprite
很多时候美工拿过来的一张序列帧图片,我们需要转换成 Multiply Mode,切片生成动画,然后绑定Prefab,可以考虑些一个脚本省略重复劳动。直接上代码
Main Procede
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditorInternal; ///AnimatorController
public static string Altas_FrameConfigAssetPath = "Assets/test_frameConfig.txt";
public static void Test()
///Get sprites
Sprite[] sprites
= AssetDatabase.LoadAllAssetRepresentationsAtPath(Altas_AssetPath).Select(x => x as Sprite).ToArray();
///Get frame config
TextAsset textAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(Altas_FrameConfigAssetPath, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
string[] configs = textAsset.text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
///Create clips
List<AnimationClip> clips = new List<AnimationClip>();
foreach (string curConfig in configs)
/// run:0-11
string clipName = curConfig.Split(":"[0])[0];
string length = curConfig.Split(":"[0])[1];
/// 0-11
int startIndex = int.Parse(length.Split("-"[0])[0]);
int endIndex = int.Parse(length.Split("-"[0])[1]);
Sprite[] curSprites = sprites.Where((t, index) => index >= startIndex && index <= endIndex).ToArray();
AnimationClip curClip = BuildAnimationClip(curSprites, "Assets/" + clipName + ".anim", true);
///Create AnimatorController with clips
AnimatorController curAnimatorController = BuildAnimationController(clips, "Assets/test.controller");
///Create Prefab add AnimatorController
BuildPrefab(curAnimatorController, "Assets/test.prefab");
static AnimationClip BuildAnimationClip(Sprite[] Sprites, string AssetPath, bool IsNeedLoop)
AnimationClip clip = new AnimationClip();
/// Setting it as generic allows you to use the animation clip in the animation controller
/// public enum ModelImporterAnimationType
/// {
/// None = 0,
/// Legacy = 1,
/// Generic = 2,
/// Human = 3,
AnimationUtility.SetAnimationType(clip, ModelImporterAnimationType.Generic);
/// First you need to create e Editor Curve Binding
EditorCurveBinding curveBinding = new EditorCurveBinding();
/// I want to change the sprites of the sprite renderer, so I put the typeof(SpriteRenderer) as the binding type.
curveBinding.type = typeof(SpriteRenderer);
/// Regular path to the gameobject that will be changed (empty string means root)
curveBinding.path = "";
curveBinding.propertyName = "m_Sprite";
/// An array to hold the object keyframes
ObjectReferenceKeyframe[] keyFrames = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe[Sprites.Length];
float frameTime = 1 / 10f;
for (int i = 0; i < Sprites.Length; i++)
keyFrames[i] = new ObjectReferenceKeyframe();
keyFrames[i].time = frameTime * i;
keyFrames[i].value = Sprites[i];
///也就是说1秒 切成 30份,然后 每3份 切换一次图片
///如果动态修改clip.frameRate = 15
///就是说1秒 切成 15份,然后 每3份 切换一次图片, 但是每一份的时间加倍了
clip.frameRate = 30;
//set AnimationClip loop
//clip.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; //no use
//UnityEditor.AnimationClipSettings clipSettings = AnimationUtility.GetAnimationClipSettings(clip); //no use
//clipSettings.loopTime = true;
if (IsNeedLoop) //use
SerializedObject serializedClip = new SerializedObject(clip);
AnimationClipSettings clipSettings = new AnimationClipSettings(serializedClip.FindProperty("m_AnimationClipSettings"));
clipSettings.loopTime = true;
AnimationUtility.SetObjectReferenceCurve(clip, curveBinding, keyFrames);
///Create animation
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset(clip, AssetPath);
return clip;
static AnimatorController BuildAnimationController(List<AnimationClip> clips, string AssetPath)
AnimatorController animatorController = AnimatorController.CreateAnimatorControllerAtPath(AssetPath);
AnimatorControllerLayer layer = animatorController.GetLayer(0);
UnityEditorInternal.StateMachine sm = layer.stateMachine;
foreach (AnimationClip newClip in clips)
State state = sm.AddState(newClip.name);
state.SetAnimationClip(newClip, layer);
//Transition trans = sm.AddAnyStateTransition(state);
return animatorController;
static void BuildPrefab(AnimatorController animatorCountorller, string AssetPath)
GameObject go = new GameObject();
