#include <iostream> #include <cstring> #include <algorithm> #include <cstdio> #include <queue> #define oo 1000000000 #define lc(x) son[x][0] #define rc(x) son[x][1] using namespace std; int i,j,k,n,m,s,t,ans; ]; struct node { int set,rever; } tag[]; ][]; ]; ]; ]; ]; ]; ]; ]; ]; queue <int> q; int root,cnt,pos; void update(int x) { size[x] = size[lc(x)]+size[rc(x)]+; tsum[x] = tsum[lc(x)]+tsum[rc(x)]+key[x]; lmax[x] = max(lmax[lc(x)],tsum[lc(x)]+key[x]+lmax[rc(x)]); rmax[x] = max(rmax[rc(x)],tsum[rc(x)]+key[x]+rmax[lc(x)]); tmax[x] = max(max(tmax[lc(x)],tmax[rc(x)]),lmax[rc(x)]+key[x]+rmax[lc(x)]); } void Round(int x) { swap(lc(x),rc(x)); swap(lmax[x],rmax[x]); } void build(int l,int r,int &x) { if (l>r) { x = ; return; } if (l==r) { if (!q.empty()) { x = q.front(); q.pop(); } else x = ++cnt; tag[x].rever = ; tag[x].; key[x] = tsum[x] = tmax[x] = a[l]; lmax[x] = rmax[x] = max(,a[l]); size[x] = ; lc(x) = rc(x) = ; return; } ; if (!q.empty()) { x = q.front(); q.pop(); } else x = ++cnt; key[x] = a[mid]; tag[x].rever = ; tag[x].; lc(x) = rc(x) = ; build(l,mid-,lc(x)); build(mid+,r,rc(x)); ) fa[lc(x)] = x; ) fa[rc(x)] = x; update(x); } void pushdown(int x) { ) { tag[x].rever = ; tag[lc(x)].rever ^= ; tag[rc(x)].rever ^= ; Round(lc(x)); Round(rc(x)); } ) { ) { tag[lc(x)].set = tag[x].set; key[lc(x)] = tag[x].set; tsum[lc(x)] = tag[x].set*size[lc(x)]; ) tmax[lc(x)] = lmax[lc(x)] = rmax[lc(x)] = tsum[lc(x)]; else { tmax[lc(x)] = tag[x].set; lmax[lc(x)] = rmax[lc(x)] = ; } } ) { tag[rc(x)].set = tag[x].set; key[rc(x)] = tag[x].set; tsum[rc(x)] = tag[x].set*size[rc(x)]; ) tmax[rc(x)] = lmax[rc(x)] = rmax[rc(x)] = tsum[rc(x)]; else { tmax[rc(x)] = tag[x].set; lmax[rc(x)] = rmax[rc(x)] = ; } } tag[x].; } } int find(int x,int k) { pushdown(x); ==k) return x; else if (size[lc(x)]>=k) return find(lc(x),k); ); } void rotate(int x) { int y = fa[x],z = fa[y],w = lc(y)==x; pushdown(y); pushdown(x); fa[son[x][w]] = y;son[y][w^] = son[x][w]; fa[x] = z;) son[z][rc(z)==y] = x; son[x][w] = y;fa[y] = x; update(y); update(x); } void splay(int x,int s) { pushdown(x); while (fa[x]!=s) { int y = fa[x],z = fa[y]; if (z!=s) rotate(lc(z)==y^lc(y)==x?x:y); rotate(x); } update(x); ) root = x; } void insert(int pos) { int z; build(,n,z); int x = find(root,pos); ); splay(x,); splay(y,root); lc(y) = z; fa[z] = y; update(y); update(x); } void del(int x) { ) return; del(lc(x)); q.push(x); del(rc(x)); } void erase(int pos,int n) { ); int y = find(root,pos+n); splay(x,); splay(y,root); del(lc(y)); lc(y) = ; update(y); update(x); } int main() { scanf("%d%d",&n,&m); a[] = a[n+] = -oo; tmax[] = -oo; ;i<=n+;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); build(,n+,root); while (m--) { ]; scanf(); ]=='I') { scanf("%d%d",&pos,&n); ;i<=n;i++) scanf("%d",&a[i]); insert(pos+); } ]=='D') { scanf("%d%d",&pos,&n); erase(pos+,n); } ]==]=='K') { int c; scanf("%d%d%d",&pos,&n,&c); int x = find(root,pos); ); splay(x,); splay(y,root); tag[lc(y)].set = c; key[lc(y)] = c; tsum[lc(y)] = c*size[lc(y)]; ) tmax[lc(y)] = lmax[lc(y)] = rmax[lc(y)] = tsum[lc(y)]; else { tmax[lc(y)] = c; lmax[lc(y)] = rmax[lc(y)] = ; } update(y); update(x); } ]=='R') { scanf("%d%d",&pos,&n); int x = find(root,pos); ); splay(x,); splay(y,root); tag[lc(y)].rever ^= ; Round(lc(y)); update(y); update(x); } ]=='G') { scanf("%d%d",&pos,&n); int x = find(root,pos); ); splay(x,); splay(y,root); printf("%d\n",tsum[lc(y)]); } else printf("%d\n",tmax[root]); } ; }
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