Android The layout "activity_main" in layout has no declaration in the base layout folder
The layout "activity_main" in layout has no declaration in the base layout folder; this can lead to crashes when the resource is queried in a configuration that does not match this qualifier.
If a resource is only defined in folders with qualifiers like -land or -en, and there is no default declaration in the base folder (layout or values etc), then the app will crash if that resource is accessed on a device where the device is in a configuration missing the given qualifier. As a special case, drawables do not have to be specified in the base folder; if there is a match in a density folder (such as drawable-mdpi) that image will be used and scaled. Note however that if you only specify a drawable in a folder like drawable-en-hdpi, the app will crash in non-English locales. There may be scenarios where you have a resource, such as a -fr drawable, which is only referenced from some other resource with the same qualifiers (such as a -fr style), which itself has safe fallbacks. However, this still makes it possible for somebody to accidentally reference the drawable and crash, so it is safer to create a default dummy fallback in the base folder. Alternatively, you can suppress the issue by adding tools:ignore="MissingDefaultResource" on the element. (This scenario frequently happens with string translations, where you might delete code and the corresponding resources, but forget to delete a translation. There is a dedicated issue id for that scenario, with the id ExtraTranslation.) Issue id: MissingDefaultResource
在某些情况下,您可能会拥有一个资源,例如-fr drawable,它仅从具有相同限定符的某些其他资源(例如-fr样式)引用,该资源本身具有安全回退。但是,这仍然可以让某人意外地引用drawable和crash,因此在基础文件夹中创建默认的虚拟回退更安全。或者,您可以通过在元素上添加工具:ignore =“MissingDefaultResource”来解决此问题。
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