The good seaman is known in bad weather.


You can't be afraid to fail. It's the only way you succeed, you are not gonna succeed all the time, and I know that.

Yes, we can't win all the time, we all have hard times, which can be seen as the tests of life.

Just as the strong wind can reveal which grass is the strongest, the hard times can reveal who is the real strong person.

But it can't be hard all the time, otherwise the one who is the potential winner may be defeated by the feeling of frustration.


True life is lived when tiny changes occur.


All the big changes are constituted by tiny ones.

We all hope our life can have a big change, but what really give us the confidence of life may be just the tiny ones that lead to the big changes.

If you haven't seen the figure of big change you expect, just start to get tiny ones.

That may be easier and can enhance your confidence in yourself and your life.

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