
  * @link http://www.yiiframework.com/
  * @copyright Copyright (c) 2008 Yii Software LLC
  * @license http://www.yiiframework.com/license/

 namespace yii\base;

  * Event is the base class for all event classes.
  * Event 是所有事件类的基类,是对Component的深化
  * It encapsulates the parameters associated with an event.
  * The [[sender]] property describes who raises the event.
  * And the [[handled]] property indicates if the event is handled.
  * If an event handler sets [[handled]] to be true, the rest of the
  * uninvoked handlers will no longer be called to handle the event.
  * Additionally, when attaching an event handler, extra data may be passed
  * and be available via the [[data]] property when the event handler is invoked.
  * @author Qiang Xue <qiang.xue@gmail.com>
  * @since 2.0
 class Event extends Object
      * @var string the event name. This property is set by [[Component::trigger()]] and [[trigger()]].
      * Event handlers may use this property to check what event it is handling.
      * 事件的名字,通过[[Component::trigger()]] 和 [[trigger()]]方法设置,事件处理程序通过这个属性类检查处理的事件
     public $name;
      * @var object the sender of this event. If not set, this property will be
      * set as the object whose "trigger()" method is called.
      * This property may also be a `null` when this event is a
      * class-level event which is triggered in a static context.
      * 触发事件的对象,如果未设置,则设置为调用"trigger()"方法的对象,如果是在静态环境下触发的类级别的事件,怎为空
     public $sender;
      * @var boolean whether the event is handled. Defaults to false.
      * When a handler sets this to be true, the event processing will stop and
      * ignore the rest of the uninvoked event handlers.
      * 记录事件是否已被处理,当 handled 被设置为 true 时,执行到这个 event 的时候,会停止,并忽略剩下的 event
     public $handled = false;
      * @var mixed the data that is passed to [[Component::on()]] when attaching an event handler.
      * Note that this varies according to which event handler is currently executing.
      * 事件加载时传入的数据,对应当前执行的事件处理程序
     public $data;

      * @var array contains all globally registered event handlers.
      * 存储所有的 event,因为是 static 的属性,所有的 event 对象/类都共享这一份数据
     private static $_events = [];

      * Attaches an event handler to a class-level event.
      * 为一个类添加事件
      * When a class-level event is triggered, event handlers attached
      * to that class and all parent classes will be invoked.
      * For example, the following code attaches an event handler to `ActiveRecord`'s
      * `afterInsert` event:
      * ```php
      * Event::on(ActiveRecord::className(), ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT, function ($event) {
      *     Yii::trace(get_class($event->sender) . ' is inserted.');
      * });
      * ```
      * The handler will be invoked for EVERY successful ActiveRecord insertion.
      * For more details about how to declare an event handler, please refer to [[Component::on()]].
      * @param string|object $class 定义的类级别的对象或者类名称.
      * @param string $name 事件名
      * @param callable $handler 事件处理程序.
      * @param mixed $data 数据.
      * When the event handler is invoked, this data can be accessed via [[Event::data]].
      * @param boolean $append whether to append new event handler to the end of the existing
      * handler list. If false, the new handler will be inserted at the beginning of the existing
      * handler list.
      * @see off()
     public static function on($class, $name, $handler, $data = null, $append = true)
          // 去掉 class 最左边的斜线
         $class = ltrim($class, '\\');
         if ($append || empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {
             // 如果 append 为true,就放到 $_events 中名字为 $name 的数组的最后
             self::$_events[$name][$class][] = [$handler, $data];
         } else {
             array_unshift(self::$_events[$name][$class], [$handler, $data]);

      * Detaches an event handler from a class-level event.
      * [[on()]]方法的反方法,移除一个类的事件
      * This method is the opposite of [[on()]].
      * @param string|object $class 定义的类级别的对象或者类名称.
      * @param string $name 事件名
      * @param callable $handler 事件处理程序.
      * If it is null, all handlers attached to the named event will be removed.
      * @return boolean whether a handler is found and detached.
      * @see on()
     public static function off($class, $name, $handler = null)
         // 去掉 class 最左边的斜线
         $class = ltrim($class, '\\');
         if (empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {
             // 如果不存在该事件,返回false
             return false;
         if ($handler === null) {
             // 如果 handler 为空,也就是没有规定移除的事件处理程序,直接将该事件移除,即移出所有的是这个名字的事件
             return true;
         } else {
             $removed = false; //移除标记
             // 如果 $handler 不为空,遍历 $_events 找到相应的 handler,只移除这个 handler 和 data 组成的数组
             foreach (self::$_events[$name][$class] as $i => $event) {
                 if ($event[0] === $handler) {
                     $removed = true;
             if ($removed) {
                 self::$_events[$name][$class] = array_values(self::$_events[$name][$class]);

             return $removed;

      * Returns a value indicating whether there is any handler attached to the specified class-level event.
      * Note that this method will also check all parent classes to see if there is any handler attached
      * to the named event.
      * 检测在某个类或者对象是否具有某个事件/会同时检测父类
      * @param string|object $class 定义的类级别的对象或者类名称.
      * @param string $name 事件名
      * @return boolean whether there is any handler attached to the event.
     public static function hasHandlers($class, $name)
         if (empty(self::$_events[$name])) {
             return false;
         if (is_object($class)) {
             // 如果是一个 object,就获取其类名  get_class 内置函数,用于获取对象的方法
             $class = get_class($class);
         } else {
              // 如果是一个类名,就去掉 class 最左边的斜杠
             $class = ltrim($class, '\\');
         $classes = array_merge(
             class_parents($class, true),//获取父类的类名
             class_implements($class, true)//获取当前类和父类实现的所有接口类名
         foreach ($classes as $class) {
             if (!empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {
                 return true;

         return false;

      * Triggers a class-level event.
      * This method will cause invocation of event handlers that are attached to the named event
      * for the specified class and all its parent classes.
      * 触发某个类或者对象的某个事件/会同时作用于父类
      * @param string|object $class 定义的类级别的对象或者类名称.
      * @param string $name 事件名
      * @param Event $event the event parameter. If not set, a default [[Event]] object will be created.
     public static function trigger($class, $name, $event = null)
         if (empty(self::$_events[$name])) {
         if ($event === null) {
              // 构建Event对象,为传入到handler函数中做准备
             $event = new static;
         $event->handled = false;//事件是否被处理标志
         $event->name = $name;//事件名

         if (is_object($class)) {
             if ($event->sender === null) {
                 // 如果 $class 是个对象,并且是 sender 为空,就将 $class 赋给 sender,即 $class 就是触发事件的对象
                 $event->sender = $class;
             $class = get_class($class);//取得类名称
         } else {
             $class = ltrim($class, '\\');//去掉类名称左边的斜线
         $classes = array_merge(
             class_parents($class, true),
             class_implements($class, true)

         foreach ($classes as $class) {//遍历所有的类
             if (!empty(self::$_events[$name][$class])) {//找到符合条件的类
                 foreach (self::$_events[$name][$class] as $handler) {
                     $event->data = $handler[1];//设置data数据
                     call_user_func($handler[0], $event);//调用处理程序
                     if ($event->handled) {//事件是否被处理标志为真,结束执行


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