错误#1 09:31 2015/1/26上班查看ERRORLOG发现下面错误信息


错误#2 09:12 2015/2/3查看ERRORLOG发现下面错误信息

  1. 2015-02-02 14:17:26.860 spid17s last target outstanding: 34, avgWriteLatency 39
  2. 2015-02-02 14:17:26.860 spid17s average throughput: 9.24 MB/sec, I/O saturation: 106576, context switches 129278
  3. 2015-02-02 14:17:26.860 spid17s FlushCache: cleaned up 226310 bufs with 130434 writes in 191380 ms (avoided 2162 new dirty bufs) for db 8:0
  4. 2015-02-02 14:13:15.440 spid17s last target outstanding: 22, avgWriteLatency 39
  5. 2015-02-02 14:13:15.440 spid17s average throughput: 8.95 MB/sec, I/O saturation: 122804, context switches 149938
  6. 2015-02-02 14:13:15.440 spid17s FlushCache: cleaned up 241867 bufs with 148070 writes in 211176 ms (avoided 56202 new dirty bufs) for db 8:0
  7. 2015-02-02 14:08:44.240 spid17s last target outstanding: 38, avgWriteLatency 46
  8. 2015-02-02 14:08:44.240 spid17s average throughput: 8.50 MB/sec, I/O saturation: 107919, context switches 134933
  9. 2015-02-02 14:08:44.240 spid17s FlushCache: cleaned up 223765 bufs with 132996 writes in 205704 ms (avoided 47781 new dirty bufs) for db 8:0
  10. 2015-02-02 14:04:18.450 spid17s last target outstanding: 34, avgWriteLatency 34
  11. 2015-02-02 14:04:18.450 spid17s average throughput: 7.95 MB/sec, I/O saturation: 98751, context switches 122963
  12. 2015-02-02 14:04:18.430 spid17s FlushCache: cleaned up 170467 bufs with 115321 writes in 167445 ms (avoided 41854 new dirty bufs) for db 8:0


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