How to Programmatically Impersonate Users in SharePoint
Sometimes when creating SharePoint web or console applications, you may need to execute specific code blocks in another user's context.
Impersonating users in SharePoint will require a couple of things:
- the account that the web or console app uses has privileges to impersonate other users (typically this would be the system account)
- specific users' user tokens
Step 1: Log in as the system account, or get a handle to the system account in your code
string //we just need to get a handle to the site for us //to get the system account user token SPSite tempSite = new SPUserToken systoken = tempSite.SystemAccount.UserToken; using { using { //right now, logged in as Site System Account Console.WriteLine("Currently logged in as: " web.CurrentUser.ToString()); //add your code here } } |
Step 2: Before you impersonate, get the user token of the user you are switching to. For example:
//get this current user's user token SPUserToken userToken = web.AllUsers[user].UserToken; //create an SPSite object in the context of this user SPSite s = new SPWeb w = s.OpenWeb(); Console.WriteLine("Currently logged in as: " w.CurrentUser.ToString() + "(" ); |
Complete code follows:
private { string SPSite tempSite = new SPUserToken systoken = tempSite.SystemAccount.UserToken; using { using { //right now, logged in as Site System Account Console.WriteLine("Currently logged in as: " web.CurrentUser.ToString()); switchUser(web, siteStr, "BlackNinjaSoftware/MatthewCarriere"); switchUser(web, siteStr, "BlackNinjaSoftware/ShereenQumsieh"); switchUser(web, siteStr, "BlackNinjaSoftware/DonabelSantos"); } } } private { //impersonate somebody else SPUserToken userToken = web.AllUsers[user].UserToken; SPSite s = new SPWeb w = s.OpenWeb(); Console.WriteLine("Currently logged in as: " w.CurrentUser.ToString() + "(" ); } |
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