JNA 如何 加载多个 存在依赖的 DLL 库
JNA 的出现,极大的简化了原有的 JNI 技术。下面是JNA github地址:https://github.com/java-native-access/jna
1. 简单的一个例子:
- /** Simple example of JNA interface mapping and usage. */
- public class HelloWorld {
- public interface CLibrary extends Library {
- CLibrary INSTANCE = (CLibrary)Native.loadLibrary((Platform.isWindows() ? "msvcrt" : "c"), CLibrary.class);
- void printf(String format, Object... args); // void printf(const char *format, [argument]);
- }
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- CLibrary.INSTANCE.printf("Hello, World\n");
- for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
- CLibrary.INSTANCE.printf("Argument %d: %s\n", i, args[i]);
- }
- }
- }
原理是,通过 CLibrary extends Libarary 在其中加载系统的 DLL/so 库,并列出Java要调用的DLL库函数,该函数到DLL库函数直接的映射有JNA来完成。
2. 如何使用 JNA 加载多个DLL库,而且它们之间存在依赖关系
Is there a way in JNA to load multiple libraries with Java?
I usually use Native.loadLibrary(...)
to load one DLL. But I guess its not working this way because I assign this function call to the instance member.
Let's say I have library foo
and library bar
. bar
has a dependency on foo
; it also has a dependency on baz
, which we are not mapping with JNA:
public class Foo {
public static final boolean LOADED;
static {
LOADED = true;
public static native void call_foo();
public class Bar {
static {
// Reference "Foo" so that it is loaded first
if (Foo.LOADED) {
// Or System.load("/path/to/libbaz.so")
public static native void call_bar();
The call to System.load/loadLibrary
will only be necessary if baz
is neither on your library load path (PATH
, for windows/linux respectively) nor in the same directory as bar
(windows only).
You can also do this via interface mapping:
public interface Foo extends Library {
Foo INSTANCE = (Foo)Native.loadLibrary("foo");
public interface Bar extends Library {
// Reference Foo prior to instantiating Bar, just be sure
// to reference the Foo class prior to creating the Bar instance
Bar INSTANCE = (Bar)Native.loadLibrary("bar");
3. 自己的代码例子:
- public class DDLTest {
- public static void main(String[] args){
- System.out.println(System.getProperty("java.library.path"));
- FingerLibrary.Fingerdll.ZAZCloseDeviceEx(-1);
- int r = ID_FprCap.fprCap.LIVESCAN_Init();
- ID_FprCap.fprCap.LIVESCAN_Close();
- ID_FprCap.fprCap.LIVESCAN_BeginCapture(1);
- ID_FprCap.fprCap.LIVESCAN_GetFPRawData(1, "aaaaaa");
- r = ID_Fpr.INSTANCE.FP_FeatureMatch("aaaaaaaaaaa", "aaaaaaaaaaa", (float)0.5);
- }
- public interface FingerLibrary extends Library {
- int FPDATASIZE = 256;
- int IMGWIDTH = 256;
- int IMGHEIGHT = 288;
- int IMGSIZE = 73728;
- // 窗口消息
- int WM_FPMESSAGE = 1024 + 120; // 自定义消息
- int FPM_DEVICE = 0x01; // 状态提示
- int FPM_PLACE = 0x02; // 请按手指
- int FPM_LIFT = 0x03; // 请抬起手指
- int FPM_CAPTURE = 0x04; // 采集图像
- int FPM_ENROLL = 0x06; // 登记指纹模版
- int FPM_GENCHAR = 0x05; // 采集特征点
- int FPM_NEWIMAGE = 0x07; // 指纹图像
- int RET_OK = 0x1;
- int RET_FAIL = 0x0;
- FingerLibrary Fingerdll = (FingerLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("ZAZAPIt", FingerLibrary.class);
- public int ZAZOpenDeviceEx(int[] hHandle, int nDeviceType, int iCom, int iBaud, int nPackageSize, int iDevNum);
- public int ZAZCloseDeviceEx(int handle);
- public int ZAZVfyPwd(int pHandle, int nAddr, byte[] pPassword);
- public int ZAZReadInfPage(int pHandle, int nAddr, byte[] pInf);
- public int ZAZReadIndexTable(int pHandle, int nAddr, int nPage, byte[] UserContent);
- // public int FP_FeatureMatch(String pFeatureData1, String pFeatureData2, float pfSimilarity);
- }
- public interface ID_Fpr extends Library {
- ID_Fpr INSTANCE = (ID_Fpr)Native.loadLibrary("ID_Fpr", ID_Fpr.class);
- // public int LIVESCAN_Init();
- public int FP_FeatureMatch(String pFeatureData1, String pFeatureData2, float pfSimilarity);
- //int __stdcall FP_FeatureMatch(unsigned char * pFeatureData1, //输入参数 指纹特征数据1
- // unsigned char * pFeatureData2, //输入参数 指纹特征数据2
- // float * pfSimilarity); //输出参数 匹配相似度值0.00-1.00
- // typedef int (__stdcall *FP_FeatureMatch)(unsigned char * pFeatureData1, //输入参数 指纹特征数据1
- // unsigned char * pFeatureData2, //输入参数 指纹特征数据2
- // float * pfSimilarity); //输出参数 匹配相似度值0.00-1.00
- }
- public interface ID_FprCap extends StdCallLibrary {
- ID_Fpr fpr = ID_Fpr.INSTANCE ;
- ID_FprCap fprCap = (ID_FprCap)Native.loadLibrary("ID_FprCap", ID_FprCap.class);
- public int LIVESCAN_Init(); //int __stdcall LIVESCAN_Init();
- public int LIVESCAN_Close(); //int __stdcall LIVESCAN_Close();
- public int LIVESCAN_BeginCapture(int nChannel);
- public int LIVESCAN_GetFPRawData(int nChannel, String pRawData);
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_BeginCapture( int nChannel );
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_GetFPRawData(int nChannel,unsigned char *pRawData);
- public int LIVESCAN_GetFPBmpData(int nChannel, String pBmpData);
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_GetFPBmpData(int nChannel, unsigned char *pBmpData);
- public int LIVESCAN_EndCapture(int nChannel);
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_EndCapture(int nChannel );
- public int LIVESCAN_IsSupportSetup();
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_IsSupportSetup();
- public int LIVESCAN_GetVersion();
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_GetVersion();
- public int LIVESCAN_GetDesc(String pszDesc);
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_GetDesc(char pszDesc[1024]);
- public int LIVESCAN_GetErrorInfo(int nErrorNo, String pszErrorInfo);
- // int __stdcall LIVESCAN_GetErrorInfo(int nErrorNo, char pszErrorInfo[256]);
- }
- }
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