

  1. 基于lua 5.2.3 封装实现一个可供其他lua脚本使用的功能模块,具体要求为:
  2. 1、实现一个标准的lua功能模块
  3. 2、封装json格式的数据与lua value间的互相转换功能
  4. 3、遵循json格式定义确保相同的数据源彼此转换后数据仍然一致
  5. 4、只允许使用lua内建基础库,不允许使用任何第三方开发库
  6. 5、有合理的注释和单元测试代码
  7. 6、独立完成此作业,对任何代码抄袭现象零容忍
  9. 基本要求:
  10. 提交lua代码文件名为json.lua,测试代码和文档(如果有)可以打一个包作为第二个附件提交
  11. json.lua中需要实现以下接口:
  12. function Marshal(json_str) return lua_val end
  13. function Unmarshal(lua_val) return "json_str" end
  15. 对基本要求的说明:
  16. 1lua版本要求5.2.3
  17. 2lua的空table统一转化成json的空object,而不是空array
  18. 3test case中的json_str符合ECMA-404 json格式标准
  19. 4Unmarshal传入的lua_val如果是table的话,不会有循环嵌套
  20. 5table如果是以array方式使用,转换如下:{[2]=1,[4]=1} == {nil,1,nil,1} <-> [null,1,null,1]
  21. 6table中有string key时,统一处理成hash table的格式,如:{1,2;a=3} -> {"1":1,"2":2","a":3}
  22. 7、不会出现类似 {1,2;["2"]="same key 2 in json"} 造成转换有歧义的table
  23. 8、Unicode转成lua字符串时,按lua的字符串格式 \xXX\xYY...
  24. 9、能成功转换的话,只需要return单个值
  26. 进阶要求:
  27. 对test case的错误进行检查,返回相应错误
  28. function Marshal(json_str) return nil, "error_type" end
  30. 基本测试方法:
  31. local json = require 'json'
  33. local test_result1 = json.Marshal('{"a":1}')
  34. local test_result2 = json.Unmarshal{ b="cd" }
  36. -- validate test_result1 & test_result2




首先这个问题是实现一个模块,在lua 5.1版开始,lua已经为模块和包定义了一系列的规则,我们需要使用table,函数,元表和环境来实现这些规则。其中lua提供了两个重要的函数实现这些规则,分别是require(使用模块函数)和module(创建模块函数)。


require "<模块名>"。其实这里require的功能感觉和dofile比较像,但是还是存在区别的,require详细的内容我目前也不是很理解,这里先略去。


  1. local modname = ...
  2. local M = {}
  3. _G[modname] = M
  4. package.loaded[modname] = M
  6. <setup for external access>
  8. setfenv(1,M)



  1. module(...,package.seeall)
  3. function Marshal(json_str)
  4. print(json_str)
  5. end
  7. function Unmarshal(lua_content)
  8. print(lua_content)
  9. end





json的语法非常的简单,数据在 名称/值 对中,数据由逗号分隔,花括号保存对象,方括号保存数组;




首先json数据是由对象 or 数组组成的基本结构;









所以会有两个dict进行转换; 关于unicode码的转换后面进行解释;

  1. json_to_lua = {
  2. ['\\"] = '"',
  3. ['\\/'] = '/',
  4. ['\\\\'] = '\\'
  5. ["\\t"] = "\t",
  6. ["\\f"] = "\f",
  7. ["\\r"] = "\r",
  8. ["\\n"] = "\n",
  9. ["\\b"] = "\b"
  10. }
  11. lua_json = {
  12. ['"'] = '\\"',
  13. ['\\'] = '\\\\',
  14. ['/'] = '\\/',
  15. ['\b'] = '\\b',
  16. ['\f'] = '\\f',
  17. ['\n'] = '\\n',
  18. ['\r'] = '\\r',
  19. ['\t'] = '\\t'
  20. }








a. Marsha1解析json字符串的接口,从第一个个字符开始遍历json字符串,position设置为1。

b. skipBlank函数跳过空格,tab,换行等空白字符;

c. 找到第一个有效字符,‘{’或者‘[’,分别继续调用decodeObject和decodeArray函数返回相应的内部lua table即可。如果不是这两个符号,则此json字符串存在格式错误。

