2019 GDUT Rating Contest III : Problem E. Family Tree
E. Family Tree
- You should output "SIBLINGS"if BESSIE and ELSIE have the same mother.
- BESSIE might be a direct descendant of ELSIE, meaning that ELSIE is either the mother, grandmother, great-grand-mother, great-great-grand-mother, etc., of BESSIE. If this is the case, you should print "ELSIE is the (relation) of BESSIE where (relation) is the appropriate relationship, for example "great-great-grand-mother".
- If ELSIE is a child of an ancestor of BESSIE (and ELSIE is not herself an ancestor or sister of BESSIE), then ELSIE is BESSIE’s aunt. You should output "ELSIE is the aunt of BESSIE"if ELSIE is a child of BESSIE’s grand-mother, "ELSIE is the great-aunt of BESSIE"if ELSIE is a child of BESSIE’s great-grand-mother, "ELSIE is the great-great-aunt of BESSIE"if ELSIE is a child of BESSIE’s great-great-grand-mother, and so on.
- If BESSIE and ELSIE are related by any other means (i.e., if they share a common ancestor), they are cousins, and you should simply output "COUSINS".
- You should output "NOT RELATED"if BESSIE and ELSIE have no common ancestor, or neither is directly descended from the other.
- 初始化:建图,建记录每个结点的上一个结点的(父节点)数组,建深度数组
- 用dfs记录一遍深度
- 假如两个要找lca的结点的深度不同,先通过父节点数组使两个结点的深度相同,再一起通过父节点数组找lca
1 #include <cstdio>
2 #include <cstring>
3 #include <iostream>
4 #include <cmath>
5 #include <set>
6 #include <map>
7 #include <algorithm>
8 using namespace std;
9 int n;
10 int cnt; //牛的个数
11 int G[205][205]; //存图
12 int lca; //最近公共祖先
13 string u, v;
15 map<string, int> name; //为每头牛分配编号用
16 int mother[205]; //每头牛的MOTHER
17 int len[205]; //每头牛到最开始那头牛的距离
18 int in[205]; //每头牛的入度
20 void dfs_deep(int u, int deep){
21 if(len[1] && len[2]) return; //如果都获得了距离就结束
22 len[u] = deep; //填入距离
23 for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++){
24 if(G[u][i]) dfs_deep(i, deep+1); //往下继续遍历
25 }
26 }
28 void find_lca(){
29 int AA = 1, BB = 2;
30 if(len[AA] < len[BB]) swap(AA, BB); //交换下标
31 while(len[AA] != len[BB]) AA = mother[AA]; //把距离远的拉到同一距离
32 while(AA != BB){ //一起找最近公共祖先
33 AA = mother[AA];
34 BB = mother[BB];
35 }
36 lca = AA; //存起来
37 }
39 void print(){
40 int a = 1, b = 2;
41 if(len[a] > len[b]) {
42 swap(a, b); //交换下标
43 swap(u, v); //交换名字
44 }
46 int disa = len[a]-len[lca], disb = len[b]-len[lca];
48 if(disa == 1 && disb == 1) //情况1
49 cout << "SIBLINGS\n";
50 else if(disa > 1) //情况4
51 cout << "COUSINS\n";
52 else{
53 cout << u << " is the ";
54 if(disa == 0){ //情况2
55 for(int i = 0; i < disb-2; i++)
56 cout << "great-";
57 if(disb > 1) cout << "grand-";
58 cout << "mother";
59 }
60 else{ //情况3
61 for(int i = 0; i < disb-2; i++)
62 cout << "great-";
63 cout << "aunt";
64 }
65 cout << " of " << v << endl;
66 }
67 }
69 int main(){
70 cin >> n;
71 cin >> u >> v;
72 name[u] = ++cnt; //分配编号
73 name[v] = ++cnt;
75 string x, y;
76 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++){
77 cin >> x >> y;
78 if(!name[x]) name[x] = ++cnt; //分配编号
79 if(!name[y]) name[y] = ++cnt;
81 int s = name[x], to = name[y];
82 G[s][to] = 1; //存边
83 in[to] = 1; //标记入度不为0的点
84 mother[to] = s; //存MOTHER
85 }
87 for(int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++){
88 if(!in[i]) {
89 dfs_deep(i, 1); //计算距离
90 if(len[1] && len[2]) break; //有一个尚未被标记就继续
91 len[1] = len[2] = 0;
92 }
93 }
95 if(!len[1] && !len[2]){ //情况5:找不到最近公共祖先等价于两个点没有被标记
96 cout << "NOT RELATED\n";
97 return 0;
98 }
100 find_lca(); //找最近公共祖先
101 print(); //输出
102 return 0;
103 }
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