A PHP extension for Facebook's RocksDB
 branch: master 


RocksDB PHP Extension

RocksDB is a new embedded database for storing key-value pairs developed by Facebook. This project hosts a PHP extension for RocksDB. More information on RocksDB can be found here:


Simple Example

$rocksdb = new RocksDB("my_rocksdb_file");
$result = $rocksdb->Open(true);
die("Unable to open rocksdb!"); $rocksdb->Put("my_awesome_key", "my_awesome_value");
$value = $rocksdb->Get("my_awesome_key"); echo $value . "\n";

Check test/test.php for more examples.


RocksDB is said to compile on Linux and Mac OS X. So far, I haven't seen anyone getting it to build on Windows, but it should work. My build environment is:

  • Ubuntu 13.10 x64
  • GCC 4.8.1

All documentation, instructions and guides assume my configuration. If you were able to get it working on another platform, please let me know.


I use a custom version of PHP-CPP, because I added basic exception support. Please checkout the fork, until my pull request has been accepted:

git clone https://github.com/Photonios/PHP-CPP


Building RocksDB PHP Extension

Before trying to build the RocksDB PHP extension, make sure you have installed all dependencies listed below. After that, you can simply checkout the code:

git clone https://github.com/Photonios/rocksdb-php.git

Then, run make:


The PHP extension, which is a shared/dynamiclly linked library can be found in the bin directory.

Building PHP

The RocksDB PHP extension is being written against PHP 5.5.3. To be able to build the RocksDB PHP extension, you need to install the following packages:

sudo apt-get install php5-dev
sudo apt-get install php5-cli

Building PHP-CPP

PHP-CPP is a C++ library which makes developing PHP extensions from C++ possible. It's also, way easier then using the native PHP C API. PHP-CPP can be found here:


To build, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/EmielBruijntjes/PHP-CPP.git php-cpp

Go into the 'php-cpp' directory and run:


After that, 'libphpcpp.so' should be present in the 'src' directory. To install the library, do one of the following thins:

  • Add the path where you cloned PHP-CPP to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/path/to/php-cpp/src)
  • Create a new file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d with the .conf extension, where the path to the PHP-CPP src directory is on a single line
  • Copy the file libphpcpp.so to /usr/lib

Building RocksDB

To build the RocksDB PHP Extension, you first need to build RocksDB. Clone the RocksDB git repository using:

git clone https://github.com/facebook/rocksdb.git

To be able to build RocksDB, you first need to install all dependencies, this can be done using apt-get:

sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
sudo apt-get install libgflags2
sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev

Or run:

sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libgflags2 libgflags-dev

After you've install all dependencies, you can simply run:

make clean

To build and run all unit tests:

make check

To install the RocksDB library you can do either of these three things:

  • Add the path where you cloned RocksDB to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH+=/path/to/rocksdb)
  • Create a new file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d with the .conf extension, where the path to RocksDB is on a single line
  • Copy the files librocksdb.a and libmemenv.a to /usr/lib

Choose whatever you like :)


After you build the RocksDB PHP extension, you should have a .so file in the bin directory. Execute:

php --ini

To find out where your PHP configuration file is located. It should output something liek this:

Loaded Configuration File:         /etc/php5/cli/php.ini

Find the line that starts with extension=, if it's commented out, uncomment it and set the path to your extension, like this:


Then, enjoy :D

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