graph | Max flow
1. BFS找到一条增广路径;算出这条路径的最小流量(所有边的最小值)increase;
2. 然后更新路径上的权重(流量),正向边加上increase,反向边减去increase;
3. 重复1,直到没有增广路径;
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; class Maxflow {
public: Maxflow() {}
~Maxflow() {
if (pre) delete[] pre;
if (flow) delete[] flow;
if (weight) {
for (int i = ; i < vertices; ++i) {
delete[] weight[i];
delete[] weight;
void readGraph(string filename) {
freopen(filename.c_str(), "r", stdin);
int edges;
scanf("%d %d", &vertices, &edges);
pre = new int[vertices];
flow = new int[vertices];
memset(flow, , vertices * sizeof(int));
weight = new int*[vertices];
for (int i = ; i < vertices; ++i) {
weight[i] = new int[vertices];
memset(weight[i], , vertices * sizeof(int));
} for (int i = ; i < edges; ++i) {
int v1, v2, w;
scanf("%d %d %d", &v1, &v2, &w);
weight[v1 - ][v2 - ] = w;
} int maxFlow() {
int start = , end = vertices - ;
int max = ;
int increase = ;
while ((increase = bfs(start, end)) != ) {
int p = end;
while (p != start) {
int b = pre[p];
weight[b][p] -= increase;
weight[p][b] += increase;
p = b;
max += increase;
return max;
int bfs(int start, int end) {
memset(pre, -, vertices * sizeof(int));
vector<vector<int> > layers();
int cur = , next = ;
flow[start] = INT_MAX; while (!layers[cur].empty()) {
for (int i = ; i < layers[cur].size(); ++i) {
int v1 = layers[cur][i];
for (int v2 = ; v2 < vertices; ++v2) {
if (weight[v1][v2] <= || pre[v2] != -) continue;
pre[v2] = v1;
flow[v2] = min(flow[v1], weight[v1][v2]);
if (v2 == end) return flow[v2];
} cur = !cur;
next = !next;
return ;
int* pre;
int** weight;
int* flow;
int vertices;
}; int main() {
Maxflow maxflow;
cout<< maxflow.maxFlow() << endl;
return ;
sample input:
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