1. class Node():
  2. def __init__(self,InitDate):
  3. self.Date=InitDate
  4. self.next=None
  5. def setNext(self,newnext):
  6. self.next=newnext
  7. def setDate(self,newDate):
  8. self.Date=newDate
  9. def getNext(self):
  10. return self.next
  11. def getDate(self):
  12. return self.Date
  13. class LinkedList():
  14. def __init__(self):
  15. self.head=None
  16. def isEmpty(self):
  17. return self.head==None
  18. def add(self,item):
  19. temp=Node(item)
  20. temp.setNext(self.head)
  21. self.head=temp
  22. def size(self):
  23. current=self.head
  24. count=0
  25. while(current!=None):
  26. count+=1
  27. current=current.getNext()
  28. return count
  29. def show(self):
  30. current=self.head
  31. while(current!=None):
  32. print current.getDate(),
  33. current=current.getNext()
  34. print " "
  35. def search(self,item):
  36. current=self.head
  37. found=False
  38. while not found and (current != None):
  39. if current.getDate()==item:
  40. found=True
  41. else:
  42. current=current.getNext()
  43. print found
  44. def remove(self,item):
  45. previous=None
  46. current=self.head
  47. found=False
  48. while not found and (current != None):
  49. if current.getDate()==item:
  50. found=True
  51. else:
  52. previous=current
  53. current=current.getNext()
  54. if found==False:
  55. print "not {0}".format(item)
  56. elif current==self.head:
  57. self.head=current.getNext()
  58. else:
  59. previous.setNext(current.getNext())
  60. def insert(self,index,item):
  61. previous=None
  62. current=self.head
  63. count=0
  64. temp=Node(item)
  65. if index>self.size():
  66. print "out index"
  67. elif index==0:
  68. temp.setNext(current)
  69. self.head=temp
  70. else:
  71. while index:
  72. index-=1
  73. previous=current
  74. current=current.getNext()
  75. previous.setNext(temp)
  76. temp.setNext(current)
  77. if __name__=="__main__":
  78. alist=LinkedList()
  79. for i in range(10):
  80. alist.add(i)
  81. alist.show()
  82. print alist.size()
  83. alist.remove(5)
  84. alist.show()
  85. alist.insert(7,110)
  86. alist.show()
  87. alist.search(110)


9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1 0
9 8 7 6 4 3 2 110 1 0


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