Zemax 导出高质量图片与动画
(2013-08-13 11:01:51)
How Do I Create Presentation Quality Graphics and Animations?
Let’s face it: bold graphics and visually appealing diagrams will catch the attention of your audience, they are impressive, and have a tendency to leave a mark of professionalism.
Since quality graphics can have a large impact on the professional appearance of a presentation and/or report, Zemax supports various graphical functions which make it easy to completely transform your diagrams.
As an example, the 2D Layout in Zemax is very useful to the professional engineer, but really doesn’t do much for drawing the attention of a general audience:
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We can improve the presentational quality of the drawing by simply choosing a default Shaded Model in Zemax:
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Or, by changing color combinations, adding some rotation, altering opacity levels, and drawing a ¾ slice of each element, we can easily produce something like this:
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Revised Shaded Model" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/revised%20shaded%20model%20of%20Double%20Gauss.jpg" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2Frevised%2520shaded%2520model%2520of%2520Double%2520Gauss.jpg" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/revised%20shaded%20model%20of%20Double%20Gauss.jpg">
And lastly, we can use the power of other software to create a movie from multiple screen captures:
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This article is designed to provide a detailed discussion on the various techniques and tools available for exporting and creating graphics in Zemax. We will cover how to copy/export graphics, annotate them, change opacity levels and colors for surfaces, and develop animations quickly and easily.
Exporting Zemax Graphics
Each and every graphic window in Zemax has a “Window” menu item with several submenus. In particular, the “Export” submenu has various formats by which you can export the displayed graphic window.
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The export format options, as indicated above, are Metafile, BMP, JPG High Quality, JPG Medium Quality, and JPG Low Quality. Selecting any one of the formats will invoke the Windows “Save As” window, from which you can save the file with the desired name and into the desired directory.
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The saved file may be imported into many different Windows applications, and may be post-edited if you wish. For presentations, these files may be easily imported into programs such as Microsoft PowerPoint. For details on importing these files, please refer to the documentation for that application.
For the JPG export options, medium quality typically produces acceptable image quality with significant reduction in file size. If you do not plan on re-sizing your images, then any of the export options should be sufficient.
However, if you plan on modifying the size of your graphics (increasing), it is best to export the image as a Windows Metafile to eliminate the “grainy” or “fuzzy” appearance.
The reason for this is that a Metafile, unlike BitMap or JPG, is a vector graphic format. The basic idea is that a vector graphic contains a sequence of drawing instructions that describe how to render the image, making it completely device independent1. For a complete discussion, click here. Therefore, you will not degrade the image quality by shrinking or stretching the Metafile.
To demonstrate, the following two diagrams are enlarged images of an originally small Detector Viewer Plot. One is a Metafile, and one is a BitMap. It’s fairly obvious as to which one is which.
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Enlarged Bitmap - Low Resolution" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Enlarged%20BitMap.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2FEnlarged%2520BitMap.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Enlarged%20BitMap.gif">
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid currentColor;" alt="Enlarged Metafile" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Export%20as%20MetaFile.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2FExport%2520as%2520MetaFile.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Export%20as%20MetaFile.gif">
Copying to the Clipboard
One extremely useful Windows feature is the clipboard. The clipboard is a “holding area” for graphics and text. The advantage to using the clipboard is that virtually all Windows programs can either import or export to the clipboard. To get a Zemax graphic into the clipboard, you may select Window > Copy Clipboard from the menu of the displayed graphic window. Alternatively, you may press Ctrl + C in the active window. Nothing will appear to happen as the data transfer is extremely fast. However, the data is available to other applications.
Not only is copying to the clipboard quick and easy, but metafiles are used to copy graphics to the clipboard, which means Windows uses the vector representation to draw this graphic when pasted or imported into other Windows programs.
Newer, 32 bit applications use the “32 Bit Enhanced” format. When a 32 bit format is used, the extension is EMF, for Enhanced Metafile Format. Either of these formats can be used, and may be chosen from the Graphics tab of the File > Preferences dialog:
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Another way of getting Zemax graphics into other applications is to perform a screen capture which creates a BitMap image of either the entire screen or any single window. To capture the entire screen as a BitMap image, press Ctrl + Print Screen on the keyboard. To capture a single window, select that window and pres Alt + Print Screen. Once the screen Bitmap has been captured, the image can typically be pasted into other applications via Ctrl + V or Edit > Paste.