go.name = "test";
SpriteRenderer spriteRender = go.AddComponent<SpriteRenderer>();
Animator animator = go.AddComponent<Animator>();
animator.runtimeAnimatorController = animatorCountorller;
PrefabUtility.CreatePrefab(AssetPath, go);
public class AnimationClipSettings
SerializedProperty m_Property;
private SerializedProperty Get (string property) { return m_Property.FindPropertyRelative(property); }
public AnimationClipSettings(SerializedProperty prop) { m_Property = prop; }
public float startTime { get { return Get("m_StartTime").floatValue; } set { Get("m_StartTime").floatValue = value; } }
public float stopTime { get { return Get("m_StopTime").floatValue; } set { Get("m_StopTime").floatValue = value; } }
public float orientationOffsetY { get { return Get("m_OrientationOffsetY").floatValue; } set { Get("m_OrientationOffsetY").floatValue = value; } }
public float level { get { return Get("m_Level").floatValue; } set { Get("m_Level").floatValue = value; } }
public float cycleOffset { get { return Get("m_CycleOffset").floatValue; } set { Get("m_CycleOffset").floatValue = value; } }
public bool loopTime { get { return Get("m_LoopTime").boolValue; } set { Get("m_LoopTime").boolValue = value; } }
public bool loopBlend { get { return Get("m_LoopBlend").boolValue; } set { Get("m_LoopBlend").boolValue = value; } }
public bool loopBlendOrientation { get { return Get("m_LoopBlendOrientation").boolValue; } set { Get("m_LoopBlendOrientation").boolValue = value; } }
public bool loopBlendPositionY { get { return Get("m_LoopBlendPositionY").boolValue; } set { Get("m_LoopBlendPositionY").boolValue = value; } }
public bool loopBlendPositionXZ { get { return Get("m_LoopBlendPositionXZ").boolValue; } set { Get("m_LoopBlendPositionXZ").boolValue = value; } }
public bool keepOriginalOrientation { get { return Get("m_KeepOriginalOrientation").boolValue; } set { Get("m_KeepOriginalOrientation").boolValue = value; } }
public bool keepOriginalPositionY { get { return Get("m_KeepOriginalPositionY").boolValue; } set { Get("m_KeepOriginalPositionY").boolValue = value; } }
public bool keepOriginalPositionXZ { get { return Get("m_KeepOriginalPositionXZ").boolValue; } set { Get("m_KeepOriginalPositionXZ").boolValue = value; } }
public bool heightFromFeet { get { return Get("m_HeightFromFeet").boolValue; } set { Get("m_HeightFromFeet").boolValue = value; } }
public bool mirror { get { return Get("m_Mirror").boolValue; } set { Get("m_Mirror").boolValue = value; } }
Use Script To Split ModelImporterClipAnimation From FBX
public class mTest2 : AssetPostprocessor
public static string FBX_FrameConfigAssetPath = "Assets/test2/test2_frameConfig.txt";
//Add this function in a subclass to get a notification when a model has completed importing.
public void OnPostprocessModel(GameObject go)
///Get frame config
TextAsset textAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(FBX_FrameConfigAssetPath, typeof(TextAsset)) as TextAsset;
string[] configs = textAsset.text.Split(new string[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
///Model importer lets you modify model import settings from editor scripts.
ModelImporter modelImporter = assetImporter as ModelImporter;
List<ModelImporterClipAnimation> clips = new List<ModelImporterClipAnimation>();
foreach (string curConfig in configs)
modelImporter.clipAnimations = clips.ToArray();
///Import any changed assets.
///call OnPostprocessModel twice cause call once nerver show split anim clips on FBX in project view
static ModelImporterClipAnimation ParseAnimationClip(string curConfig)
string clipName = curConfig.Split(":"[0])[0];
string length = curConfig.Split(":"[0])[1];
/// 0-20
int startIndex = int.Parse(length.Split("-"[0])[0]);
int endIndex = int.Parse(length.Split("-"[0])[1]);
ModelImporterClipAnimation clip = new ModelImporterClipAnimation();
clip.firstFrame = Convert.ToSingle(startIndex);
clip.lastFrame = Convert.ToSingle(endIndex);
clip.loopTime = true;
clip.name = clipName;
return clip;
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