







 #include <iostream>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <queue>
#define MAX_N 310
#define MIN(a,b) a<b?a:b using namespace std; void Search(const int);
void Inivilize_dir(void); pair<int, int>dir[];
static int dp[MAX_N + ][MAX_N + ];
static int map[MAX_N + ][MAX_N + ]; void Inivilize_dir(void)
dir[].first = -; dir[].second = ;
dir[].first = ; dir[].second = ;
dir[].first = ; dir[].second = -;
dir[].first = ; dir[].second = ;
} int main(void)
int M, tx, ty, drop_time,ttx, tty;
while (~scanf("%d", &M))
memset(map, -, sizeof(map)); for (int i = ; i < M; i++)
scanf("%d%d%d", &tx, &ty, &drop_time);
if (map[tx][ty] != -)
map[tx][ty] = MIN(map[tx][ty], drop_time);//最早炸毁时间
else map[tx][ty] = drop_time;
for (int j = ; j < ; j++)//周围四个点都要
ttx = tx + dir[j].first; tty = ty + dir[j].second;
if (ttx >= && ttx <= MAX_N
&& tty >= && tty <= MAX_N//坐标在矩阵内
if (map[ttx][tty] != -)
map[ttx][tty] = MIN(map[ttx][tty], drop_time);
else map[ttx][tty] = drop_time;
if (map[][] == )
cout << - << endl;
else if (map[][] == -)//开始都打不到还考虑什么,不动
cout << << endl;
else Search(M);
return ;
} void Search(const int M)
int ttx, tty, tx, ty;
queue<pair<int, int>>que;
pair<int, int>tmp, d_tmp;
while (!que.empty())
tmp = que.front(); que.pop();
tx = tmp.first; ty = tmp.second; for (int j = ; j < ; j++)
ttx = tx + dir[j].first; tty = ty + dir[j].second;
if (ttx >= && ttx <= MAX_N
&& tty >= && tty <= MAX_N//坐标在矩阵内
if (map[ttx][tty] == -)//如果找到安全位置,则更新最短距离
cout << dp[tx][ty] + << endl;
if (dp[tx][ty] + <= map[ttx][tty] - )//如果都比这个时间大,那肯定被炸死了
dp[ttx][tty] = dp[tx][ty] + ;
d_tmp.first = ttx; d_tmp.second = tty;
map[ttx][tty] = dp[ttx][tty];
cout << - << endl;

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