  1. --two interface encode json or decode json
  2. function M.Marshal(json_str)
  4. local nowTime = os.time()
  6. --json must be json array or object
  7. local position = 1
  8. position = M.skipBlank(json_str,position)
  9. --null json string case
  10. local json_len = string.len(json_str)
  11. if position > json_len then
  12. return nil,[[null json string]]
  13. end
  14. --change to json object or json array
  15. --otherwise,invalid
  16. local c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  17. local res
  18. if c == [[{]] then
  19. res = M.decodeObject(json_str,position)
  20. elseif c == [[[]] then
  21. res = M.decodeArray(json_str,position)
  22. else
  23. res = nil,[[error that json no an object or array,invalid]]
  24. end
  26. M.MarshalTime = M.MarshalTime + os.time() - nowTime
  28. return res
  29. end









malformed pattern (missing ']'),error的错误,



  1. --skip the blank character
  2. --blank character include space,\n \r \t
  3. --params
  4. --[in] json_str : json string
  5. --[in] position : current position of the string
  6. --[out] the next of end position of the blank character
  7. function skipBlank(json_str,position)
  8. local blankcharacter = ' \t\r\n'
  9. local json_len = string.len(json_str)
  10. while position <= json_len do
  11. local c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  12. --malformed pattern (missing ']'),error
  13. if c == "[" then
  14. return position
  15. elseif string.find(blankcharacter,c) then
  16. position = position + 1
  17. else
  18. break
  19. end
  20. end
  21. return position
  22. end

解析json object


json object开始于 '{',结束于 '}',由key:value对组成,由 ',' 分隔;

不断的读取key , ':' , value 然后填入相应的lua table,返回lua table即可;

其中利用计数的方法保证 ',' 的语法正确;

  1. --decode from json object
  2. --begin with '{'
  3. --params
  4. --[in] json_str : json string
  5. --[in] position : current position of the string
  6. --[out] lua table , the next of end the end position of the string
  7. function decodeObject(json_str,position)
  8. local lua_object = {}
  9. local key,subobject,subarray,str,number,othervalue
  10. local c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  11. --check case
  12. if c ~= [[{]] then
  13. base.print [[error that object not start with { ]]
  14. return nil,[[error in decodeObject begin]]
  15. end
  16. position = position + 1
  17. position = skipBlank(json_str,position)
  18. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  19. if c == [[}]] then
  20. position = position + 1
  21. return lua_object,position
  22. end
  23. --then json array including {key:value,key:value,key:value,...}
  24. --key --> string
  25. --value including
  26. --string
  27. --number
  28. --object
  29. --array
  30. --true,false,nil
  31. ----------------------------------------------------------------
  32. local precount = -1
  33. local curcount = 0
  34. local json_len = string.len(json_str)
  35. while position <= json_len do
  36. position = skipBlank(json_str,position)
  37. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  38. --key:value
  39. if c == [[}]] then
  40. --object over
  41. if precount >= curcount then
  42. --,is adjace to ]
  43. base.print "error that , is adjace to }"
  44. return nil,"error that , is adjace to }"
  45. end
  46. break
  47. elseif c == [[,]] then
  48. --next key:value or over
  49. position = position + 1
  50. precount = precount + 1
  51. if 0 == curcount then
  52. --,is the first,error
  53. base.print [[error that , in key:value is the first]]
  54. return nil,[[error that , in key:value is the first]]
  55. end
  56. if precount >= curcount then
  57. --,is more than one
  58. base.print [[error that , in key:value is more than one]]
  59. return nil,[[error that , in key:value is more than one]]
  60. end
  61. elseif c == [["]] then
  62. --begin key:value
  63. key,position = decodeString(json_str,position)
  64. --:
  65. position = skipBlank(json_str,position)
  66. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  67. if c ~= [[:]] then
  68. base.print [[error,that object not key:value format]]
  69. return nil,[[error in decodeObject,format error]]
  70. else
  71. position = position + 1
  72. end
  73. --begin value
  74. position = skipBlank(json_str,position)
  75. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  76. if c == '[' then
  77. subarray,position = decodeArray(json_str,position)
  78. lua_object[key] = subarray
  79. elseif c == '{' then
  80. subobject,position = decodeObject(json_str,position)
  81. lua_object[key] = subobject
  82. elseif c == [["]] then
  83. str,position = decodeString(json_str,position)
  84. lua_object[key] = str
  85. elseif string.find([[+-0123456789.e]],c) then
  86. number,position = decodeNumber(json_str,position)
  87. lua_object[key] = number
  88. else
  89. othervalue,position = decodeOther(json_str,position)
  90. if othervalue then
  91. lua_object[key] = othervalue
  92. end
  93. end
  94. if not lua_object[key] then
  95. base.print [[error in json object key:value --> value,can't get value]]
  96. return nil,[[error in decodeObject value]]
  97. else
  98. curcount = curcount + 1
  99. end
  100. --end value
  101. else
  102. base.print [[error json format]]
  103. return nil,[[error json format,in decodeObject end]]
  104. end
  105. end
  106. return lua_object,position + 1
  107. end