Annotating Graphics
Graphics may be exported from Zemax and annotated in external software, or they may be annotated directly in Zemax via a handy annotation feature. The annotation feature supports Line, Arrow, Text, and Box commands, in addition to an annotation editor. Each command has its own specific syntax, which is covered in detail in the “Chapter 2: User Interface > Graphic windows operations > Using the annotation feature” section of the Zemax User’s Guide.
To use the annotation feature, select Window > Annotate from the main menu of the displayed graphic window:
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If we select text for example, the Annotate Text dialog will appear, to which you can type in your desired text:
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Once “OK” is selected, you may position the cursor to the desired location and click the left mouse button:
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Text Annotation in 3D Layout" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/annotation%20text%20in%203D%20Layout.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2Fannotation%2520text%2520in%25203D%2520Layout.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/annotation%20text%20in%203D%20Layout.gif">
To edit or remove the newly created annotation, the Annotate editor may be used (Window > Annotate > Edit). The Annotate Editor is in the form of a text editor which lists each command in its text syntax form. This allows for more precise control over the exact locations of lines and text, the control over the text font, and the ability to add more complex annotations.
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To remove an annotation, simply delete the line which represents this annotation in the Annotate Editor. Note that annotation files may also be saved and loaded via the “Save” and “Load” buttons at the bottom of the Annotate Editor. With some additional commands, the diagram could be labeled more completely, which may help distinguish the two different configurations:
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Changing Colors for the Shaded Model Plots
Surfaces (Sequential) and Objects (Non-Sequential) may be colored differently for display in the Shaded Model plots in Zemax.
Surface and Object colors may be changed under the Type tab of the Surface Properties (Sequential) and Object Properties (Non-Sequential) dialogs, via the pull down menu for “Surface Color” and “Object Color,” respectively.
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Surface Properties dialog - Surface Color" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Surface%20Color%20Menu%20in%20Surf%20Prop%20dialog.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2FSurface%2520Color%2520Menu%2520in%2520Surf%2520Prop%2520dialog.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Surface%20Color%20Menu%20in%20Surf%20Prop%20dialog.gif"> | SEQUENTIAL SURFACES (Lens Data Editor) |
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Object Properties dialog - Object Color" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Object%20Color%20Menu%20in%20Object%20Propr%20dialog.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2FObject%2520Color%2520Menu%2520in%2520Object%2520Propr%2520dialog.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Object%20Color%20Menu%20in%20Object%20Propr%20dialog.gif"> | NON-SEQUENTIAL OBJECTS (Non-Sequential Component Editor) |
The colors are listed by number, but as you select a different number, the color is displayed to the right of the pull-down menu. This makes it easy to “preview” each color before choosing the desired color for that particular surface or object.
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There are 24 colors which are available in the menu at any given time. However, you have the flexibility to change the color which corresponds to each number, giving you the freedom to create an unlimited number of different colors available for use in Zemax.
These colors are controlled under the “Colors” tabs of the File > Preferences dialog. Each color is represented by a combination of values (ranging from 0 to 255) of the three primary colors, red, green, and blue. To change a color, simply type in the desired values for red, green and blue.
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Once you have change each color number to the desired color, click “Apply,” followed by the “OK” button. Note that you may “Reset” the colors to the defaults if you wish later on.
Now, the color numbers selected in the properties dialogs will correspond to the newly created colors. This can be very useful to create visually appealing plots with coordinating colors. In other cases, certain colors can be applied for emphasis, or to help distinguish certain features of your design.
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Opacity and Shaded Model Settings
Surfaces and Objects can also be made semi-transparent, which can make a significant improvement on almost any Shaded Model diagram. Without it, ray trajectories inside volumes would be unseen by the viewer, objects completely or partially inside of other objects would be invisible, and objects behind other objects could not be seen at various plot rotations.
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Prisms with no opacity" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/prisms%20without%20opacity.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2Fprisms%2520without%2520opacity.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/prisms%20without%20opacity.gif"> | 导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Prisms with opacity" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/prisms%20with%20opacity.gif" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/prisms%20with%20opacity.gif"> |
The opacity setting for each object or surface is right next to the Color setting in the Object or Surface Properties dialogs. An opacity of 100% means the object/surface is completely opaque, or non-transparent. An opacity of 0% is effectively the same as not drawing the object/surface altogether.
