1.一个package包含一个control flow并且一个或多个data flow.

(这个项目叫做 Integration services project,提供了三种不同类型的control flow 元件)

1.1 containers(provide structures in packages)

1.2 tasks(provide functionality)

1.3 precedence constraints (connect the executables, containers, and tasks into an ordered control flow)  优先限制

关于Control flow的更多相关文章

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  2. Control Flow 如何处理 Error

    在Package的执行过程中,如果在Data Flow中出现Error,那么Data Flow component能够将错误行输出,只需要在组件的ErrorOutput中进行简单地配置,参考<D ...

  3. Core Java Volume I — 3.8. Control Flow

    3.8. Control FlowJava, like any programming language, supports both conditional statements and loops ...

  4. SSIS ->> Control Flow And Data Flow

    In the Control Flow, the task is the smallest unit of work, and a task requires completion (success, ...

  5. Control Flow in Async Programs

    Control Flow in Async Programs You can write and maintain asynchronous programs more easily by using ...

  6. A swift Tour(2) Control Flow

    Control Flow 用 if 和 switch 来做条件语句,并且用for-in,for,while,和do-while做循环,条件和循环的括号是可以不写的,但是body外面的括号是必须写的 l ...

  7. [译]Stairway to Integration Services Level 9 - Control Flow Task Errors

    介绍 在本文中,我们会实验 MaximumErrorCount和ForceExecutioResult 故障容差属性,并且还要学习Control Flow task errors, event han ...

  8. 《CS:APP》 chapter 8 Exceptional Control Flow 注意事项

    Exceptional Control Flow The program counter assumes a sequence of values                            ...

  9. Asynchronous JS: Callbacks, Listeners, Control Flow Libs and Promises

    非常好的文章,讲javascript 的异步编程的. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...


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