English Training Material - 02
Jared: I'm glad you could come – and you're in for a treat. This is a great place.
Mike: Great! What do you recommend?
Jared: I always like to hear what the specials are first, since I find they're always delicious. Otherwise, the tenderloin is terrific, as is the rack of lamb.
Mike: I don't eat meat. Do they offer a good vegetarian option?
Jared: Oh, certainly. They've got great pastas, for example.
Mike: Terrific. Now, why did you want to meet her Jared? I haven't made any changes to my orders. Have you got something up your sleeve?
Jared: Ha, no, not at all. It's just been a while since we sat down and I was hoping to get an informal account update from you. What's new in the office?
Mike: Oh, nothing really. It looks like Cindy might be leaving, but that's up in the air …
In for a treat: Going to have a positive experience
Tenderloin: Good meat from side of pig or cow里肌肉,牛柳
Vegetarian: Someone who eats no meat or fish 1.素食主义(者)的2.只有蔬菜的,素菜的
Something up your sleeve: this means that you have a trick you're about to do 打主意
Account update: 最新消息
Up in the air: not decided or completely developed, undecided/uncertain about someone or something悬而未决,未定,尚无定论
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