解析json array

json array的解析开始于 '[' 符号,结束于 ']' 符号,value值之间利用 ',' 隔开;

创建一个lua table,针对value值利用 t[#t+1] = value插入新的值,新的值根据符号调用相应的decode方法即可,

其中为了确保json语法错误被检测出来,利用计数的方法保证 ',' 语法的正确;

  1. --decode from json array
  2. --begin with '['
  3. --params
  4. --[in] json_str : json string
  5. --[in] position : current position of the string
  6. --[out] lua table , the next of end the end position of the string
  7. function decodeArray(json_str,position)
  8. local lua_array = {}
  9. local c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  10. --check case
  11. if c ~= [[[]] then
  12. base.print [[error that array not start with [ ]]
  13. return nil,[[error in decodeArray begin]]
  14. end
  15. position = position + 1
  16. position = skipBlank(json_str,position)
  17. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  18. if c == ']' then
  19. position = position + 1
  20. return lua_array,position
  21. end
  22. --then json array including [value,value,value...]
  23. --value including
  24. --string
  25. --number
  26. --object
  27. --array
  28. --true,false,nil
  29. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. --about [,] or ["hello",] or [,"hello"] or ["hello",,"world"] check error
  31. --using pre count & cur count to find this
  32. local precount = -1
  33. local curcount = 0
  34. local json_len = string.len(json_str)
  35. while position <= json_len do
  36. position = skipBlank(json_str,position)
  37. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  38. if c == '[' then
  39. subarray,position = decodeArray(json_str,position)
  40. lua_array[#lua_array+1] = subarray
  41. curcount = curcount + 1
  42. elseif c == '{' then
  43. subobject,position = decodeObject(json_str,position)
  44. lua_array[#lua_array+1] = subobject
  45. curcount = curcount + 1
  46. elseif c == [["]] then
  47. str,position = decodeString(json_str,position)
  48. lua_array[#lua_array+1] = str
  49. curcount = curcount + 1
  50. elseif string.find([[+-0123456789.e]],c) then
  51. number,position = decodeNumber(json_str,position)
  52. lua_array[#lua_array+1] = number
  53. curcount = curcount + 1
  54. elseif c == ']' then
  55. --there is some bugs,which is end with ,
  56. if precount >= curcount then
  57. --,is adjace to ]
  58. base.print "error that , is adjace to ]"
  59. return nil,"error that , is adjace to ]"
  60. end
  61. break
  62. elseif c == ',' then
  63. --there is some bugs,which is begin with ,
  64. position = position + 1
  65. precount = precount + 1
  66. if 0 == curcount then
  67. --,is the first,error
  68. base.print [[error that , is the first]]
  69. return nil,[[error that , is the first]]
  70. end
  71. if precount >= curcount then
  72. --,is more than one
  73. base.print [[error that , is more than one]]
  74. return nil,[[error that , is more than one]]
  75. end
  76. else
  77. othervalue,position = decodeOther(json_str,position)
  78. lua_array[#lua_array+1] = othervalue
  79. curcount = curcount + 1
  80. end
  81. end
  83. if position > json_len then
  84. base.print 'error that array not end with ]'
  85. return nil,[[error in decodeArray end]]
  86. end
  87. c = string.sub(json_str,position,position)
  88. if c ~= ']' then
  89. base.print 'error that array not end with ]'
  90. return nil,[[error in decodeArray end]]
  91. end
  92. position = position + 1
  93. return lua_array,position
  94. end 

解析json string



  1. --decode json string,include json key of key/value and the string value
  2. --begin with ' " '
  3. --params
  4. --[in] json_str : json string
  5. --[in] position : current position of the string
  6. --[out] lua string , the next of end the end position of the string
  7. function M.decodeString(json_str,position)
  9. nowTime = os.time()
  11. local endposition = position + 1
  12. local json_len = string.len(json_str)
  13. while endposition <= json_len and ( [["]] ~= string.sub(json_str,endposition,endposition) or [[\]] == string.sub(json_str,endposition - 1,endposition - 1) ) do
  14. endposition = endposition + 1
  15. end
  16. local str = string.sub(json_str,position + 1,endposition - 1)
  18. --process str
  20. str = string.gsub(str,'\\u....',function (tstr)
  21. local a = string.sub(tstr,3,6)
  22. local n = tonumber(a,16)
  23. local x
  24. if n < 0x80 then
  25. x = string.char(n % 0x80)
  26. elseif n < 0x800 then
  27. -- [110x xxxx] [10xx xxxx]
  28. x = string.char(0xC0 + (math.floor(n/64) % 0x20), 0x80 + (n % 0x40))
  29. else
  30. -- [1110 xxxx] [10xx xxxx] [10xx xxxx]
  31. x = string.char(0xE0 + (math.floor(n/4096) % 0x10), 0x80 + (math.floor(n/64) % 0x40), 0x80 + (n % 0x40))
  32. end
  33. return x
  34. end
  35. )
  36. str = string.gsub(str,'\\.',escapeSequences)
  37. return str,endposition + 1
  38. end