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Sometimes, it takes trial and error to achieve the desired opacity levels for each surface and object to make your graphic look as you so desire.
In addition to the surface specific settings, the Shaded Model and NSC Shaded Model have several settings which may be used to change the appearance of your diagram. For the Shaded Model of sequential systems, there are settings for sectional drawing, Radial Segments, Angular Segments, Brightness, Background, and Opacity.
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For creating “smoother” surfaces, the radial and angular segments may be increased. The Background will change the background color of the Shaded Model Layout, and can be set to a number of different colors, including the 24 different colors defined by the File > Preferences menu.
The brightness can be adjusted as well. A higher percentage will increase the brightness of the display.
In some cases, it is nice to be able to turn off the opacity settings without having to individually change the opacity for each individual surface via the Surface Properties dialog. Thus, the “Opacity” setting can be set to Ignore. Method 1 and Method 2 will use different algorithms to render the scene. Some systems are difficult for OpenGL to render when there are a mixture of opaque and transparent surfaces and objects. Simply choose whichever method yields the preferred rendering.
You may also choose to draw fractional segments of your elements via the “Draw Section” pull down menu in the settings of the Shaded Model. Sections can be chosen in quarter increments, ¼, ½, ¾, or Full.
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Full Aspheric Lens" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Asphere.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2FAsphere.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Asphere.gif"> | 导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Sectional Aspheric Lens" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/asphere%20sectional.gif" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/asphere%20sectional.gif"> |
With the assistance of other software applications, animations of any graphic in Zemax can be generated very easily. There are numerous image capture and animation software packages available, and we are neutral on which one you should buy and use. In this article, we have utilized Easy GIF Animator, an inexpensive and easy-to-use GIF animation software.
Easy GIF can take a set of images, called frames, and display them in a sequence with a specified delay to create an animation effect. An animated GIF file in Easy GIF Animator may be created from .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .BMP, .ICO, .EMF, and .WMF files. As Zemax can export graphics to .JPG, .BMP, .EMF, and .WMF formats, a series of images can be exported from Zemax and imported into Easy GIF Animator as frames for animation.
Each window can be exported one at a time manually, or you may use the power of ZPL to automate this process for you. ZPL includes several keywords which can export graphics from ZPL. These keywords mimic the exact GUI calls to export images.
The EXPORTBMP, EXPORTJPG, and EXPORTWMF will export any graphics window as a BMP, JPG, or Windows Metafile, respectively. One of these keywords, in combination with a string function ($STR), can export multiple images under different file names so that they can be loaded into your animation software.
For the purposes of demonstrating the automation of exporting images through ZPL, we will use a simple sequential file which has been constructed solely for the purposes of drawing a coated mirror. In conjunction with this file, a short macro will be used to export multiple JPEG images as the MIRROR is tilted about its Y axis. Both files are available for download at the last page of this article.
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="File Pointer" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/File%20Pointer.gif" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/File%20Pointer.gif"> | FILE: Coated MIRROR.ZMX |
The following macro sets the Tilt About Y parameter on the Coordinate Break Surface before the mirror in a FOR loop. For each tilt value, the Shaded Model window is updated and exported as a JPG file under a different filename.
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By importing the 36 images into Easy GIF Animator, we can create an animated rotation of the coated mirror for presentation purposes.
导出高质量图片与动画" style="list-style: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px solid currentColor;" alt="Coated Mirror Movie" src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Mirror%20Rotation%20movie.gif" action-data="http%3A%2F%2Fwww.radiantzemax.com%2Fcontent_images%2Fpresentation%2FMirror%2520Rotation%2520movie.gif" action-type="show-slide" real_src="http://www.radiantzemax.com/content_images/presentation/Mirror%20Rotation%20movie.gif">
With the assistance of ZPL and animation software, the possibilities for creating Zemax movies are endless, and will really attract the attention of your audience. As each animation package is different, we recommend consulting the product’s documentation for details on creating animations from files which have been exported by Zemax. As you may find in several of the Zemax Knowledgebase articles, there are any number of possibilities to creating your own animations from exported Zemax graphics.
Summary and References
There are various tools in Zemax which may be used to enhance the quality of your graphics for presentation purposes. Graphics may be copied and pasted into other applications, exported for external editing, annotated from within Zemax, and exported to generate animations. In addition, colors and opacities may be changed for each surface or object for professional design graphics.
