1. REM: Script to compile invalid objects in DB after refreshing
  2. REM:
  3. REM:*****************************************
  4. REM:
  6. REM: Author will not be responsible for any damage that may be cause by this script.
  7. REM:*****************************************
  9. set pagesize 0
  10. set feedback off
  11. set trimspool on
  12. prompt
  13. prompt Run the script as sysdba otherwise invalid objects will remain (ORA-01031 error)
  14. prompt
  15. prompt Run the script several times. It only takes long the first time
  16. prompt
  17. prompt check the progress of compilation by issueing from another session
  18. prompt select count(*) "invalid" from dba_objects where status <> 'VALID';
  19. prompt
  20. prompt hit <enter> to continue
  21. pause
  22. spool compile.lis
  23. select 'alter '||object_type||' '||owner||'.\"'||object_name||'\" compile;'
  24. from dba_objects
  25. where status<>'VALID'
  26. and object_type not in ('PACKAGE BODY','TYPE BODY','UNDEFINED','JAVA CLASS','SYNONYM')
  27. union
  28. select 'alter package '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile body;'
  29. from dba_objects
  30. where status<>'VALID'
  31. and object_type='PACKAGE BODY'
  32. union
  33. select 'alter type '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile body;'
  34. from dba_objects
  35. where status<>'VALID'
  36. and object_type='TYPE BODY'
  37. union
  38. select 'alter materialized view '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;'
  39. from dba_objects
  40. where status<>'VALID'
  41. and object_type='UNDEFINED'
  42. union
  43. select 'alter java class '||owner||'.\"'||object_name||'\" resolve;'
  44. from dba_objects
  45. where status<>'VALID'
  46. and object_type='JAVA CLASS'
  47. union
  48. select 'alter synonym '||owner||'.'||object_name||' compile;'
  49. from dba_objects
  50. where status<>'VALID'
  51. and object_type='SYNONYM'
  52. and owner<>'PUBLIC'
  53. union
  54. select 'alter public synonym '||object_name||' compile;'
  55. from dba_objects
  56. where status<>'VALID'
  57. and object_type='SYNONYM'
  58. and owner='PUBLIC';
  59. spool off
  60. set feedback on

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