  1. local ecapses = {
  2. ['"'] = '\\"',
  3. ['\\'] = '\\\\',
  4. ['/'] = '\\/',
  5. ['\b'] = '\\b',
  6. ['\f'] = '\\f',
  7. ['\n'] = '\\n',
  8. ['\r'] = '\\r',
  9. ['\t'] = '\\t'
  10. }
  11. function encodeString(s)
  12. return string.gsub(s,'.',function(c) return ecapses[c] end)
  13. end
  15. local escapeSequences = {
  16. ["\\t"] = "\t",
  17. ["\\f"] = "\f",
  18. ["\\r"] = "\r",
  19. ["\\n"] = "\n",
  20. ["\\b"] = "\b"
  21. }
  22. setmetatable(escapeSequences, {__index = function(t,k)
  23. -- skip "\" aka strip escape
  24. return string.sub(k,2)
  25. end})

解析json number


  1. --decode json number
  2. --the valid number of json,include float,int and so on
  3. --[in] json_str : json string
  4. --[in] position : current position of the string
  5. --[out] lua number , the next of end the end position of the string
  6. function decodeNumber(json_str,position)
  7. --string to number,lua have this function - tonumber
  8. local acceptCharacter = [[+-0123456789.e]]
  9. if not string.find(acceptCharacter,string.sub(json_str,position,position)) then
  10. base.print [[error that string not start with " ]]
  11. return nil,[[error in decodeNumber begin]]
  12. end
  13. --find the endposition
  14. local endposition = position
  15. local json_len = string.len(json_str)
  16. while endposition <= json_len and string.find(acceptCharacter,string.sub(json_str,endposition,endposition)) do
  17. endposition = endposition + 1
  18. end
  19. local number = base.tonumber(string.sub(json_str,position,endposition - 1))
  20. if not number then
  21. base.print [[error in number format]]
  22. return nil,[[error in decodeNumber end]]
  23. end
  24. return number,endposition
  25. end 



  1. --decode other json value
  2. --include boolean value(true,false) or null
  3. --[in] json_str : json string
  4. --[in] position : current position of the string
  5. --[out] lua boolean or nil , the next of end the end position of the string
  6. function decodeOther(json_str,position)
  7. --true,false,null,
  8. --three value
  9. -- "true" --> true
  10. -- "false"--> false
  11. -- "null" --> nil
  12. OtherString = {"true","false","null"}
  13. JsonLua = { ["true"] = true,["false"] = false,["null"] = nil }
  14. for i = 1,#OtherString do
  15. local str = OtherString[i]
  16. if string.sub(json_str,position,position + string.len(str) - 1) == str then
  17. return JsonLua[str],position + string.len(str)
  18. end
  19. end
  20. base.print [[error,invalid json other,not true,false,null]]
  21. return nil,[[error in decodeOther end]]
  22. end


这部分比较简单,也存在一种可能是我考虑的比较简单,目前感觉实现还是正确的,因为我在debug上面的时候实现了一个printLua函数,打印json转换为lua table的内部结构;