1. http://www.taltech.com/support/entry/raster_vs_vector_images_and_how_they_relate_to_barcodes
2. Zemax Optical Design Program User’s Guide, Zemax Development Corporation
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原文发表在我的博客主页,转载请注明出处! 建议三十四:掌握字符串的基本用法 编程有两件事,一件是处理数值,另一件是处理字符串,在商业应用编程来说,处理字符串的代码超过八成,所以需要重点掌握. 首先有个 ...
- 怎样编写高质量的java代码
代码质量概述 怎样辨别一个项目代码写得好还是坏?优秀的代码和腐化的代码区别在哪里?怎么让自己写的代码既漂亮又有生命力?接下来将对代码质量的问题进行一些粗略的介绍.也请有过代码质量相关经验的朋友 ...
- KlayGE 4.4中渲染的改进(三):高质量无限地形
转载请注明出处为KlayGE游戏引擎,本文的永久链接为http://www.klayge.org/?p=2761 本系列的上一篇讲了DR中的一些改进.本篇开始将描述这个版本加入的新功能,高质量地形 ...
- 100个高质量Java开发者博客
ImportNew注:原文中还没有100个.作者希望大家一起来推荐高质量的Java开发博客,然后不段补充到这个列表.欢迎你也参与推荐优质的Java开发博客.(声明一下:我们的数学不是体育老师教的!:) ...
- 深入理解JavaScript系列(1):编写高质量JavaScript代码的基本要点
深入理解JavaScript系列(1):编写高质量JavaScript代码的基本要点 2011-12-28 23:00 by 汤姆大叔, 139489 阅读, 119 评论, 收藏, 编辑 才华横溢的 ...
- 编写高质量代码--改善python程序的建议(六)
原文发表在我的博客主页,转载请注明出处! 建议二十八:区别对待可变对象和不可变对象 python中一切皆对象,每一个对象都有一个唯一的标识符(id()).类型(type())以及值,对象根据其值能否修 ...
- 编写高质量代码--改善python程序的建议(八)
原文发表在我的博客主页,转载请注明出处! 建议四十一:一般情况下使用ElementTree解析XML python中解析XML文件最广为人知的两个模块是xml.dom.minidom和xml.sax, ...
- [数据结构] N皇后问题
代码: #include <iostream> #include <string.h> #include <algorithm> using namespace s ...
- 融云官方cordova示例使用指南
最近公司要在App里加IM功能,用融云IM.于是下载其cordova版示例:https://github.com/rongcloud/cordova-plugin-rongcloud-im-demo ...
- 采用动态代理方式调用WEB服务(转载+整理)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.T ...
- http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/306769.htm
事实上,很少有方法可以帮你做到.有些人可能会想到试着把Vim打造成C语言IDE的,比如c.vim:也有把Vim集成到Eclipse里的Eclim .但是我想要告诉你的是一个更加通用的,只用插件实现的方 ...
- 用puthivestreaming把hdfs里的数据流到hive表
全景图: 1. 创建hive表 CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS newsinfo.test( name STRING ) CLUSTERED BY (name)INTO 3 ...
- JavaScript获取onclick、onchange等事件的值
今天小菜处理下拉菜单级联问题时,想获取HTML标签中某个事件的内容,也就是值,比如从<select id="city" onchange="javascript:t ...
- paip.java 调用c++ dll so总结
paip.java 调用c++ dll so总结 ///////JNA (这个ms sun 的) 我目前正做着一个相关的项目,说白了JNA就是JNI的替代品,以前用JNI需要编译一层中间库,现在JNA ...
- paip.函数式编程方法概述以及总结
paip.函数式编程方法概述以及总结 1 函数式编程:函数式风格..很多命令式语言里支持函数式编程风格 1.1 起源 (图灵机,Lisp机器, 神经网络计算机) 1.2 函 ...
- Spring MVC 文件上传下载
本文基于Spring MVC 注解,让Spring跑起来. (1) 导入jar包:ant.jar.commons-fileupload.jar.connom-io.jar. (2) 在src/cont ...
- Django项目深入理解
python应用松耦合比方说,考虑有一个以前写的视图函数,这个函数显示当前日期和时间.如果我们想把它的URL 从原来的 /time/ 改变到/currenttime/ ,我们只需要快速的修改一下URL ...