后端程序员之路 58、go wlog
daviddengcn/go-colortext: Change the color of console text.
dixonwille/wlog: A simple logging interface that supports cross-platform color and concurrency.
package main import (
. "github.com/dixonwille/wlog"
) func TestWLog() {
var ui UI
reader := strings.NewReader("User Input\r\n") //Simulate user typing "User Input" then pressing [enter] when reading from os.Stdin
ui = New(reader, os.Stdout, os.Stdout)
ui = AddConcurrent(ui) var addPrefixCases = []struct {
ask string
err string
inf string
log string
out string
suc string
run string
war string
{" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "},
{" ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " ", " "},
{Cross, Check, "!", "~", "@", "#", "+", "="},
{"%", "^", "&", "*", "@", ":", ",", "?"},
for _, c := range addPrefixCases {
prefix := AddPrefix(c.ask, c.err, c.inf, c.log, c.out, c.run, c.suc, c.war, ui)
prefix.Ask("Ask question", "")
prefix.Error("Error message")
prefix.Info("Info message")
prefix.Output("Output message")
prefix.Running("Running message")
prefix.Success("Success message")
prefix.Warn("Warning message")
} var addColorCases = []struct {
logColor Color
outputColor Color
successColor Color
infoColor Color
errorColor Color
warnColor Color
runningColor Color
askColor Color
responseColor Color
{None, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, White, Black},
{BrightBlue, BrightGreen, BrightRed, BrightYellow, BrightCyan, BrightMagenta, BrightWhite, BrightBlack, None},
for _, c := range addColorCases {
color := AddColor(c.askColor, c.errorColor, c.infoColor, c.logColor, c.outputColor, c.responseColor, c.runningColor, c.successColor, c.warnColor, ui)
color.Ask("Ask question", "")
color.Error("Error message")
color.Info("Info message")
color.Output("Output message")
color.Running("Running message")
color.Success("Success message")
color.Warn("Warning message")
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