  1. --this function check lua_table is array or is an object
  2. --compare to json
  3. --if there exists one key/value in the lua_table,it's an object,otherwise,it's an array
  4. --[in] lua_table : table type in lua
  5. --[out] boolean and maxnumber of array : true indicate that the lua table is an array,false indicate that the lua table is an key/value table
  6. function LuaArray(lua_table)
  7. --if lua_table is an array,it imply that all its key's type is number
  8. --if lua_table is an key/value table,imply that there exists string type in its keys
  9. --so just check all its key type
  10. local isarray = true
  11. local maxindex = 0
  12. for k,_ in base.pairs(lua_table) do
  13. if base.type(k) ~= [[number]] then
  14. isarray = false
  15. break
  16. elseif base.type(k) == [[number]] and (math.floor(k) ~= k or k < 1) then
  17. isarray = false
  18. break
  19. else
  20. maxindex = math.max(maxindex,k)
  21. end
  22. end
  23. return isarray,maxindex
  24. end
  25. --for test lua Table
  26. --output lua table
  27. --format output table
  28. function printLuaTable(luaT,space)
  29. local ss = string.rep([[ ]],space)
  30. local isarray,alen = LuaArray(luaT)
  31. if isarray then
  32. io.write(ss .. '[\n')
  33. for i = 1,alen do
  34. io.write(ss .. [[ ]])
  35. if base.type(luaT[i]) == "boolean" then
  36. if luaT[i] then
  37. io.write('true\n')
  38. else
  39. io.write('false\n')
  40. end
  41. elseif base.type(luaT[i]) == "number" then
  42. io.write(luaT[i] .. '\n')
  43. elseif base.type(luaT[i]) == "string" then
  44. io.write(luaT[i] .. '\n')
  45. elseif base.type(luaT[i]) == "nil" then
  46. io.write('nil\n')
  47. else
  48. printLuaTable(luaT[i],space + 4)
  49. end
  50. end
  51. io.write(ss .. ']\n')
  52. else
  53. io.write(ss .. '{\n')
  54. for k,v in base.pairs(luaT) do
  55. local str = [[ ]] .. k .. ':'
  56. io.write(ss .. str)
  57. if base.type(v) == "boolean" then
  58. if v then
  59. io.write('true\n')
  60. else
  61. io.write('false\n')
  62. end
  63. elseif base.type(v) == "number" then
  64. io.write(v .. '\n')
  65. elseif base.type(v) == "string" then
  66. io.write(v .. '\n')
  67. else
  68. printLuaTable(v,space + 4)
  69. end
  70. end
  71. end
  72. io.write(ss .. '}\n')
  73. end


  1. --[out] json string
  2. function Unmarshal(lua_content)
  3. --like output lua_content
  4. --like printLuaTable
  5. --using table concat
  6. result = {}
  7. Unmarsha1Helper(lua_content,result)
  8. return table.concat(result)
  9. end
  10. --[in] lua_content:decode json to lua table
  11. --[in] result:table that convert to json string
  12. --like printLuaTable , all the element insert into result
  13. function Unmarsha1Helper(lua_content,result)
  14. if base.type(lua_content) ~= "table" then
  15. base.print [[error that lua_content is not table]]
  16. return nil,[[error in Unmarsha1Helper end]]
  17. end
  18. local isarray,arraylen = LuaArray(lua_content)
  19. if isarray and arraylen >= 1 then
  20. --array
  21. result[#result+1] = '['
  22. for i = 1,arraylen do
  23. if base.type(lua_content[i]) == "boolean" then
  24. if lua_content[i] then
  25. result[#result+1] = [[true]]
  26. else
  27. result[#result+1] = [[false]]
  28. end
  29. elseif base.type(lua_content[i]) == "number" then
  30. result[#result+1] = '' .. lua_content[i]
  31. elseif base.type(lua_content[i]) == "string" then
  32. result[#result+1] = [["]] .. lua_content[i] .. [["]]
  33. elseif base.type(lua_content[i]) == "nil" then
  34. result[#result+1] = "null"
  35. else
  36. Unmarsha1Helper(lua_content[i],result)
  37. end
  38. result[#result+1] = ','
  39. end
  40. if result[#result] == ',' then
  41. result[#result] = nil
  42. end
  43. result[#result+1] = ']'
  44. else
  45. --object
  46. result[#result+1] = [[{]]
  47. for k,v in base.pairs(lua_content) do
  48. result[#result+1] = '"' .. k .. '"' .. ':'
  49. if base.type(v) == "boolean" then
  50. if v then
  51. result[#result+1] = [[true]]
  52. else
  53. result[#result+1] = [[false]]
  54. end
  55. elseif base.type(v) == "number" then
  56. result[#result+1] = '' .. v
  57. elseif base.type(v) == "string" then
  58. result[#result+1] = [["]] .. v .. [["]]
  59. elseif base.type(v) == "nil" then
  60. result[#result+1] = "null"
  61. else
  62. Unmarsha1Helper(v,result)
  63. end
  64. result[#result+1] = ','
  65. end
  66. if result[#result] == ',' then
  67. result[#result] = nil
  68. end
  69. result[#result+1] = [[}]]
  70. end
  71. end









Unicode符号范围 | UTF-8编码方式
(十六进制) | (二进制)
0000 0000-0000 007F | 0xxxxxxx
0000 0080-0000 07FF | 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx
0000 0800-0000 FFFF | 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx
0001 0000-0010 FFFF | 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx



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